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Wyvern's Wake

Should this map be added to Mcsg

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Jul 1, 2012
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Wyvern's Wake
A map presented to you by myself and the Nations at War Community​
What is the Wyvern's Wake?
Wyvern's Wake is a Survival games map based around an enviroment that may be seen as common to fantasy and medieval genres. Though not sticking to one specific biomeWyvern's Wake is spread out across many unique enviroments, each one presenting it's own difficulties and rewards. Hidden throughout the map are many features which can be seen as giant structures, natural or human-based.​
Tell me more about these enviroments!
The Ruptured lands
An area consisting mostly Netherrack is the hub for all things evil in Wyvern's Wake. Adventurers have long since abandoned any hope of finding out more about the area and their camps have been taken over by Orcs who have come down from The Great Forest. Flying over the lands is The Great Sandstone Dragon, a beast long thought to have been dead, but which now brings terror to the hearts of men. Among the rubble of obsidian and stone is a meteor, thought to have come from a distant world, some of the orcs tell tales of how the land used to be lush and green until that meteor hit. Many other dragons now populate this area along with the sandstone dragon. Two winged serpents battle for dominance a top a perch. A lava fiend wallows in the lava looking hungrily at the kingdom of men.​
The Great Forest
An Area rich in vegetation and foliage. At it's heart is the world tree, it is said that the elves once lived their but are now long gone, the tree is now home to the race of Ajru, or Bird people. living it is said in the tree itself. to the east of the World tree is the first orc camp, home to many a green skinned monster according to explorers the orcs love the taste of human flesh and so have a cauldron ready should any come passing by. in the north of the forest there are various towers, all of which are dilapidated, strong vines have grown out of the forest to search them. Some people guess this is due to the work of a wizard who used to live atop the Gnarled Plateau.
The Shattered Skies
No longer attached to the ground, they would all have floated off if it had not been for the chain that held them to the ground. Above a lake, bordering the great forest the shattered skies provide a series of floating isles attached to each other by a network of vines and chains. Don't look over the edge for too long, it only takes a prod. Giant Jellyfish float about the isles protecting them from intruders.
The Swollen Marshes
Many a person has died here travelling alone at night it is hard to see where you are going and the mud there is thick enough to stop a cart straight. The swollen marshes is boggy area with a single river flowing through the middle. The main feature of this area is the World Shroom, or "catalyst" as the wizard used to call it. The swollen marshes is infested by fungi and a foul stench of flesh reeks the air in this zone.
The Arid Steppes
The final environment is a series of canyons, carved out by time. although there is not much there at first, dig a little deeper and there are plenty of traps waiting for you to fall into. Two great titans have moved in from far away into the area and currently face each other in a stand off.
The Kingdom of Men
The first inhabitants of this once rich landscape have slowly had their boundaries enroached by the ever growing corruption of the Ruptured Lands. hidden behind the canyons it is said that the architects who built this place have been risen from the dead as demi-gods, Now although abandoned there is little damage as it is said that magic stops the corruption from spreading closer.
Here is an overview of my map courtesy of Mr_dice.​
How big is this map?
This map has a radius of 250 blocks, making it a diameter of 50o blocks. Funnily enough, the same as Breeze Island.
Who helped you build this amazing map?
This list is fairly short as it goes, as for the most part it was all me however there are a few names I wish to mention.​
Nations at War, a gaming community.​
Graysha97- made the traps , no way I could've done it.​
Yak_hero- Took the pictures on his monster computer.​
Ryry636- Helped out on city, gave me good ideas​
Kraidum- Gave some decent ideas to me​
Tyler773- Helped in city.​
Philly67- just about god damn everything!​
Mr_dice- Much help on the media side.​
Ifrox-various traps​
Preloa-Various traps.​
wooders-The wizard tower​
Where can I download it? And what do I do with it if I find something that could be improved?
You can download the map here: Here, look this Hyperlink right here!
Go ahead, poke about. If you find something you think could be improved take a screenshot of it by pressing f2, upload it to imgur and post it here with an explanation of what you think could be improved.​
Version 1: added a download link.​
Version 1.1: Added Kingdom of Men:​
Version 1.2: Implemented the Great Titans and Jellyfish. Overall improvements to error, more designs in city.​
Version 1.3 Made size smaller so as not to take whole page up​
Obsidian dragon replaced with two smaller dragons fighting.
http://i.imgur.com/y8QG6wfh.jpg http://i.imgur.com/yIbFjB4h.jpg http://i.imgur.com/46RDZ8qh.jpg

Complete overhaul of ruptured lands orc camp now with more Nemo on a roast.
http://i.imgur.com/q0zZWNOh.jpg http://i.imgur.com/15Z4wlph.jpg

Added a village to the floating isles
http://i.imgur.com/HT6Vp8Kh.jpg http://i.imgur.com/lVl2P1Ah.jpg

Fixed lake below and added lillypads.

http://i.imgur.com/54Fsip3h.jpg http://i.imgur.com/0Wz2kbXh.jpg

Added a dragon to the floating isles


Added a lava worm kinda dragony thing to the lava area.

http://i.imgur.com/ygpqR1Ih.jpg http://i.imgur.com/kDUtUOeh.jpg

And finally, added a new awesome dragon to corn the pictures really don't do it justice. Wing isn't broken chunk just isn't loaded.
http://i.imgur.com/exYfiobh.jpg http://i.imgur.com/Cmcw9oDh.jpg
If you see something from the pictures that could be improved go ahead and tell me here as well.
Also vote on the poll above lease it takes like two seconds.
Please contact me before using this on your own servers.​


Jan 21, 2013
Reaction score
Very masterful terraforming here! Great job!


Nov 29, 2012
Reaction score
Looks Nice, I hope it gets added,
If your looking for beta testers, I would be happy too!

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