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MCGamer gone downhill

Would you prefer 1.7 or 1.8 ?

  • 1.7

    Votes: 79 61.2%
  • 1.8

    Votes: 50 38.8%

  • Total voters


Nov 8, 2013
Reaction score

February 5th 2015

Hello MCSG forums. (let's be honest it's minecraftsurvivalgames.com not mcgamer.com)
I've been on this server for 2 years now, including 2 summers, so I've been on these servers for quite a while as you can guess.

But since the summer of 2014, I feel like MCSG (or MCGamer whatever) has just gone downhill.
On the EU servers, there was, for some reason, lots of hackers going to MCSG. At least 4 hackers every single game, which is not an exaggeration. The Survival Games was way less fun to play, during the summer, which is a horrible thing since that's the time when people play the longest on these servers. Old and cool players would just leave getting pissed off at these hackers.

So months had passed, and MCGamer v2 came along. So there was a new hub, new game modes, new sign system, which was really unexpected and unneeded, since the latest sign system was perfectly fine. Signs kept changing, there were way less signs, hence games with 10 players for clan wars were impossible. The /server sg command for donors are not working at all. It would either join a game that's in pre game, games that are currently in progress, and me being a platinum donor, I could not join some games, reason was that the lobby was full. It would then move me back to the hub, and the SG hub was full. I'm sorry, but how tf does a hub get full :'D. Afterwords, I would randomly get teleported to the battlegrounds hub. No worries there.

Oh, and how could I ever forget, the leaderboards reset that was supposed to happen with MCGamer v2. Including all these new "cool" leaderboards settings, that have never happened, 4 months later. Can you not prepare it then announce it when it's like perfectly functional, get a poll done if people actually want that or not. You can't simply say it's going to come out one day and then it's not happening for more than 4 months.

Finally, February 1st of 2015. Perma-banning hackers. It is a really good think, but why couldn't you do that earlier. If you play unfairly on a video game online, why would you need a 2nd chance? It's actually sad. It may be fun for them, but I'm quite sure they knew the consequences before they started hacking. This perm-banning hackers deal should've started months ago.

So after all of that nonsense happened, MCGamer upgraded to 1.8. Well it was supposed to February 26th/29th (can't quite remember it), and guess what? It got delayed. Yet again, MCGamer did not keep their promises and delayed it to the 3rd. And now I'm going to be completely honest, after what happened with the leaderboards reset, I thought that MCGamer would never upgrade. And guess what? It did. That really surprised me a lot.

So this is way I mainly wanted to post this thread. The 1.8 upgrade.
To make it easier, and not have 4 insanely long paragraphs, I'm going to make this shorter and listing everything.

  • The PvP aspect - So MCGamer's biggest mini game by far is Minecraft Survival Games. It mainly includes, as you know, PvP and other surviving techniques we don't care about. Since 1.8 was released, the PvP side of things has just gone horrible wrong. Range became really weird, as either you get an insane 4 block range or a crappy 1 block range. When you kept clicking, it would randomly stop clicking, and you'll have to wait like 2 seconds to be able to click again, which is something you do not want during a fight against someone. It overall is really weird next to 1.7, which has not bug that anyone has complained about.
  • The FPS (frames per second) - 1.8 is overall laggy. Even with optifine, you would keep getting random frame drops, which could occur every now and then. ok this was not a real argument ^-^
  • Un-rendered chunks - In 1.8, you can not see people in un-rendered chunks. Thus that, people with bad computers who need 2 frames so they don't get too much lag need to put it up so they can even fight in bow fights or team fights, you couldn't get someone who's chasing you to chase someone else, as you don't know where someone is! And lastly, the games would take like 10 more minutes to finish, and as a wise black woman once said, "ain't nobody got time for that".
  • The new spectating system - So 1.8 released a new gamemode, game mode 3, which was the spectator mode. MCSG added that to when somebody was spectating, but it's completely dumb af. You would go at speed 5 or something, you can fly through blocks, you can't even walk on the ground, since you'll go through the ground, it's a pain to teleport the player with the new feature. The old spectating function was great, and I don't think anyone complained about it...

Now I understand the argument of "Well they have to upgrade to 1.8 so they can create new game modes with the new features and blocks".
I completely agree with this statement. But it can easily be outdone, and I've seen TheHive do it. Their newest game mode, Deathrun, is only compatible with 1.8. But did they ever upgrade to 1.8? No. All they've done is that the game mode could not be accessed with lower than 1.8, and every single other game mode work with 1.7 and 1.8. Why can't MCSG do that?

March 2nd 2015

Ok, this is actually stupidly hilarious.
Yesterday, MCSG added this new plugin - No hit-delay (or something like that can't really remember) - which allows you to get insane hits. You can literally hit someone 4 times only whilst in the air, and the fights are now completely boring. Fights will now last like 4 seconds, and whoever will get the first hit pretty much wins the fight. Hacker also now are unbeatable sword-wise, they will literally get hits you can't trade with, they will get a 6 hit combo, and it's impossible to run away from them. Hackers also have seemed to increase since this update. Also, from time to time, you can't hit people with your rod, your bow or you even can't step on pressure plase. What the heck is this?
hdwisiaaof made a hilarious video talking about it

March 16th 2015

Right, so.
This may not be the best complaints but whatever.
Not going to talk about raffle voting, even though I don't like it, it was removed after many people of the community asking for it (getting rid of it), and it was added anonymously without asking anyone. You sure get positive feedback when you do something no one asked for and most people hated it.
Since the start of 2015, there has been a problem with Alaskan Village.
Everytime I play it, at least 87% of the time, the game starts lagging in pre-game, and after 30 seconds of waiting - the time it takes for the game to start - the game either crashes, or starts counting down at 29 seconds and lags the whole entire game. Now, it wouldn't matter too much if it was a map that's underplayed or disliked by most of the community, but that's the problem... This is one of the servers (server's not sure) most popular and liked map! It's not really splendid if your favorite map is taken away by a server you like...

