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The Rebels

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Apr 22, 2012
Reaction score
Minecraft ID: Alphie_
Age: 15
Donor: Platinum
Wins: 1153 (Alphie_ + EpicAlpha64)
How often have you teamed with the Leaders/Officers: I know some Rebels members from my 2+ years at MCSG. Alex and I go way back.
Got a mic: Blue Yeti.
Got Skype/TS: Yes I do!
Skype name (PM me if you don't want to post it): Alphakazam
Past Clans (If any): Chrome, Trivium
Timezone: Central-US
PvP Strengths: Sword combat; Strategic PvP
PvP Weaknesses: Fishing rod.
You cool: ya
Best puppy picture:
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Aug 22, 2014
Reaction score
Got Skype/TS: Yes
Skype name (PM me if you don't want to post it): SharkmanPlaysMC
Past Clans (If any): Synergy
Timezone: EST
PvP Strengths: Sword, FNS, and fishing rod.
PvP Weaknesses: Bow

Ag | Alex

District 13
Jun 27, 2012
Reaction score
Got Skype/TS: Yes
Skype name (PM me if you don't want to post it): p3num6ra.the.second
Past Clans (If any): Synergy
Timezone: EST
PvP Strengths: Sword, FNS, and fishing rod. My bow skills seem to not be as good depending on a random day.
PvP Weaknesses:

You cool: 99.547259554235634% chance likelihood
Best puppy picture:
Got Skype/TS: Yes
Skype name (PM me if you don't want to post it): SharkmanPlaysMC
Past Clans (If any):
Timezone: EST
PvP Strengths: Sword, FNS, and fishing rod.
PvP Weaknesses: Bow
You guys both left out half of the application. Try again.


Aug 22, 2014
Reaction score
Minecraft ID: SharkmanPlaysMC
Age: 15
Donor: No,Getting it in a week or so
How often have you teamed with the Leaders/Officers:All the time, im too OP
Got a mic: Yup
Got Skype/TS:YUP
Skype name (PM me if you don't want to post it): SharkmanPlaysMC
Past Clans (If any) Synergy
PvP Strengths:Sword, rod,FNS
PvP Weaknesses: BOW
You cool: Thanks
Best puppy picture:
i eat puppies


Aug 8, 2014
Reaction score
Minecraft ID: P3num6ra
Donor: Who buys donor anymore
Wins: 630 something
How often have you teamed with the Leaders/Officers: nope
Got a mic: Yes
Got Skype/TS: oh yeah
Skype name (PM me if you don't want to post it): p3num6ra.the.second
Past Clans (If any) Synergy
Timezone: EST
PvP Strengths: Bow on and off with the skills (once made atleast a 100 block shot on ArtOfPvP, old Synergy)
PvP Weaknesses:

You cool: yeah probably
Best puppy picture: http://images6.fanpop.com/image/photos/34200000/Puppy-dogs-34212464-1440-900.jpg

You guys both left out half of the application. Try again.
Oh, thanks alot


Dec 31, 2013
Reaction score
Minecraft ID: fusionnuggets ^.^

Wins: Only about 200 on my main.
How often have you teamed with the Leaders/Officers: Like once for us clan league
Got a mic: Yeah
Got Skype/TS: Yeah

Skype name (PM me if you don't want to post it): waddlepanda
Past Clans (If any): Haunted Ascendancy Vigilant
PvP Strengths: Strafing I guess
PvP Weaknesses: Bow ;~;

You cool: Im fusion
Best puppy picture:


Jul 4, 2014
Reaction score
Minecraft ID: fusionnuggets ^.^

Wins: Only about 200 on my main.
How often have you teamed with the Leaders/Officers: Like once for us clan league
Got a mic: Yeah
Got Skype/TS: Yeah

Skype name (PM me if you don't want to post it): waddlepanda
Past Clans (If any): Haunted Ascendancy Vigilant
PvP Strengths: Strafing I guess
PvP Weaknesses: Bow ;~;

