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A few suggestions including; weapons, maps, traps and more!

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May 10, 2012
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Hello there!​
I have been playing for a few days now, and this is what I find really annoying.​
I will update this every once in a while when I find something that I find annoying.


• Make the bow a bit stronger. It's a bit weak, just make it a little bit stronger.
• The difference between the different swords/axes is too big. Usually the one with the diamond wins because it's so strong. Neutralization between those would be great.

• Too many monsters(!) Yes, I believe there is way to many monsters. If you look at the ruined city map there is no way one can go in a building that isn't filled with loads of monsters. Every time I go in a building there is a sneaky creeper around every corner there is.

• More traps. I have yet to find any traps.
• A trap that removes a few blocks where you are standing dropping you in the lava.
• A trap that shoots fire on you.
• A trap that.

• Food, more food! Is there a way to cook you food? More furnaces, please.
• Campers. Mostly known is the campers who has the diamond sword and full armor, who is probably going to win the game. They stay there more than 80% of the game time camping at all the boxes in the spawn zone just waiting for the boxes to get refilled. It annoys the Good out of me. You really need something that prevents players from being able to go in there after a specific amount of time, and then it "opens" when the sponsors have refilled the chests. Anything that prevents people from camping there, ANYTHING.


Thank you for taking your time reading this.​


Apr 20, 2012
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ok from the top:
1. bows are technically stronger than diamond swords, apparently a fully charged shot will do 4-5 hearts damage while a normal hit from a sword will do 3-4. (i was the first to post about the bow seeming less threatening)
2. Diamond is meant to be stronger than iron, thats why it is rarer... why would you want to even it out?
3. The mobs in the tower/houses is the risk you take in trying to get those particular chests, there a re plenty of oher out in the world that aren't crowded with mobs
4. Traps, it will be a depressing game if you are killed while exploring a hidden room rather than being killed by a player, besides once you go down there once, you'll never do it again... i say no to traps that insta-kill you, a 2 deep hole is ok though...
5. Adding food will reduce the amount of travelling you need to do to stay with a full hunger bar, imagine the amount of camping going on if there was tonnes more food... you can break leaves to get apples occaisionally and you can use the saplings in a furnace to cook raw food. check the houses in the second map for furnaces and theres at least two furnaces in the first map...
And Finally 6. Camping at the Corn or other regions with a high concentration of chests is the main strategy of the game, yes it is annoying but that strategy is adapted from the books where the career tributes band together so they have the greatest chance of winning and the safest and easily defendable place is the Cornicopia.

Not to say your ideas are bad, just that the opposite angle is needed to fully explore the ideas... hope that helps everyone understand a bit better! ^_^


May 10, 2012
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ok from the top:
1. bows are technically stronger than diamond swords, apparently a fully charged shot will do 4-5 hearts damage while a normal hit from a sword will do 3-4. (i was the first to post about the bow seeming less threatening)
2. Diamond is meant to be stronger than iron, thats why it is rarer... why would you want to even it out?
3. The mobs in the tower/houses is the risk you take in trying to get those particular chests, there a re plenty of oher out in the world that aren't crowded with mobs
4. Traps, it will be a depressing game if you are killed while exploring a hidden room rather than being killed by a player, besides once you go down there once, you'll never do it again... i say no to traps that insta-kill you, a 2 deep hole is ok though...
5. Adding food will reduce the amount of travelling you need to do to stay with a full hunger bar, imagine the amount of camping going on if there was tonnes more food... you can break leaves to get apples occaisionally and you can use the saplings in a furnace to cook raw food. check the houses in the second map for furnaces and theres at least two furnaces in the first map...
And Finally 6. Camping at the Corn or other regions with a high concentration of chests is the main strategy of the game, yes it is annoying but that strategy is adapted from the books where the career tributes band together so they have the greatest chance of winning and the safest and easily defendable place is the Cornicopia.

Not to say your ideas are bad, just that the opposite angle is needed to fully explore the ideas... hope that helps everyone understand a bit better! ^_^
1. I didn't know this, thank you!
2. Some players knows where everything is hidden and therefore running directly to it, meaning, the new players just run around with their stick and cannot find anything. I think that everyone should have a chance to kill someone, even if the other player has full diamond armor + sword.
3. Yes, I know. But there are so many of them!
4. You shouldn't feel safe, you should fear everything! One with full diamond armor can just walk right through the trap without taking any damage, one without will take a huge amount of damage. I think that even the most powerful players should be able to die by a trap. It will make the game more interesting if there isn't someone with the best armor in the lead for once!
5. Alright, I agree with you here. : )
6. True, but it's just so annoying! : (


Apr 25, 2012
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Adding food could actually increase movement, as you can then run for a much longer period of time.


Apr 19, 2012
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By the way, the difference between an iron sword and a diamond sword is minimal.
Iron sword deals 3 hearts of damage.
Diamond sword deals 3.5 heats of damage.
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