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Resigning my life from mc

michael harmon

Dec 17, 2012
Reaction score
Welp, this is the saddest I have ever been in my Minecraft life. I will greatly miss you, and I PROMISE to you that I will make a fishing rod troll montage dedicated to you. You were one of my best and oldest friend in my whole career of MCSG. I never thought this day will come, but it has. Just don't forget me, and all the great times we had as best friends. Good Luck in life, and whatever it has for you in the future. Hopefully some day, we shall talk once again, AND BE THE BEST FISHING ROD TROLLS EVER. I will miss you, and all the great times we had. Thanks for being a great friend! I will never forget you c:

-Lining <3
I will miss you alot lining just like alot of other people. I am glad I got to spend so much time with you in the clan befor this day had to come.


Jun 15, 2013
Reaction score
Well im pretty sure nobody saw this coming, but I have to quit mc altogether for now after recent events in life. I have to focus more on real life and less of my fantasy life. I might be losing alot of my friends that I love more then anything and will truely miss but I have to do this and mature and get my life together. I might come back after I get everything sorted out and figured out but until then I will be gone and here are the people I am going to miss alot and hope you all understand why im leaving.

TheKidz101 Well kidziez you are one of my true best friends on mc we always have eachothers backs and I will truely miss you and all the times we had together. Every second we were playing together was fun and always made me smile. Thank you for being such a great friend. love ya kidziez have a great future.

Branbob83 Well brandon you are one of the two only people I met in irl from mc and that day was probably one of the funnest days I have had in a while. Being in the rebels was one of the greatest experiences of my life and I have to thank you for bringing me into them for such a great expeirience. I will never forget you guys but sad to say I am leaving and am asking for you to remove me from the roaster.

Maxypie Well max you were a friend who I have known for a long time and we always have connected. Even though recently we have not been getting along that well witch I am sorry for I still love you gurl and will miss you and your crazy personality. You were a one of a kind friend and I thank you for allowing me to be your friend .

SpellCaster24 Well trevor I met you in one of my greatest times in mcsg the only loss of forgotten and that was a great day. We started off as barley knowing eachother and grew to becoming great friends. All the nights I stayed up with you and myruh were so much fun and I will miss it and all the games we would camp in trees making a house together. Stay pure and great trevor.

LiningHawk1702 Well lining you are one of my oldest friends on mcsg and our relationship is truley amazing we can sometimes be friends but most the times in games we spend betraying eachother and it is the funniest things to see. I love all the fun moments we had and all the times I sent you to hawk heaven. Also lining I am entrusting you to make sure to be the best at trolling with a rod hell even make a montage of makeing people rage but stay great lining.Enjoy the future lining and make it great.

Epic_Frog_Song Well froggy Ik we don't talk as much as we used to but ure still one of my closest friends and im glad I got to meet you I wouldo've missed out on so many things in MCSG without you. Hope you do good frog.

CraftyKratonite Well tristan you are probably the most screwed up person I have ever talked to but that is why I love talking to you. You are the funniest guy I have ever met and im glad I got to meet you irl. That day was amazing and I will never forget it. Stay great at everything you do tristan and make sure to have fun while doing it.

Cupcake Well eden you and me are like I dont even no how to explain our relationship , but you are a good friend and a really funny and person I love to abuse we have been friends for a long time now and I will miss all the fun times we had.

Jacob Well jacob you and me have had alot of great times together including all the times we went and trolled to the times where we just ran around in games like complete idiots. Each of those times were some of the funnest times I have had though and I will miss you jacob and all the times we stayed up all night.

Burtry Now there is hunter> well hunter we are probably some of the most racist guys in mcsg we just screw around and have fun together every time I dont remember ever getting mad or angry with you once its all just pure joy and fun. That is why I always enjoy hanging with you and love it when you invite me to those UHc's sadly I wont be able to attend them anymore. Have fun hunter and never let anyone change you.

DQ Well michael we are like the same we. All the times I spent with you and jacob staying up all night was truthfully the funniest things in MCSG I always had a blast betraying you and jacob and 2ez st rolling you guys. Without you I wouldo've missed out on so many fun things and im glad we became friends have fun in life dq.

polarisXD Stop making people rage XD. And hopefully you eventually get perma muted for screaming so loud.

Soul Yet we seam to only talk about how bad we are to eachother I feel we still are somewhat friends We usually only fight but it is some of the funniest arguments ive had and whenever I kill you just remember 2ez m8 get better.

pringles Well pringles I have known you for a long time now and we were accepted into rebels together you are one of the nicest people I have ever met in mcsg and I hope you never change your character traits are great for a peson and ik you will do great in life stay golden.

Sage Pickering Ik we never talk that much but ure such a funny and cool guy and I really am sorry for having to leave you in the middle of the tournament we are in but know I wouldn't do this unless I had to I hope you are able to find a replacement and win that tourney for me bb. Do great.

Exodus well exo your 2ez to kill now a days but ure a great friend when needed and I will mkae sure to come back one day to 10 heart you but make sure exo to never stop trolling and being good at what you do. have fun in life exo and make sure to make people rage quit life for mikey.

duckluv321 Shea you truely are such a nice person and also such a funny one I love when we got to play g mod together and whenvever I needed help you always would offer to do it. Thank you for being a good friend and such a nice person.

resistantcorn12 Well daniel I have known you for a while now and you are really a great and cool guy. You are a great PvPer and I think you will get far in MCSG stay good at what you do and don't let anyone put you down.

myruhh7 Well myruh I haven't known you for a long time but you are one of the coolest chicks and funniest chicks I have hung out with. Not to mention you are also one of the best girl PvPers in mcsg but other then that there are all the fun times I had with you and trevor that I will not forget and I hope you only become better have fun in life myruh and don't forget me.

iancool Well I an even though to you I seem like a jerk im always just fooling around giving you a hard time truthfully I know you are a really cool and awsome guy and you will do great in the future if you just don't let people put you down. have a fun life ian.

