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Game Changing Random Events

Would you want to see this suggestion added to the MCSG Servers?

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Jun 16, 2013
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Before I try to explain and get my idea across, this doesn't entirely act as a scenario for the Quarter Quell game mode, but it could get incorporated into both game types. I will be listing the pros and cons of the idea at the bottom of the page, and feel free to suggest ideas that could improve the suggestion or what you don't like about the idea, as long as you do so in a constructive manner.

I've been playing MCSG for a while now, almost 1 year in fact. There is a problem that I've noticed when playing on all types of maps. The people who have survived the Cornucopia massacre normally stick to their chest routes for the entire game, avoiding players when possible until they are confident they can hunt other players when they are essentially decked. The majority of the time when there is a chest refill at the Cornucopia, teams occupy it most of the time. This makes it very difficult for players to win who may not be as skilled when fighting against teams and again have to stick to their chest route again for the other half of the game. Thus the cycle repeats. Which is why I suggest that Game Changing Events could help players have a chance against teams, and produce a much more exciting and engaging PvP game-play. Let me elaborate:

On Holiday Resort, most players who are familiar with this map know quite a lot of Tier 2 chests. The kill log during the game is recorded into the MCSG plug-in, it can determine how many people have died by a particular person. My idea is that if a person is teaming with another player or if a person has killed many people throughout that game, the game can announce that an item or mob has spawned that can be used or commanded by a player to help them win.

*The red rings in the picture are locations where the game changing event could occur.

I can already tell what your probably thinking, this will be extremely OP. Well, the idea is that this is a rare event, it simply won't happen every game. The item or mob that can be spawned will be located inside in a special chest that is hidden in completely random location or to an area that was previously impossible to access. And that the game does not tell players that are still alive where item/mobs exact location, but the plug in could give hints to where it is located like a Game Master. For example, the train tunnel located at the Holiday Resort Airport can have a door spawned that leads to the chest containing a powerful item or a mob that can act as your protector. This will mean that people are far are more likely to search in that area that has been hinted rather than sticking to their chest routes.

Another suggestion is that every Tier 2 Chest could rigged with TNT/Poison to prevent players going on their chest routes in the first place, and that portions of the map can be completely cut off from access that may have a lot of tier 2's. For example a enhanced hunger depletion effect could be in a specific area, which forces players towards one another. This should apply AFTER the second refill.

Below I've listed the potential benefits and criticisms of this suggestion:


  • Makes game-play much more exciting, people don't have to stick to their chest routes all of the time.
  • Players have more have a chance to beat experienced players who fully aware of all the Tier 2 chest locations on a map.
  • The event is completely random, the mob/item can be spawned in any location around the map, providing that it is hidden underground or somewhere that is difficult to spot.
  • Other suggestions stop people from going to the same area within a map, people are much more likely to be continuously moving.
  • Someone who is low on food with an enhanced hunger depletion effect will be more likely to find a player to kill for food rather than running away, or use the environment to their advantage - providing that all chests on the map are inaccessible.
  • It will be a rare event, high probability that it won't happen, and could occur once a very high amount of kills has been reached by one person (13+ kills in one game for example)
  • A maps environment can be used to influence the outcome of a game (this makes it more realistic to the idea of Survival)
  • May require a lot of development time and maintenance to ensure no bugs occur.
  • Items/Mobs could spawn outside the arena.
  • Doesn't solve the problem of Teams - they still have more of an advantage locating the mob/item.
  • If a Team finds the item first, they may become unstoppable.
  • Can be easily abused by players.
  • Potential increase in Hack-Clients, for X-Ray purposes or the use of Chest-ESP to find spawned chests
  • Unfairness - if a played hard for the entire game and he/she could be killed by a person who was lucky enough to find a Game-Changing item like a God Apple.
  • There might be no way of telling if a person is teamed or not, for the Game-Changing event to be initiated.
I think that the benefits still outweigh the criticisms at this current time. It's also an idea, as this is all I could think of. It would be great to see other see other peoples viewpoints on the suggestion.

If you made it this far, thanks for reading the entire suggestion. I have nothing against teams whatsoever but I greatly appreciate your interest :)
Last edited:


May 26, 2012
Reaction score
Wow. Ummm, to be honest, I don't think we should implement this, and here's why: There could be no way of knowing if a pair is teamed, and if a singular player was actually really good and managed to kill 15 people, then it would be cheap if someone found the OP item. When searching for the item, the hints provide a perfect killing ground, with people flocking in to search and the team sweeping them up and killing them all. Also, sticking to your route, especially if it isn't well known is a popular strategy and hooking them all up to TNT or poison wouldn't be so fun. I do understand that teams can be annoying, but sometimes you just have to ignore and change games :p

EDIT: I do however like the idea of keeping people moving so you can't camp at spawn xD

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