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Fenton [EU]

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Dec 14, 2015
Reaction score
Minecraft ID:puddnlol
-Your Name:Fabrizio
-Skype ID:fabri_fast
Wins/Games Played :-
Do you have experience on MCGamer Survival Games:Yes,a lot
Previous clans?:WorldLovesMaxi,FireSpammers...
Why Do You Want To Join Fenton: Iwant new friends,and i want to play Minecraft at competitive level,
I wait your answer


May 22, 2015
Reaction score
-Minecraft ID:DentRonn
-Your Name:Ali Deniz
-Skype ID:denidfsa
Wins/Games Played :83/1269
Do you have experience on MCGamer Survival Games:Yes
Previous clans?:Yok fakat pvpm iyidir diye düşünüyom.
Why Do You Want To Join Fenton:Güçlü ve iyi insanlar olduğundan eminim


Sep 11, 2015
Reaction score
Application Status are opened. If you want to join to Fenton, the only thing you need to do is fill the blanks in application form. Here it is :
-Minecraft ID:
-Your Name:
-Skype ID:
Wins/Games Played :
Do you have experience on MCGamer Survival Games:
Previous clans?:
Why Do You Want To Join Fenton:


Sep 11, 2015
Reaction score
Minecraft ID:puddnlol
-Your Name:Fabrizio
-Skype ID:fabri_fast
Wins/Games Played :-
Do you have experience on MCGamer Survival Games:Yes,a lot
Previous clans?:WorldLovesMaxi,FireSpammers...
Why Do You Want To Join Fenton: Iwant new friends,and i want to play Minecraft at competitive level,
I wait your answer
-Minecraft ID:DentRonn
-Your Name:Ali Deniz
-Skype ID:denidfsa
Wins/Games Played :83/1269
Do you have experience on MCGamer Survival Games:Yes
Previous clans?:Yok fakat pvpm iyidir diye düşünüyom.
Why Do You Want To Join Fenton:Güçlü ve iyi insanlar olduğundan eminim
Your application is "PENDING" Thank you for your applicatioın. :)


Nov 20, 2014
Reaction score

Welcome to FENTON

DateOfCreation: 13.09.2015
Founder : DukePleux // NoHaxJustIsmetRG // EgoarthHD
TeamSpeak IP - Private
Pending Clan Wars : -
Application Status :
Clan Battles :
SKYPE: kaan_aquarthhd

1) Follow all MCGamer rules.
2) Be respectful to everyone, even if they aren't being respectful back.
3) Ghostkilling is allowed. It will be count as someone's death.
4) If someone lost his connection or his game crashs, It will be count as someone is death. A re-do can't be done because of this.
5) Only the clans roster can be play on clan battle. Editing clan thread during clan battle for getting good players isn't allowed. If you do it it will be DQ. And also members need to be in the clan for at least 24 hours before being able to battle.
Türkçe kısa özet : Misafir almak yasak ve DQ sebebidir. Ve bir oyuncunun clan savaşında oynaması için 24 saat veya daha fazla bir süre boyunca klan sayfasında bulunması lazım.
6) You are only allowed to postpone once each. The battle has to be continued by the following 2 days (48 hours).
7) There will always be a 2 minutes grace period at the start of the games. You are not allowed to lock people inside of for example White House in Valleyside before grace ended. Same goes for every other place you can lock people in.
8) Teaming or trucing with randies are not allowed.
9) 30 minute breaks are allowed once each.
10) Only play with official clan battle maps.

11) We will play minimum 4v4 maximum 8v8.
12) Using hack and alts are reason for DQ.
13) If someone die by a hacker or an autoclicker, it will be re-do if the dying clan has got a sufficient proof.
14) If a clan member is banned during a clan battle, the banned user’s clan forfeits the match. But if the user posts a ban dispute and they are successfully unbanned in a week, then the clan battle will be continue as he didn't get ban.