You cool: Im fusion
Best puppy picture:
Recommended Clan god. <3


Jan 20, 2013
Reaction score
Minecraft ID: cbagz
Age: 16
Donor: Diamond
Wins: 715
How often have you teamed with the Leaders/Officers: Not much, usually against most of them.
Got a mic: Absolutely
Got Skype/TS: Yes, both
Skype name (PM me if you don't want to post it): (Skype: ChristophBagley)
Past Clans (If any) Hurricanes, Primeval, CyanVolts, Divinity (V1 and V2)
Timezone: Eastern
PvP Strengths: Swords and Bows
PvP Weaknesses: F&S
You cool: Yeah
Best puppy picture:



May 3, 2014
Reaction score
I know this was unexpected (for the most part) and I really love rebels. However, to be 100% honest I just dont have the comfortable feel here. You
guys are so nice to me, friendly, and i love talking with you all. I know it's only been 1 month (around) and i have had some of my best laughs here.
It's really hard for me to do this... but im leaving rebels ;-; I really hope to talk with all of you everyday, and talk about anything for that matter!

Everyone here did their part, and I would like to thank most of you for making my time here memorable :)

Max: The funniest, and best leader i have expierienced. Whenever you would join a channel, I would'nt have to talk (Like i would anyway =) ) i would just listen and laugh. I couldnt ask for a better leader!

Jc: Well, its hard to say whose the best leader, but both you and mayra are great! All the times we would 1v1 on badlion or 2v2! We would talk for hours somedays, or just for a minuite. Cya around

Mayra: =) I remember when i was a randy & you never liked me :p But over time I think we became friends XD but in the end, rebels are on big family ;-;

Trevor: A great officer (#1 actually) and a great friend! Thanks to you and mayra for staying up and making our routes, we did great in clan wars :) All your time and dedication is recognized, and thank you for that =)

Wikcyyyyyy: DiegoplaysMC, all though we didn't talk much, you were a great officer, and pvper

Agg: Ill be sure to discuss arrow with you, and talk with you often. You are a great guy and i wish you luck on the rebels house ;-;

umeeeeeeme6: Ty for all the laughs, afk moments and weird coughs you do! You're a great elite and friend man, stay frostyyy!!!

Butter: Ill be sure to hit you up with some more Arrow, and pls dont spoil anything man. You're great friend and pvper dude. talk with you more soon =)

Blaze: Although we didn't talk much, we were great friends and played mcsg quite often =)gl man

Feno: You always brought weird noises and laughs to every channel. If we were all having a bad day you could cheer us up with whatever stuff you did xD

Krafty: My favorite Jap! I'll be sure to 1v1 you some more and talk with you. After all, we cant forget that fan fic MWHAHAH

radodim: One of or my closest friend in rebels. I could always talk with you whenever, even be 4 the wash room. All the times we would 1v1 on jap pvp or badlion with my new internet and all my frustration, were great! Ill talk with you more babe. heh heh

Meep: I didnt talk with you much, but when I did you i remember us laughing... a lot

Hayden: Man, you inspired me a ton dude. You told me about that new ksin thing and all the fns's I should use :/ You were always nice to me, and I really liked you for that. Thanks for being the bigger man =) (no homo)

Bogen: When me and you joined at the same time, we were like insta-friends xD We would talk alot and 1v1 a lot! Thamks for getting me #3 on badlion btw :p

Fuzzy: I think we talked often when you were'nt playing csgo xD Hopefully you get that elite rank back tiger!

Apzy: Brother! Ill talk with you more... if you GOT ON MORE. but i wuv you app app. Stay frostyy

Purge: haven't known you too long, but you were a great friend =)

TOp: THANK YOU FOR MY CUSTOM PACK DUDE. Ill talk with you more Ian =)

Polaris: All the weird links and stupid conversations were great dude xD I'll talk with you more man :)

Ian: IYAN! you were a great friend and I had some weird conversations with you man. All the pvp training on badlion payed off in the end ayy?

Lakers: The new addition too rebels! I hope you make good times here, and create great memories =) Gl dude

Well, Thank you all for my time here and I know I was here for roughly 2 months, i couldn't ask for better
#Rebels ;-;
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