Gipp Well gippa you are one crazy guy and funny to but you are a really good friend even though I can easy 10 heart stm rol you. You are a good guy and great friend I think you can do great in life if you just push a little harder ;) haha stay cool m8.

ChrisComedies Well chris even though I just met you like a month or less ago I already no hat you are one great and funny guy and an amazing PvPer you can do some amazing things in mcsg and I know you will go far and I hope you have fun with the time in rebels.

Apzy Appers even though we have had hard times I have to admit you are a good PvPer (not better then me) But a good PvPer all our fights are usually really intence but fun and I hope you go far in this clan and make alot of new and awsome friends in it. Keep up the great work appers.

Wizterfix Well wicky I haven't known you for a long time but you are a really great friend and funny one we have been having a blast on catching fire and those games were so much fun ( Can't outrun that lava ) haha but I think you are ganna have a great time with this clan and I hope you stay amazing have fun wicky.

Well this is the end guys to everyone I am leaving I am sorry for he sudden shock I still love you all and hope to keep in contact when I can. I will see yu guys all when I can and to everyone who knew me make sure that atleast somebody needs to take my roal as cockiest rebels member and make me pround now rebels make mikey pround and go far and win that clan wars. and now it is goodbye see all of you beutiful people in the future.

- Mikey the derp.
u r amazing, i will miss ur screaming because it was heart touching


District 13
Apr 3, 2013
Reaction score
Mikey I don't even know where to start. You have been my friend for nearly 8 months now since Sovereign. Everytime I talk to you I get this weird feeling of hatred. But it's da love hatred ya know. Ya know wut im sayin. Okie but in all seriousness you have been one of my greatest friends and still are. Maybe message me on kik sometimes please :c. Idk who is going to abuse me know. Anyways I guess this is good bye for now or for forever. I never thought I'd say this but I am going to miss you mikey. Remember you take orders from me.

P.S. Good job on the grammar, but whenever I saw a mistake I legit punched myself in the face.

Bye <3 I'll always ly.

michael harmon

Dec 17, 2012
Reaction score
u r amazing, i will miss ur screaming because it was heart touching
Lel ty lexi I loved my screams to and I will miss trying to tam with you polaris and soul.
Mikey I don't even know where to start. You have been my friend for nearly 8 months now since Sovereign. Everytime I talk to you I get this weird feeling of hatred. But it's da love hatred ya know. Ya know wut im sayin. Okie but in all seriousness you have been one of my greatest friends and still are. Maybe message me on kik sometimes please :c. Idk who is going to abuse me know. Anyways I guess this is good bye for now or for forever. I never thought I'd say this but I am going to miss you mikey. Remember you take orders from me.

P.S. Good job on the grammar, but whenever I saw a mistake I legit punched myself in the face.

Bye <3 I'll always ly.
Also ty eden I will make sure to keep in touch with you donz worry haha. Make sure to tell lining im giving him the all the rights to abuse you as much as I did.

Blazerboy | Noah

District 13
Sep 5, 2012
Reaction score
sometimes i wonder how my competitive MCSG career would have gone if I was more popular during the early months of the network. I knew so little about the extent of the community, but I'm still here today. I wish I could have started earlier, and got to know everyone that's in the competitive scene now, better. I only wish I got to know people like you, mikey, and others who eventually quit. I want you to know that even I and others who didn't know you that well, will remember you.


May 1, 2012
Reaction score
Well, at least... *sniff*....my ears won't hurt anymore...wait there's still polaris nvm.

Mikey, you are a great guy and I'm glad to have known you as long as I did. You always put others before yourself and make sure everyone's happy before you even begin to think about yourself, and that shows you have a very big heart. You would stay up for hourrsssss making clan battle routes that would help lead us to victory, and the Rebels are forever thankful for the hard work you put into this clan. It was great meeting you and spending the day together with Tristan, and we should totally do that again in the future :D It's sad to see you go, but everyone has to leave at one point. Stay in touch. Seeya later mikeywoman209.


michael harmon

Dec 17, 2012
Reaction score
Well, at least... *sniff*....my ears won't hurt anymore...wait there's still polaris nvm.

Mikey, you are a great guy and I'm glad to have known you as long as I did. You always put others before yourself and make sure everyone's happy before you even begin to think about yourself, and that shows you have a very big heart. You would stay up for hourrsssss making clan battle routes that would help lead us to victory, and the Rebels are forever thankful for the hard work you put into this clan. It was great meeting you and spending the day together with Tristan, and we should totally do that again in the future :D It's sad to see you go, but everyone has to leave at one point. Stay in touch. Seeya later mikeywoman209.

Haha ty bran that puts a *Sniffle* tear to my eye. haha
I will make sure to keep in touch with you guys over weekends maybe over ts
and make sure to watch me in UHC 4 and hope I dont die.... hahah we need to hang out again soon maybe when I get my license in a little while.


Jan 28, 2013
Reaction score
Noooooo :c Mikey, I want to thank you for being a great friend and being with me through all those times, I know we have not talked in a while, but I will always consider you a close friend. Please still go on TS because you are one hilarious guy, thank you again for being a great friend.

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