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[Elite] Rank


May 10, 2013
Reaction score
As you may know, there is potential stat reset, globally. It has a pretty high chance of getting picked because A. the poll is winning and B. The staff seems to want to do this, and probably will not back down. So, instead of complaining, lets think of suggestions that would favor EVERYONE.

So, the first great idea was, there should be a Yearly/Monthly leader boards, that way the lower ranked players still get a chance to get noticed on the leader boards, yet the ones whom are already on the top, keep their spot.
This would be great, but sadly this is what they said:
We can't have Regional/Monthly leaderboards without the new system and the resets necessary.
What does this mean? Well, to have a Monthly leaderboard, you would have to have the stat reset, so that idea basically went out the window.

The best I could think of is that you should give the top tier players a better award then "Legacy Leaderboards" Why? Well, i'm pretty sure that not all of the people that play on the MCGamer network go on the forums, half even. So, they should be able to reward them in game too.

There are a couple of scenarios that are possible, one being: Creating a whole new rank called "Elite" which is given to the first 100 players when the stat reset happens, the perks would be basically VIP, and why shouldn't it be VIP? Well, it would kind of ruin the flow of of Youtubers and Map builders, kind of like the friend rank that was removed a bit ago.

If it is too much work, then I would suggest simply giving them all diamond/plat if not had, (Which would probably not be many considering most top players are in clans, and you need donor to be in most clans) but, there is more.

Instead of having their bounty, have a Roman Numeral number in place instead of it. What number would it be, well from rank 1-100 would be their rank. Very simple, and this could probably already happen considering the /scramble feature, which replaces bounty.

The last feature I could think of is with 1.8. When an undisguised 1-100 old ranked player joins, it would show up on the screen, with the new text thingy poppy thing. Don't really know what is called, so I will just call it that.

To clear things up, this is for the leaderboards BEFORE stat reset, not current. So, when the stat reset would happen, they could see what would happen ex Gravey4rd I (1st)

This is just a random idea, that may not even be possible, but hey, i'm bored, and I don't want all of the veteran players to leave :3

- Turtle

Damien // Teepwn

I agree, very logical and thought out ideas.

I suppose (if possible) you could also add the legacy leaderboards to /stats.
For example:

User's Records:
Game Rank:
Games (Won/Total):
Kills (Round/Total):

Game Rank:
Games (Won/Total):
Kills (Round/Total):
Chests: (Round/Total):
Lifespan (Round/Total):


May 10, 2013
Reaction score
I agree, very logical and thought out ideas.

I suppose (if possible) you could also add the legacy leaderboards to /stats.
For example:

User's Records:
Game Rank:
Games (Won/Total):
Kills (Round/Total):

Game Rank:
Games (Won/Total):
Kills (Round/Total):
Chests: (Round/Total):
Lifespan (Round/Total):
This would be much easier, but, not everyone would even know there is a /stats, nor do people even want to. Also, is it not really visually appealing, it's just extra slots on your screen. And since people will not be on the forums and see who was in first, how would they know to /stat them. This could possibly happen, just just more thoughts to follow c:

Damien // Teepwn

This would be much easier, but, not everyone would even know there is a /stats, nor do people even want to.
I'm not quite sure why that's relevant and of importance. Could you elaborate please?
Also, is it not really visually appealing, it's just extra slots on your screen.
Obviously, the look doesn't have to be exactly as I described it. It can be cleaned up/compacted to look neater and/or more tidy. This is just a starting point.
And since people will not be on the forums and see who was in first, how would they know to /stat them?
You don't have to use the forums to know how to /stats people, and if someone doesn't know its pretty simple to explain. I'm not sure if that's what you mean, but that's what I gathered from it.

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