Alaskan Village
SG 4
Breeze Island
Valeyside University
Holiday Resort

- You must be able to communicate via Skype or TeamSpeak-
- You must be pretty active (Be on at least once a day)-
- You must be a cheerful player, and be able to accept defeat as well as being able to win modestly-
- Be a good listener and team player (Listen to your team)-
- Have respect to clan members, both ours and others, and server staff-
- Have fairly decent statistics-
- Be able to work well independently-
- Know the basic routes for the most common maps;

Alaskan Village
SG 4
Breeze Island
Valeyside University
Holiday Resort

-Minecraft ID:
-Your Name:
-Skype ID:
Wins/Games Played :
Do you have experience on MCGamer Survival Games:
Previous clans?:
Why Do You Want To Join Fenton:

DukePleux - Enes ~ Owner
EgoarthHD - Kağan ~ Owner
NoHaxJustIsmetRG - Tolga ~ Owner

• • •

Asyndex - Yusufcan ~ Co-Owner

• • •

iOguzhanRS - Oğuzhan ~ Elite

• • •

Veled - Mahmut ~ Member
StrafeAG - Buğra ~ Member
snobbig03 - Bekir ~ Member
xDarkScary - Cem ~ Member
InspireDog - Eren ~ Member
Impactless - Kaan ~ Member
Hotmand3 - Burak ~ Member
MKA_1881_1938 - Arda ~ Member
4N4NG4MINGTR - Berkay ~ Member



Fenton vs Kuralsızlar 5-3
Fenton vs Extazy 5-0
Fenton vs JusticeFire 5-1
Fenton vs JusticeShield 5-1
Fenton vs WinOrDie 5-4
Fenton vs EntrysEU 5-0 [DQ]

They disband clan when it is 3-0
Fenton vs LightBrave 5-3
Fenton vs TigerArmy 5-1

Cw Normally ends 5-2 but one of their wins they used 1 disguise player
Proof : http://www.mcgamer.net/round/mcsg/?round=4336258
EgeJP , AdanaliHuahwi , xRaiquiis

Fenton vs Sun's Sons 5-1
Fenton vs DeadlySecret 5-1
Fenton vs Atlantis 5-3
Fenton vs FireFly 5-0
Fenton vs FakeUnion 5-1
Fenton vs Titonic 5-4

Comeback from 4-2 :)
Fenton vs NeverCry 5-1
Fenton vs NoWorry 5-0
Fenton vs IFreks 5-0 [DQ]

When the score was 4-1 (We was 4 they was 1) they didn't give any answer in skype and we told it to clan staffs and they said DQ
Fenton vs Lightcore 5-0
Fenton vs Ventique 5-0 [DQ]

In the first round we said "Someone DDosing Us" And after this round he write 5-0 and left chat -_-
proof : http://hizliresim.com/bYlmZG

Fenton vs ImmortalWarriors 5-1
Fenton vs FearlessClan 5-1
Fenton vs Flash 5-0 [DQ]
Thay say hack to our members without any proof than they do the chat's name 5-0 and left the chat. Don't do any cw with this stupid Swedish Clan.
Fenton vs CrystalArmy 5-0
Fenton vs Vector
Very enjoyable clan war we do a nice comeback from 2-0 :)
Fenton vs Fakers 5-1
Will never do cw with this f*cking noob clan.

(R) Fenton vs CrystalArmy 5-2
Fenton vs AmazingPvP 5-0
Fenton vs Revaloution 5-1
Fenton vs Turk 5-1
Fenton vs Vines 5-3
Fenton vs GetBlocked 5-0
Fenton vs TheOldWar 5-1
They said hack to our members and we tell it to a clan staaf:http://prntscr.com/8ujmp1 they said we won and leave the chat

Fenton vs TheHasWonners 5-0
Fenton vs HeavenACE 5-
They try to DQ us 3 times but they can't :p

Fenton vs GoldArmy 5-0
Fenton vs NightBees 5-0

Before the cw starts, they were kidding us and said "turks" but while cw they can't win any round xd
Fenton vs Yıldızlar 5-1
Fenton vs FakerKiller 5-
0 [DQ]
They don't play with their roster.

Fenton vs Winnerz 5-0
Fenton vs RodTaqtic 5-3 [DQ]
The score was 3-2 Then we PP, After PP they say 2v2 or dq and they don't want to continue with 3v3 (Minimum is 3v3 in MCGamer Rules)
Fenton vs LifeOfGod 5-3
Fenton vs StrongArmy 5-1

Very Enjoyable Clan War
(R) Fenton vs FakerKiller 5-0
This time they play with their rosters, cw was good except NuriFG's hacking. He get ban while CW :)
Fenton vs NoCry 3-5
There isn't f*cking rod in the chests / Unlucky -_-
Fenton vs TeamDoner 5-1
Fenton vs Ellipse 5-4 [DQ]

We get ddos in 3-4 rounds. The rounds that we get DDoS was full while we were attacking them.
Fenton vs FatalityBoys 5-0
Fenton vs InvisibleTeam 5-1
Fenton vs Galaxy 5-0
They say 4v4 when the score was 3-0 for us, And after game start they said "you are 4 we are 3 so 5-0 DQ" and left the chat. So never do cw with this f*cking noob full of kid clan.
Fenton vs Giants 5-3
They blamed us for alt account and they don't continue when the score was 4-3 for us.

