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Differences between this and regular MCSG


Dec 26, 2012
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Ok, so a lot of people know tips for regular MCSGv2, but the game is really really changes to be harder with SG Classic. There are several things you should do in this version of Survival Games that isn't necessary with the current MCSG.
  • First off, cook any raw food you may have, because food can become a problem if you don't.
  • Manage your hunger. If you have little to no food, walk to conserve energy.
  • Collect mushrooms and bowls. Food isn't super easy to get in this version, so making mushroom stew is a great way to have food.
  • Use cakes to your advantage; When running away from someone or a team, place a cake down to eat much faster than stopping to eat a steak and letting the person/team get a hit on you and maybe kill you.
  • Don't under-estimate string, it can be used to craft fishing rods and bows.
  • Be prepared at night, because mobs are being added into SG Classic, so you definitely want to make sure you don't die from mobs.
  • Know the old maps, because the new maps aren't going to be on the servers. There are plenty of chest routes out there on those maps, just search on YouTube and I guarantee you will find one that works. If not, then try downloading the maps and searching for a route on your own, or maybe ask a friend here on MCSG that knows one to help you out. There are probably some amazing map routes here on the forums if you search enough.
  • Keep rotten flesh, because if you have absolutely no food and are about to starve, then rotten flesh could be a lifesaver.
  • Be careful while using Flint and Steel (FnS), because it only has one use rather than 4.
  • Take advantage of bones; You can dye leather armor white using bone meal to make it look like iron and intimidate people so you can kill them more easily. Also, on SG1, you can use bones to tame wolves, which can help you kill someone.
I will edit this thread occasionally with more tips as I think of them.
Last edited:


District 13
Jul 8, 2012
Reaction score
Thanks for putting this out there.
Now people don't have to pester the mods about what the difference is! :D

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