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FFA Servers + Stat reset

What do you prefer

  • Stat Reset + FFA Servers

  • Year/Monthly Leaderboards

  • Global Stat Reset

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May 10, 2013
Reaction score
As you may know, it seems that there will be a global stat reset, which seems to be overtaken by the lower players, obviously because they are lower and want to get to the top, and there are more of them.

I am not a top player, but I think that this plain idea just should not happen. It needs to be revised and tweaked with new ideas. I am going to explain mine.

Basically, not to long ago, there was a suggestion by staff that FFA server should be implemented, resulting mods would focus on them. It kind of looked like it was shut down because it was 100 or 200 servers (don't remember) which is way too much. Most of the non donors are pretty low on the leader boards, and are ones who rage because of hackers or teams. They obviously wanted to have an FFA server, because on paper, it looks like the best idea ever.

So, it seems that the lower ranked players want to have FFA only and Stat reset, so, why not combine them? Having an FFA SG would result a stat reset anyway, and this gives them a chance to get to the top, and it seems that they hate steams anyway, so what would go wrong? Just have 50-75 servers of those, and it would seem that they would love them.

In the higher Ranked players view, it would seem that all of their hard work would go to the dump. They would have fresh stats they worked for ever for, so they can keep working to stay on top, but a lot of top players have quit, so new people are still climbing to the top. I don't see the huge need for a stat reset, because they need to respect the old players too, not just the new ones.

A lot of people have thought another idea too, which would be Yearly/Monthly leaderboards, and personally I would like to see this too as an alternatate. This still gives a chance for the new players to get their name up there, and the veterans are still happy. Also what would be cool, could be every Year/Month(s) you could have a special Tag or Nickname, something that goes in front of their username, showing that they won month 1 of the Monthly learderboards, but remember, this is a work in progress, there are many flaws in this plan so help me!

Post below what you think about this, and keep this clean, and respect everyone's decisions c:

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