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Competitive vs. Non-competive MCSG

What do you think about splitting MCSG into competitive and non-competitive?

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Dec 2, 2013
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Okay, so this was something I literally just thought of while... Doing my business... But that's irrelevant.

So basically, my thought process was "Hey, MCSG is extremely unfair. You're going to have really good players, who have great ping (let's not get into a huge argument. But be honest, ping is an advantage), great computer, and great knowledge of every map, with pvp skill to back. Then you're going to have another player who just joined the MCGamer community on his potato of a computer, without knowing any of the maps. Then, if he decides that he wants to aim for the top of the leaderboards, his stats already suck". I know that stat resets are available, but it does kind of suck that you need to pay money if you want your stats to be better from when you were a bad player.

So what I had in mind was this: You could have competitive MCSG, with a leaderboard system, and you could have non-competitive MCSG without a leaderboard system, the exact same game, just no way to check your stats.

Think about it, this would also help a lot of YouTubers. For instance, CreeperFarts cares about his stats (at least that's what I think, feel free to correct me if I'm wrong). He can't play at his best while he's recording because he's focusing on the commentating, and not on the gameplay. He could go into the non-competitive MCSG and not feel worried about his stats, because they aren't changing.

This also makes the competitive side of MCSG a lot more competitive, because the 2 different sides of MCSG are going to filter out the players who want to have fun from the players who want that top 10 spot, or top 50 spot, or whatever their goal may be.

This also makes the non-competitive side of MCSG more fun, because no one really cares about winning or losing (at least, they shouldn't), because no games are being recorded into the system, so if you die to a team of 2, just laugh it off and join another game! You don't have to worry about stats!

Again, I just thought of this while relieving my bladder on a late Friday night, so if this idea were to be implemented, there would need to be tons of revision made.

If you read this far, you probably don't have anything better to do.


May 20, 2014
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A competitive mode with /stats , and points and a non-competitive mode without /stats , and points too. It should be a good idea, but i think the fun fact of playing sg is to be competitive :3
PD : I have bad ping , and a potato computer xD


Forum God
Aug 19, 2012
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A competitive mode with /stats , and points and a non-competitive mode without /stats , and points too. It should be a good idea, but i think the fun fact of playing sg is to be competitive :3
PD : I have bad ping , and a potato computer xD
Well, points would remove the Sponsoring and Bounty system, which I feel are fun parts of the Survival Games that are also large factors which set MCGamer's SG aside from any other random, non-custom Survival Games plugin.

I get the impression that Competitive/Non-Competitive SG has been brought up before within the staff, as specialized competitive is something that has become more popular on Minecraft PvP servers and also other games such as CS:GO and League of Legends - Also known as Ranked.

Ranked is, essentially, the competitive form of something. It affects your ranking and official statistics. However, often you will still win or obtain something from participating in non-ranked games. It won't be as rewarding, disappointing, or permanent as a ranked game, but it's still something. Perhaps there could be a similar system with statistics?

Currently, MCGamer's leaderboards are being updated to track new types of statistics and have things such as monthly leaderboards. Perhaps some of those new, more creative but less important statistics could be pushed to the Casual servers, and the hardcore, base statistics such as ratio, wins, losses, and games played could be focused on the Ranked servers.

Also, there would have to be clear, distinct differences in how the players view the two different categories. Whether it be having different maps on the different servers (Clan battle maps on Ranked servers?), or something smaller such as a different color scheme for the chat... perhaps both!

The average player would have to be able to distinguish easily between whether they're playing on a Ranked or Casual server.
One thing that I can think of are those floating signs in the recent versions of Minecraft - little floaty announcement things that pop up in your face, and also chat messages clearly stating that it's Ranked or Casual.

With those things in mind, I think this could be a really fun idea, and would be a fairly large revamp to how MCSG runs. Clans, regular players, and even staff would be affected - but in a positive or negative way? I can't tell. But I would like to find out!

P.S. If this is taken into consideration, it would have to be released with as few initial bugs as possible. Competitive games are taken very seriously, and large issues that go unresolved will absolutely not be tolerated by competitive players. There will be uproar over even minor bugs that go unfixed for an extended period of time.


Jun 16, 2014
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I like the idea but like Mooclan stated, bounties and sponsorship are a very fun part of MCSG! For instance, when someone gets bountied a lot of points, your #Hype level (or at least mine anyway xD) goes up a ton and you're thinking, "OMG, What if I kill this peep and get like 10k fast points!" The thought of a non-competitive MCSG does interest me though because if you do care about your stats, you can practice on the non-competitive sg and then once you are warmed up, you can play on the competitive sg, already prepped to pvp to your highest ability! I'm open to this being implemented on the servers if it ever comes to that! :D


Aug 31, 2014
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People actually use the bounty system? I didn't realize.

I like this idea, but it may make trolls come into the non-competitive SG and just hack to kill everyone. Sure, it's pointless and mean, but I've played on servers where players will do whatever they can to make themselves look like a terrible person.


Jul 18, 2013
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Well, points would remove the Sponsoring and Bounty system, which I feel are fun parts of the Survival Games that are also large factors which set MCGamer's SG aside from any other random, non-custom Survival Games plugin.

I get the impression that Competitive/Non-Competitive SG has been brought up before within the staff, as specialized competitive is something that has become more popular on Minecraft PvP servers and also other games such as CS:GO and League of Legends - Also known as Ranked.

Ranked is, essentially, the competitive form of something. It affects your ranking and official statistics. However, often you will still win or obtain something from participating in non-ranked games. It won't be as rewarding, disappointing, or permanent as a ranked game, but it's still something. Perhaps there could be a similar system with statistics?

Currently, MCGamer's leaderboards are being updated to track new types of statistics and have things such as monthly leaderboards. Perhaps some of those new, more creative but less important statistics could be pushed to the Casual servers, and the hardcore, base statistics such as ratio, wins, losses, and games played could be focused on the Ranked servers.

Also, there would have to be clear, distinct differences in how the players view the two different categories. Whether it be having different maps on the different servers (Clan battle maps on Ranked servers?), or something smaller such as a different color scheme for the chat... perhaps both!

The average player would have to be able to distinguish easily between whether they're playing on a Ranked or Casual server.
One thing that I can think of are those floating signs in the recent versions of Minecraft - little floaty announcement things that pop up in your face, and also chat messages clearly stating that it's Ranked or Casual.

With those things in mind, I think this could be a really fun idea, and would be a fairly large revamp to how MCSG runs. Clans, regular players, and even staff would be affected - but in a positive or negative way? I can't tell. But I would like to find out!

P.S. If this is taken into consideration, it would have to be released with as few initial bugs as possible. Competitive games are taken very seriously, and large issues that go unresolved will absolutely not be tolerated by competitive players. There will be uproar over even minor bugs that go unfixed for an extended period of time.
I wish they added what rank you would be eg : diamond platinum bronze, that would be sick on mcsg.


Forum God
Aug 19, 2012
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I wish they added what rank you would be eg : diamond platinum bronze, that would be sick on mcsg.
If they did that, I think they would probably have to add some sort of system on the Competitive servers where you are matched up against people closer to your own rank.


Mar 30, 2013
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If they did that, I think they would probably have to add some sort of system on the Competitive servers where you are matched up against people closer to your own rank.
Kinda like an elo is in LoL. It could be based of of wins, kills/game, time lasted, ect. Once you choose to enter the Competitive league, it could automatically place you in like a Bronze-Silver-Gold-Plat-Diamond-Master-Challenger tier list.

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