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CaptainJS's Hardcore Survival Games Guide: Chest Route and Tips

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Jon | Lqzer

Nov 17, 2012
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Hey guys! While I was sitting in a trap for half a game (go figure xD), I realized it would be a cool idea to make up a guide for chest routes and tips for all of the maps. With that in mind, I set off to create a guide for every map. I am using Eihort to make the map screenshots, and Paint to sloppily make the routes. Over the next month, I will work on adding all the maps to this guide. Enjoy!

Guides completed:

Chest Route:
(6 tier 1s, 5/6 tier 2s)

1) Go East from corn until you reach a tree with a tier 1 chest under it.

2) Turn left and go straight about 2 trees down. There is a leaf block covering a tier 1 chest.

3) Turn right and go straight until you reach an intersection. Turn left to get a tier 2 chest on gravel.

4) This chest is tricky to find. Diagonally left from the last chest in the huge tree there is a tier 2 chest hidden in the branches.

5/6) Turn back the way you came and enter the house. In the left room is a tier 1 double chest with a workbench, while in the right room there is a tier 1 chest.

7) (Might be taken, risky) Exit the house to the right and turn right at the road. There is a tall building with a ladder. If you go up the ladder and to the other side of the roof, there is another ladder. Climb up it for a tier 2 chest.

8) Go straight forward form the bottom of the first ladder and enter the sewers. Take a right once in. There is a hidden button in the wall towards the end of the corridor, as well as a tier 1 chest. Spam the inside of the hole until you hit the button which opens a secret door in the wall. Inside the first room, 9) there is a tier 2 chest. At the left of the room, there is another button which opens the door to the last room. In that room, 10) there is a tier 1 chest. Hit the button next to the ladder, and climb up.

11) Continue to the left down the road until you reach the crane. Follow the simple parkour up to the top, where there is a tier 2 chest.

12) Finally, continue towards the train station. Go up the stairs, walk down the iron bars, and jump onto the roof on the right. At the end, there is ladder parkour up to the room with the final tier 2 chest.
(Pictures will be added soon)

SG4 is a small, chaotic map. Even though you might easily make it to dmatch wandering around aimlessly, there is no guarantee you'll win. The west part of the map doesn't have much in terms of tier 2 chests (the crashed airplane has one), but it's a good place to go for n00bs who don't know the map and want to have a chance. In order to be successful, you absolutely must strategize. NEVER, ever go to the train station if you don't want to be killed. Also, when you are coming out of secret sewers, be on your guard. Someone might be crouching at the top of the ladder waiting for you! Inventory full? Don't be afraid to burn food. It's a small map, so only keep food with high hunger saturation in case of chases.

*Pro tip*- If there is a team or someone with better stuff than you and they are chasing you, quickly whip out a flint and steal. Run as fast as you can to the gravel trap. If they are right behind you, when you reach the edge of the trap set fire right behind you. The trap will set off, almost definitely ensuring you a sweet escape!

Remember this: If you want to engage in a lot of fights, SG4 is the right map for you. Be on your guard!

Gameplay time: About 8-16 minutes

MVP: Flint and Steel
Holiday Resort:

Chest Route:
(12 tier 1s, 9 tier 2s)

1) Go East from corn until you reach a tree with a tier 1 chest under it.

2) Head towards the fountain. In the fountain lies a tier 2 chest.

3) Diagonally backwards and to the left, a tier 1 chest is under a tree.

4) Go straight towards the red balloon. Placed in the ground is a tier 1 chest.

5) Climb up the ladder in the blue balloon. There is a tier 1 chest above the fence posts.

6/7) Climb back down the ladder and turn to the left. There is a tier 1 chest under a tree to the left, and a tier 2 chest under a tree to the right.

8 (Optional) Climb up the first life guard tower on the beach for a tier 2.

9) Turn to the right. Go through some trees to reach a tier 1.

10) Go up the hill to the left for a tier 1.

11) Go in the plane for another tier 1.

12/13/14) Go in the subway. There is a tier 1 behind the middle support beam. There is a tier 2 in the back of the train and another behind one of the counters.

To be continued!

*Pro tip*-

Remember this:

Gameplay time:



May 8, 2012
Reaction score
Can I submit some of my routes that you can then add to the list?


Jan 21, 2013
Reaction score
Cool except are we meant to remeber these because thats way too much effort xD

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