Fenton vs Swagkillers 5-0
Fenton vs ZeeKtonEU 5-3
(R) Fenton vs LifeOfGod 5-1
Fenton vs Thunders 5-2

They say hack to AquarthHD and BokluBacca_V2. don't do cw with them.
Fenton vs Athomize 5-3
http://www.mcgamer.net/round/mcsg/?round=5642029 very sexy 2v3 after Triqer dead, and very sexy 1v2 after BokluBacca_V2 dead and they tell us macros and hacks, lol
vs Revolution 5-0
They left the chat when the score was 3-0 for us and they tell us hack

Fenton vs ElementsEU 5-1 [DQ]
They disband their clan when the score was 2-1 for us.
Fenton vs Redlight 5-1 [DQ]
When the score was 2-1 for us, we want to take PP but they don't let us to take PP than they left the chat.
Fenton vs Chroma 5-3
(R) Fenton vs TigerArmy 5-3
Fenton vs Imperial 5-2
Fenton vs Galaschion 5-1 [DQ]

score was 3-1 for us, than they blame us for attacking them in grace without proof and they don't continue the cw.
Fenton vs TheDutchDestroyers 5-2
They said us hack without proof and didn't continue the cw when the score was 3-2 for us.
Fenton vs Solitudes 5-1
Fenton vs Hyper's Criminal 5-1
Fenton vs TeamDoner 5-0
Fenton vs Sinister 5-2 [DQ]
they don't reply for 4-5 days when the score was 3-2 for us.
Fenton vs LegendTeam 5-0 [DQ]
We were doing 6v6, our 2 member is kicked before game start, they don't hub and they kill our 1 member before grace end and swear us in game so much times
Fenton vs SoulFly 5-0 [DQ]
They don't play with their roster.
Fenton vs FakeTeam 5-1
Fenton vs Chronium 5-1 [DQ]

PP is over but they don't reply
Fenton vs Beggars 5-0
They try to team with other players.
Fenton vs Inpirets 4-5
A nice cw against a good clan in EU. Anyway they are racist, hardcore.
(R) Fenton vs TeamDoner 5-0 [DQ]
PP is over but they don't reply.
(R) Fenton vs FearlessClan 5-0
Thanks for fair and fast cw <3
Fenton vs FireOfWalker 5-2
Fenton vs Divergents 5-1

gg bros
Fenton vs Solitude 5-0 [DQ]
Really bad clan war against the most disrespectful, most racist group of people we've ever seen on MCGamer. They don't deserve to be #2 on EUCL.
Fenton vs Electro 5-0
Fenton vs BackStreets 5-2
(R) Fenton vs TigerArmy 5-0

They win the first round without their own roster, Brutal player played in first round. And Clan staff said that it's DQ so it should be Fenton 1-0 TigerArmy but we don't want to get win by DQ so we said them continue from 0-0 and they don't continue with 0-0 so 5-0. (Unfortunately so many turk clans are like that) and also they post a fake win on their thread :D
Fenton vs TurnOnSkillz 5-4
(R) Fenton vs Vector 4-5
Fenton vs TheNobles 5-4

Fenton vs Alphas 5-2
vs BlackArmy 5-1 [DQ]
when the score 2-1 for us their player get banned
Fenton vs TheBurn 5-0
(R) Fenton vs Alphas 5-4

comebacks of dream! From 4-0 to 5-4
Fenton vs TheApex 5-1
Fenton vs ConclavE 2-5
• • •

| TRCL Eliminations |

Fenton vs InvisibleTeam 5-1
Fenton vs Brutal 2-5
Fenton vs StrongArmy 5-2

• • •

| Turkey Clan Leaderboards |

Fenton vs Brutal 1-5
Fenton vs GoldArmy 5-0
Fenton vs NoCry 3-5

• • •

| Chroma Clan Tournament |

Fenton vs Darkened 3-0

• • •

EU Clan Wars [Season 2]

Fenton vs Brutal 1-3

• • •


We, DukePleux, NoHaxJustIsmetRG and EgoarthHD leader of the clan Fenton, agree to the MCGamer Clan Rules and the MCGamer Administration. We will act appropriately and uphold the standards of the MCGamer community. Should the clan or its members break any of the rules, we agree to accept whatever punishments may be delivered.
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