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clan plugin


May 10, 2012
Reaction score
ok i was thinking about clans right and i thought of mw3 elite clans and how they are so official and how u inv ur friends to the clan there ranks in the clan such as leader of the clan how theres points and so on so on and i was thinking how cool it would be to have in sg this is my thoughts
1.u have to go onto the forums to make a clan and u have to register ur clan and ur clan name and who the leader of the clan is
2. on the forums poeple could apply to join ur clan and if they make it u can send a inv to them and it would come up in there alerts that they have been inv to that clan they then join to clan and done there in
3. a clan tag when ur a spec in a game ur clan tag would show up behind ur name (clan names would have to be a certain amount of letters to stop poeple with giant clan tags annoying the Good out of peeps
4.leader boards system same as the leader boards system for players but for clans going on the average points (im not a maths teacher dont ask me how to get average) and points all up amount of players wins the poeple in the clan has had and then work out how high the clan is up on the leader boards seeing how good the clan is
i really hope some of the admins\staff read this and maybe implement this i really think this would improve sg anyway fell free to comment on some fetures u might have thought of and also JOIN MEH CLAN!!!! -irongooB_

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