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Guide MCSG Commands - for normal Players

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Jan 24, 2013
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MCSG Commands for Everyone

This should be a little Guide for new / normal Players, who don't know every command in MCSG.
These are normal commands that you can use as a normal Player, that means you don't need a Special Rank like Donator ( Iron / Gold / Diamond ) or Moderator ( or higher stuff ) !

/list | /l = shows every player in your server
/db | /bug | /debug = shows you your records
/records { Name } = Shows you your Records, or the records of other persons.
/tl | /timeleft= timeleft
/gf | /ghostfix | /fix | /deghost = ghostfix, i think you know the situations if you cant open chests or hit anyone, then you are "ghosting", this command tries to fix it.
/help = Lists all commands , but you cant use the most of them.
/info | /i = Shows: Server Number, Current Server State, Time Left, Current Map, Map Creator, Map Link and the Developers.
/a | /achievements = to see all the Achievements
/rules = Shows the rules for MCSG
/d | /disguise = Shows the Groups / Ranks. You can't set a group for yourself [ only higher ranks can set groups, that means Owner / Admins / Sr. Mods ]
/mem | /memory = Shows you the memory with which the server is running

In the Lobby :
/vote { map number here } | /v { map number here } = with this you can vote for the map that u want to play
/skip = Skips for other maps

In the Game :

/msg { Name } | /message { Name } = with this you can communicate with your teammate, or with other players. But the other Player MUST be within 10 Blocks
/suicide | /kill | /seppuku | /murder = i think the command says everything...

As Spectator :
/spec { name } = To Spectate someone. You can use the "Tab" key [ the key about Capslock with two Arrows on it ] to jump through names, so you don't need to type them. It also enough if u write the half name.
/sponsor { name } = opens a chest Inventory, in that inventory are a few things that you can Sponsor to the player that you want to Sponsor.

Also useful to know = If you are spectating, and you want to go to the corn | spawn, hold "shift" and "click" .

If i forget some commands, write a comment or send me a Private message and I'll add it.

There are lots of other abbreviations for the most commands, but that's enough I always write the shortest and the longest form of the Command
I was inspired by Stombo2, because of this Post : http://www.minecraftsurvivalgames.com/threads/command-help.38273/


Jan 7, 2013
Reaction score
/sponsor (player name)

/bounty (player name)
Idk if this is still allowed
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