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Competitive 'Season' Idea to coincide with the possible Stat Reset

Do think the idea of "Seasons" on MCSG would be a good idea?

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Apr 12, 2014
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First and foremost, I would just like to state that I am NOT a serious Minecraft PvPer in comparison to most of the players in this community and I am submitting this suggestion with the intention of possibly improving/revamping the 'PvP scene' of MCSG. And I would also like to state that I am neither in favor nor against the stat-reset. Feedback would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

Most of the MCSG community has become aware of the possible global stat reset. And with this global stat reset, it does appear that the majority of the votes are in favor of it(currently 78%). I have heard both sides of the issue from many players around the community. The players that are in favor have made very reasonable arguments as to why the reset should take place. For example, the global stat reset would create an even playing field for the 'newcomers' who have little to no chance at advancing far on the leaderboard because of players with a massive amount of games won prior to the newcomers' MCSG experience. This comment was directed primarily towards players, such as Huahwi, who are currently inactive in the community and still hold a high position on the leaderboard. Another argument that I have seen, was the fact that players who are known to have 'boosted' wins on MCSG will receive rightful punishment by having their stats reset. And of course, a common reason among most players would be that they would like to start on a 'blank slate' or a clean record.

All of these arguments in favor of the global stat reset are completely logical and somewhat reasonable. However, I have heard of the voices of the people in opposition to this global stat reset and they do have very valid arguments as well. Certain players, such as BiboyQG, have stated that the stat reset would diminish all of their time and effort that they have put into advancing the leaderboards and improving on their win-loss ratios. And in response to the "inactivity issue" with players at the top of the leaderboard, such as Huahwi and Gravey4rd, there are players who are actively pursuing to advance further on the ladder, like Darkrai202, who may feel 'robbed' if their stats were to be reset. All of these arguments against the global stat reset are also very logical and reasonable.

Unfortunately, the voices of the players does not always reach the intended audience that has the power to change any of the executive server decisions and the global stat reset seems imminent. This is where I feel the MCSG community should not take this issue lightly and act upon retaining the players who have claimed that they will quit once the reset takes place. And with the urgency to retain players, I am suggesting a commonly known system, but new type of competitive atmosphere to the MCSG community. And that system is the idea of "Seasons."

If you are an avid gamer, you may have heard of online games such as World of Warcraft or League of Legends. Or even if you are an avid sports fan, you may have heard of basketball, football, or baseball seasons. The competitive nature that these sports/games bring comes from having a "season" of competition. If you're not familiar with this type of season, it is basically a time period of competition where players within a game/league will compete to the top of the ladders in order to rank above others. Just like the games I stated, WoW and LoL have competitive PvP seasons where they allow players to fight against each other to advance the ranks in order to reap the rewards at the end of the season. World of Warcraft has a system where they reward players at the top percentiles of the leaderboard with titles(Duelist, Gladiator, etc). League of Legends has a system where they also reward players at the top percentiles with certain rank titles(Diamond, Challenger, etc).

If this global stat reset does take place and the legacy leaderboard idea is taken into consideration, this gives MCSG the opportunity to unveil a new type of competition aside from just ranks on a leaderboard. Players who are for the global stat reset will most likely not feel affected by the upbringing of a PvP season on MCSG. And as for players who are against the global stat reset, they now have a new sense of competition to look forward to. I still feel that with the legacy leaderboard however, a certain group of players should be considered elite and deserve an award of some sort(though this is not the purpose of this thread).

Overall, I feel that players from both sides of the issue would be satisfied and would develop a sense of excitement in competing for ranks post-global stat reset. Thank you to anyone who read this thread. I would appreciate any sort of feedback, opinions, or support. Thank you once again. :^)


District 13
Nov 10, 2013
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If this was an idea on its own I would like it, but if the stats reset would be forced to happen as well If say no.


Apr 12, 2014
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The reason I suggested this idea was to try and keep both sides of the stat reset enticed to continue playing on MCSG, regardless of whether they decide to do the stat reset or not.


May 30, 2013
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I would love to see a modified version of LoL Ranking system on MCSG! <3

Maybe you could gain more 'LP' depending on how you place in the game :eek: I'd love it!


Apr 12, 2014
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Regardless as to whether BiboyQG boosts or not, the statement that players like him make is a completely valid argument. I could easily replace his name with Lezzbehonest and the significance would be of little to no change. BiboyQG was just one of the few who vocally expressed his opinion on the matter to me personally.
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