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Cheaters should be publicly humiliated

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Jun 24, 2014
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I'm making this forum post on the topic of why us players are not allowed to know what punishment was given to a specific player who cheated or broke the rules. I've recently reported 2 players for speed hacking with video evidence to a few moderators on teamspeak and I asked if I could know what they're punishment would be and rather or not they would be permanently banned. They all told me it's classified and that they can not discuss another player's ban. After hearing that I thought otherwise. It really doesn't bother me rather or not I know what happened to that specific player but after thinking about it I honestly think us players should be able to know if we made a report. Because honestly if I was able to know the 2 players that I caught and recorded cheating were permanently banned would make me feel good for some reason. There should also be a way to publicly humiliate those players as well. Pretty much to make them feel bad for what they did. You probably don't even know where I'm going with this but what I'm basically trying to say/ask is why can't we know what happened to players that get banned? Honestly any cheaters/hackers should be permanently banned with no warning and they will have to make a ban appeal. This function may already be put in to place I honestly don't know. But what I do know is that hackers/cheaters are continuing to grow. Everyday that goes by it seems as if there are more and more cheaters and other people feel the same. For example, "GoldEllipse", was on twitter today complaining about it was taking him forever to get a Hunger Games episode done for his YouTube channel because there were so many hackers. I don't know if there is a new anti-cheat system being implemented into the server or not but honestly this is getting ridiculous, I'm not trying to complain but rather point out which I think everyone agrees with. CHEATERS are the main problem with the MCSG community. I understand most of them are caught and dealt with but it still seems like at least every game of SG I play there is at least one player hacking. So with all this being said, I'd like to finish up on saying that all hackers in my personal opinion or cheater should be permanently banned without appeal because more than likely they're just going to get right back hacking once they're unbanned. Anyways, I thank you for reading this Forum post about my opinion on hackers/cheaters and if you agree feel free to share this with people! - Nano

Captain Dak

Dec 1, 2012
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We have to keep things professional. "Publicly humiliating" someone who broke the rules is a ridiculous idea. That would be like the police making someone who ran a stop sign strip naked and get tied to the sign for everyone to stare at and laugh at. Does that make sense? Nope. Rule breakers you report are dealt with accordingly, and I can assure you that they are. You don't need to know what exactly happens to them. It's a privacy matter for that individual. They are welcome to tell you if they wish, but it's not for you to know.

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