April 2nd 2015

So the leaderboards reset happened yesterday, and obviously, various threads have been made complaining about stuff.
Here is on I thought was nice to show in this thread, as it is really relevant to the topic of this thread.
Credits go to Ryska
Yesterday the leaderboards were reset. Fine, reset them all you want, since you obviously do not listen to the community anyways. But one thing that has been irritating me a lot recently has been that the percentage votes are back. Percentage votes were from the start not a big favorite within the community. You removed it because you actually listened to our requests. But now they're back for some odd reason.

Now the leaderboards are also reset, and some of us are trying to get somewhat good stats. Personally, I used to have good stats (2000/4500). But now I struggle to even win a game. Just now, I was in a lobby were Par 72, the map I wanted to play, had 32 votes and then there was Breeze Island 2 with two votes. Breeze Island 2 is the obvious map to get picked so I have to play it now, because otherwise I'd lose the game. Of course, I ended up dying to a hacker with killaura and anti knockback.

Multiple threads like this has already been posted, regarding the leaderboards reset, percentage votes and losing the game when you leave. This is obviously something we do not want.
March 1st 2015

Right, I'm not motivated to write anything long right now, so I'm just going to make it short, as it is a little problem that is still caused by 1.8 (i loooove blaming 1.8 8]).
So, once 1.8 came out, I would, from time to time, glitch inside of a block whilst being, per example, rodded in to that block, where i would try to keep running and get lagged back, which would then lead to my absolute doom. It happened to me more than 10 times since the leaderboards reset, and it has really annoyed me a lot. Now I think it is caused by the new spectating system where you can run through blocks, but really, I'm not sure, but I do think it could be easy to fix.
Would elaborate more but can't be bothered.
Last edited:


Sep 28, 2013
Reaction score
Tbf I think a lot of the 1.8 bugs such as lag spikes will be fixed in future versions, I think the same happens for most MC updates.


Mar 10, 2013
Reaction score
yes thx

in other words people should listen to the god jonnysurvives more often
Tbf I think a lot of the 1.8 bugs such as lag spikes will be fixed in future versions, I think the same happens for most MC updates.
yeah so they should have waited until a more stable version came out before updating
Oct 31, 2013
Reaction score
As much as I agree but the developers work hard.
The devlopers aren't the problem. It's the quantity of developers they need more! That's why they delay stuff, becuase developers are human too and I don't think they get paid for this they have personal life too, homework and jobs that's why we need more. Good thread, you aren't bashing on MCSG. (Trust me MCG is never going to be called MCG.


May 20, 2014
Reaction score
Okay , all very good explained without dirrespecting or harrasing , really nice thread c:

Anyway , I believe MCGamer won't downgrade to 1.7 , all the servers need to update , and 1.8 give a lot of more opportunities to developers to make the game experience much better.

And don't worry about bugs , Developers are hard working to solve all of them .

Have a nice day!

Nephilim Ceroria Scott


Aug 20, 2012
Reaction score
I'm itching to write a rebut right now, but it'll have to wait due to homework, expect something from me later on c:<

In the meantime, please read this quote from our Development Team (specifically Devin)
"To everyone saying, “Just return to 1.7!”
First of all: we have no reason to believe that 1.8 is the culprit behind the most common issues described below. Many of the glitches that have appeared were caused by the update, but do not appear to be directly influenced by 1.8; the fact that they appeared during the update that mandates 1.8 seems to be an unfortunate coincidence. And as such, those glitches should be relatively easy to fix.

Honestly, as bad as people claim 1.8 is, moving back to 1.7 would be a real mistake.

Remember that nearly all of the current bugs, glitches, and problems that everyone is upset about are temporary (and likely not even related to 1.8). Yes, it’s upsetting that things seem broken now, but all of those things will be fixed within a few days. But what we do not want to do is let all of the hard work that has gone into the update go to waste for the temporary comfort of a soon-to-be-outdated system. Things will improve with 1.8, but reverting back to 1.7 is a step in the wrong direction.

Mojang is not making their update release schedule easy on anyone, but their updates are mandatory and unavoidable. We are one of the first large networks to transfer fully to 1.8, but other networks are going to make the transfer too, and they will likely experience much the same problems as we did. No matter what, there will be growing pains. But we chose to adopt 1.8 early in order to get the growing pains over, and thus allow us to reap the full benefits of a stable 1.8 sooner rather than later.

Remember what I said earlier: large update comes, large updates cause temporary problems, devs fix the problems, everyone enjoys the update afterwards."

So what, you can't block-hit and people aren't as obviously red when you hit them, all things take time for adjustment, and in the long run there won't be much of a difference.

Regarding your lag issues, turn on VBOs in your video settings. Plus, all new versions are laggy at first. 1.7 was like this in the beginning as well.

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