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Trivium ▽

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District 13
Oct 27, 2013
Reaction score
You don't have any proof, yet you don't put the loss up, that sir is cheating.
Well when I spoke to mods yesterday - it's not a rule to post "losses" just not forge fake wins. Bobby Jones should probably post their loss against BlackElite, as well as SnowFlakes, and not forge wins, or are you "cheating" as well?

We actually do have numerous reasons to not post the result, if you would have asked me I would've provided them. You can ask Rai for the reasons, as he asked and I responded. I'm currently in a taxi on my phone, on the way to the airport, but hopefully this reply will be enough to shut you up.


District 13
Oct 27, 2013
Reaction score
Only difference is we actually beat that clan, also rai told us how they "cheated" in the cw but trivium have no evidence.
*lost to *those clans. Not posting a result isn't breaking any rules or cheating, especially when the other clan didn't play fair.

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Jan 18, 2015
Reaction score
Yeah, because I really like and play MCSG. Like who even gives a Good about MC anymore XDXD
JoJox3_ does. A fellow hacker :) He says that he quit and that he doesn't care, but in reality he sweats the game like no other and desperately applies for clans.


Sep 28, 2013
Reaction score
We got DDoS'ed and they broke rules repeatedly... how is that us cheating?
ok sry for essay but

Since I was 'reffing' the clan war and both sides agreed to me as a neutral observer, I saw what happened throughout and so I want to point out my opinion on this.

You didn't get ddossed. You're basing this whole argument off a ridiculously tiny circumstance - Scout timing out. Because one player timed out, you're calling DDoS, which just isn't fair at all. There was nothing suspicious at all about him timing out - I was in the TS at the time, no one said anything about packet loss beforehand, and when he did, no one said anything about DDoSing. It was only once you lost that you decided that they had been DDoSing. As for the joke Ajax made, yes it was inappropriate but jokes like that are made all the time in CW chats and nothing is made of it. Rasclarts have been in clan wars where people have made jokes like that and 3+ of our members have timed out over the course of the clan war - do we jump to conclusions like that? No.

You have some sort of point on them being annoying during the clan war, but what they did was what you experience really often in clan wars, which was them being a bit cheap, and that sort of stuff happens all the time.

Basically, my opinion here is: Triv, you are really good. You've gone ages without losing a regular clan war. The luck has caught up with you though, you had one clan war where the other clan fought well and a few things went against you, and you can't accept it. You're looking to any excuse not to put the loss up because you want to stay unbeaten. Here's the thing though, with a record like yours no-one will look down on you just for one loss. You know yourself that one loss isn't that big a deal. What will lose Trivium respect is refusing to put the loss up for completely petty reasons.


Dec 13, 2013
Reaction score
ok sry for essay but

Since I was 'reffing' the clan war and both sides agreed to me as a neutral observer, I saw what happened throughout and so I want to point out my opinion on this.

You didn't get ddossed. You're basing this whole argument off a ridiculously tiny circumstance - Scout timing out. Because one player timed out, you're calling DDoS, which just isn't fair at all. There was nothing suspicious at all about him timing out - I was in the TS at the time, no one said anything about packet loss beforehand, and when he did, no one said anything about DDoSing. It was only once you lost that you decided that they had been DDoSing. As for the joke Ajax made, yes it was inappropriate but jokes like that are made all the time in CW chats and nothing is made of it. Rasclarts have been in clan wars where people have made jokes like that and 3+ of our members have timed out over the course of the clan war - do we jump to conclusions like that? No.

You have some sort of point on them being annoying during the clan war, but what they did was what you experience really often in clan wars, which was them being a bit cheap, and that sort of stuff happens all the time.

Basically, my opinion here is: Triv, you are really good. You've gone ages without losing a regular clan war. The luck has caught up with you though, you had one clan war where the other clan fought well and a few things went against you, and you can't accept it. You're looking to any excuse not to put the loss up because you want to stay unbeaten. Here's the thing though, with a record like yours no-one will look down on you just for one loss. You know yourself that one loss isn't that big a deal. What will lose Trivium respect is refusing to put the loss up for completely petty reasons.
Who are you.
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Dec 13, 2013
Reaction score
cool question friend! I'm someone that Austin trusted enough to judge the cw and not be biased, and that's what I did. Unlike you I actually have some sort of say in the EU community, and unlike you I'm not acting like a complete prick to someone I don't know on the forums.
No it was serious question I'm Us idk anyone...


Mar 26, 2014
Reaction score
IGN: SkyStatus
Nickname: Sky
Wins / Games Played: Recently reset my stats: 13/200 (Also, I don't team with anyone, but I would like to join a clan.)
Past clans: None, well created my own but my own clan was unsuccessful.
Skype ID: MCSkyStatus
Why do you want to join Trivium: This clan looks very impressive, and also there are a fair amount of players in the clan. I also do have much skill, well strafe is my best (if you give me speed I will wreck you by spinning around you in a 360 degree angle.), but I also am good swords (I hit 97 times every 10 seconds, but I hold my mouse with another hand and spam my finger on the mouse), and fishing rod. I am somewhat good with flint & steel, but I'm better at quick-switch for fishing rod than flint & steel. This will be my first clan (besides my own which failed), and I wish to be accepted!​


Nov 19, 2013
Reaction score
Hey im AsianGuy and on behalf of vortex I would like to say great battle and it was a lot of fun. :)
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