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AU Clan Leaderboard

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Sep 9, 2015
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Welcome to the AU Clan Leaderboards!
If you would like a shot at this event, fill out this application!
Clan Name:
Clan Thread (Link)
Clan Leader's Forum Name:
Clan Leader's Skype:
Clan TeamSpeak: (It's Okay If You Don't Have One Yet)
These Forum Accounts Tagged: AuClanLeaderboard


- Battles will be carried out on MCSG servers.
- These in game rules will be implemented:
-Battles will either be first to 3 or 5

Each clan can only pick the same map twice

-The minimum amount of players per battle will be 4v4 while the maximum will be 6v6. If a team is unable to reach the amount of required player they must play with a disadvantage for it is there own fault.

-Any maps may be chose along as they are agreed upon by both teams. If maps cannot be decided the following default maps will be:
Vallyside University, SG4, SG highway, Springfield SG, Zone85, Par 72, Alaskan Village, Turbulence, SG Adrenaline & Holiday

-Once a lobby has entered into pre-game, the match will be officially in motion, EXCEPT in the case which a team is represented by a disadvantage in lobby and has taken this disadvantage into pre-game. In this scenario, the disadvantaged team will be allowed to pull out of the server DURING pre-game to redo the round. If the disadvantaged team does not pull out after pre-game, the round must go on.

-Spectating is not allowed

Prior to CB's a veto system will be played. Clan 1 and 2 get to ban a map each, pick a map each, ban a map each, pick a map each and from there the 5th map will be randomised

The following are the general rules for the Leaderboards:
-Clans may only challenge the clan immediately above or below them.

-Once a clan has been challenged, the battle MUST be accepted and scheduled within 48 hours and played within the next 7 days (Of the challenge being accepted) or the clan being challenged will forfeit the match.

-Once a clan challenges or is challenged by another clan, they are locked in, and cannot be challenged by anyone else until the conclusion of their battle.

-If a clan declines a match, it will count as a loss and they will be moved down one spot on the leaderboards.

- If a clan fails to accept multiple challenges in a row, they WILL be removed from the leaderboards.

-There will be NO POSTPONEMENTS. Any inconveniences will be the clan's/member's fault, unless it's uncontrollable. (Ex. Server Lag, Hackers) In this case, the battle can be moved at later time, but must be finished within ONE DAY.

-Any clan must be able to clan battle AT MOST twice on one day.

-Once two clans have battled, they will both send me the results of the battle. (Ex. Rebels vs Trivium - 3:2 Rebels) These results will be shown on the news for EVERYONE to see, but will be taken down the following week.

-If there are no referees online and present for the battle, then the battle can either be postponed or, if both clans agree, the battle can continue without refs. If there is a ref online, this cannot be used as a reason to postpone a battle.

-Clans will not be accepted to the leaderboards with under 4 members.

-The decisions of the AU Clan Leaderboards Staff are final. If you have any issues with a battle or another clan on the leaderboards, bring it to them.
- Consequences for breaking the rules:
If any of the rules are broken, then these will occur

First offence: The round will not count

Second offence: The round will be a disqualification

Third offence: The match will be a forfeit

In the case of serious offences( Hacking, Playing on alts etc.) The match will be an automatic forfeit and more serious punishments may follow.


This is what makes this fair and exciting. No clan will be able to hold a spot due to "inconveniences." I know that sometimes leaders can be missing or important assets to the clan may be in absence, but a clan shouldn't rely on a few people. A clan should be able to show their strength within every single member. This will help show current standings for the AU Clan Community and keep clans active.


Recent Battles
11/12 Nuggetz vs Philosophy - 5-2
12/12 Nuet vs Nuggetz - 3-1
15/12 Savage vs Tranquility 3-0


Occupation - In-Game Name - Skype - Current Clan

Owner - TeeArrr - tr6260 - Nuggetz

Owner - Fierydog00 - Private - Savage

Referees - Lebron12 - Priavte - Savage
Referees - Jordyy - Jordstar3470 - Philosophy

Staff Applications are Closed.

If you wish to become a referee for the AUCL, please take time and write out at least a paragraph long application explaining why you wish to be apart of the staff here and send it to us as a PM.


Rank - Clan Name - Leader
Bolded = Locked In (Can't Be Challenged)

1 - Exile - ImmaSlapYoFace
2 - Nuet - Narwhalll
3 - Nuggetz - CoDsNo65

4 - Philosophy - Jordyy
5 - Savage - Lebron12
6- Tranquility - fitzyy

7 - Optimize - InstqntMC
Last edited:


Aug 10, 2015
Reaction score
Well We should get some clan staff in on this.... For official referee's purposes
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