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Disappearing map


Jul 3, 2012
Reaction score
I have had this idea for well over a year now but never bothered suggesting it since it impossible to implement on the servers without causing an insane amount of lag. But I will still suggest it because who knows, maybe it can be done. (Probably not)

Now if you guys are older players, you may remember the deathmatch arena which was made of a sand, and as the deathmatch continued, the sand would start falling causing the arena to shrink until you were forced to fight in the center. This was later stopped because the lava and falling blocks was causing some people to lag. This is basically the premise of my suggestion, have the map start disappearing after a certain point. Maybe after 5 or 10 minutes, the edge of the world starts to disappear, causing people to move into the middle or die in the void. There would be no need for deathmatch because if the game managed to go the full 30 minutes, enough of the map would be gone that only the middle would remain.

Now I know that this is hard to do, both programming wise and lag wise. It would be a pain to set up the boundaries of each map and program how much of the map gets removed and how fast it gets removed. It would also be a pain to create this and not lag everyone out.

I think the most interesting part of this would be the chests in middle and how much more valuable they will be. Because as the map starts disappearing from the outside in, the tier twos on the outskirts of the map will go, making the middle much more valuable, prompting more people to fight for mid rather then people backing off.

Interesting idea I wanted to share, impossible to implement in my opinion.


Feb 2, 2013
Reaction score
Interesting idea but it would eliminate a lot of strategies in the game. For example, let say It's me against a triple team and they're stacked, a good strategy would to chokepoint, but that won't be possible if it is close to the outskirts of the map because the map will be shrinking. Another thing, same scenerario but I don't chokepoint, instead I go on a very good chokepoint to get myself stacked with more gear, gapples, ect, but my route is ruined because of the map disintegrating. I think the Deathmatch system is fine as is but can still be tweaked a good amount.


Jul 3, 2012
Reaction score
Interesting idea but it would eliminate a lot of strategies in the game. For example, let say It's me against a triple team and they're stacked, a good strategy would to chokepoint, but that won't be possible if it is close to the outskirts of the map because the map will be shrinking. Another thing, same scenerario but I don't chokepoint, instead I go on a very good chokepoint to get myself stacked with more gear, gapples, ect, but my route is ruined because of the map disintegrating. I think the Deathmatch system is fine as is but can still be tweaked a good amount.
True, maybe doing this for all maps is ambitious, but it would be cool if a map was designed for this type of plugin. I also think this would create new strategies, like leading a team to the edge and getting to a chokepoint from which you can knock the team into the void. Just a thought.


Feb 2, 2013
Reaction score
True, maybe doing this for all maps is ambitious, but it would be cool if a map was designed for this type of plugin. I also think this would create new strategies, like leading a team to the edge and getting to a chokepoint from which you can knock the team into the void. Just a thought.
If you lead the team to a chokepoint right beside the void you'd be quickly forced out of the chokepoint because the map will be disintegrating in seconds. :p
But it was a good unique idea nonetheless.


Jul 3, 2012
Reaction score
This ain't walls
Thank you so much for pointing that out, I was very confused as to what gamemode I was talking about. And to my knowledge, the walls has no feature like this apart from the actual walls falling down, but thanks for the meaningful input.


Aug 20, 2012
Reaction score
I like the idea because it has similar qualities to that of the Hunger Games itself but I'm not sure that all of the community's response will be positive to this, as someone made a point earlier regarding chokepoints and it might give teams unfair advantages from just camping at corn and picking off the poor souls forced to run up and face them.

Wonderful thought though c;

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