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Click On This If You're In A Clan


District 13
Jun 23, 2012
Reaction score
Clan Name : Trivicum
• Loudest in the clan: idek half the members so probably polaris or soggy
• Gets the most kills in scrims: me everyone else sucks
• Cutest in the clan: chip his voice is so high it kinda turns me on
• Funniest in the clan: rowan but he died irl
• Makes the worst choices in the clan: jacob
• Bow spammer in the clan: chriscumdies
• Bragger in the clan: mikeywoman
• Fattest in the clan: bran hes been pregnant for quite a while
• Quietest in the clan: soggy when his mic is muted
• Ragest in the clan: dunno
• Never listens in scrim in the clan: everyone listens unless soggy leads
• Closest to getting elite: me Trivium Branbob83 soggypickle ALL1DO1SW1N
• Closest to getting officer: me after i get elite
• Richest: du fuq kinda question is this
• The No life: nativetalent
• Janitor: polaris before
• Ping abuses: chip
• Most inactive: me
• Never makes it out of spawn: bran its funny when he cries about it too


Jun 5, 2013
Reaction score
Clan Name : Trivium
• Loudest in the clan: soggy
• Gets the most kills in scrims: idk bran gets a lotta kills in cs go
• Cutest in the clan: krafty
• Funniest in the clan: whale
• Makes the worst choices in the clan: ezraft
• Bow spammer in the clan: me/chriscomedies
• Bragger in the clan: chrisbro
• Fattest in the clan: poozer
• Quietest in the clan: polaris
• Ragest in the clan: mikey
• Never listens in scrim in the clan: chris never listen in comp
• Closest to getting elite: kraft e
• Closest to getting officer: kraft e
• Richest: edan
• The No life: soggy
• Janitor: polar
• Ping abuses: poozer
• Most inactive: rowan
• Never makes it out of spawn: bran


District 13
Jun 23, 2012
Reaction score
Clan Name : Trivium
• Loudest in the clan: soggy
• Gets the most kills in scrims: idk bran gets a lotta kills in cs go
• Cutest in the clan: krafty
• Funniest in the clan: whale
• Makes the worst choices in the clan: ezraft
• Bow spammer in the clan: me/chriscomedies
• Bragger in the clan: chrisbro
• Fattest in the clan: poozer
• Quietest in the clan: polaris
• Ragest in the clan: mikey
• Never listens in scrim in the clan: chris never listen in comp
• Closest to getting elite: kraft e
• Closest to getting officer: kraft e
• Richest: edan
• The No life: soggy
• Janitor: polar
• Ping abuses: poozer
• Most inactive: rowan
• Never makes it out of spawn: bran
haha demoted


District 13
Sep 22, 2012
Reaction score
Clan Name : Trivium
• Loudest in the clan: Everyone
• Gets the most kills in scrims: Not Krafty
• Cutest in the clan: Eden or Branbob83 (lol jk fk u bran ily)
• Funniest in the clan: Krafty
• Makes the worst choices in the clan: soggypickle
• Bow spammer in the clan: ChrisComedies
• Bragger in the clan: mikey
• Fattest in the clan: SolarBears themastern00b
• Quietest in the clan: polarisXD unmute your mic you dumb horker
• Ragest in the clan:
• Never listens in scrim in the clan: RTGxxKaos
• Closest to getting elite: this is a joke rit
• Closest to getting officer: what are with these stupid questions
• Richest: I'm rich
• The No life: soggypickle
• Janitor: JustAHotDog (even though you left)
• Ping abuses: poop
• Most inactive: Rowan
• Never makes it out of spawn: soggypickle


Sep 12, 2013
Reaction score
Clan Name : Divine
• Loudest in the clan: PROxNIGGLES_25
• Gets the most kills in scrims: Revolosity
• Cutest in the clan: Mr_Gears
• Funniest in the clan: ImFaqe
• Makes the worst choices in the clan: XiFinateSnipez
• Bow spammer in the clan: Regularshow421
• Bragger in the clan: ImFaqe
• Fattest in the clan: Regularshow421
• Quietest in the clan: No One
• Ragest in the clan: Nanos14
• Never listens in scrim in the clan: XiFinateSnipez
• Closest to getting elite: ZMaster
• Closest to getting officer: Regularshow421
• Richest: Regularshow421
• The No life: ImFaqe
• Janitor: ImFaqe
• Ping abuses: Revolosity
• Most inactive: Roluxe
• Never makes it out of spawn: PROxNIGGLES_25


Apr 29, 2013
Reaction score
Clan Name : Divine
• Loudest in the clan: PROxNIGGLES_25
• Gets the most kills in scrims: regularshow421
• Cutest in the clan:
• Funniest in the clan: SkitThePsyco or ImFaqe
• Makes the worst choices in the clan: SoloSh0ck
• Bow spammer in the clan: @XifinateSnipeZ
• Bragger in the clan: Revolosity
• Fattest in the clan: PROxNIGGLES_25
• Quietest in the clan: Nanos14
• Ragest in the clan: me ;-;
• Never listens in scrim in the clan: Finate
• The No life: ImFaqe
• Janitor: ImFaqe
• Ping abuses: Revolosity
• Most inactive: Roluxe
• Never makes it out of spawn: me


Nov 8, 2013
Reaction score
Clan Name : Rasclarts jonnysurvives
• Loudest in the clan: NixGamez
• Gets the most kills in scrims: NixGamez
• Cutest in the clan: GoldenWave
• Funniest in the clan: AryanThePanda jonnysurvives
• Makes the worst choices in the clan: jonnysurvives =D
• Bow spammer in the clan: jonnysurvives jonnysurvives jonnysurvives jonnysurvives jonnysurvives jonnysurvives jonnysurvives jonnysurvives jonnysurvives jonnysurvives jonnysurvives jonnysurvives jonnysurvives jonnysurvives jonnysurvives jonnysurvives jonnysurvives jonnysurvives jonnysurvives jonnysurvives jonnysurvives jonnysurvives jonnysurvives jonnysurvives jonnysurvives jonnysurvives jonnysurvives jonnysurvives jonnysurvives jonnysurvives jonnysurvives jonnysurvives jonnysurvives jonnysurvives jonnysurvives jonnysurvives jonnysurvives jonnysurvives jonnysurvives
• Bragger in the clan: NixGamez
• Fattest in the clan: I_love_desk
• Quietest in the clan: AryanThePanda GoldenWave NickSharpx
• Ragest in the clan: NixGamez NixGamez NixGamez NixGamez NixGamez NixGamez NixGamez
• Never listens in scrim in the clan: NixGamez
• The No life: AryanThePanda
• Janitor: idek
• Ping abuses: NixGamez jonnysurvives
• Most inactive: Riggsy_
• Never makes it out of spawn: We're EU


Dec 23, 2013
Reaction score
Clan Name : Pvp
• Loudest in the clan: lil minebutt
• Gets the most kills in scrims: nelson
• Cutest in the clan: minebutt
• Funniest in the clan: Nelson dog poke idk were all mirrors inside joke jahahashshsh
• Makes the worst choices in the clan: pokebutt
• Bow spammer in the clan: idk mintpoop myself
• Bragger in the clan: dog
• Fattest in the clan: my butt is fat
• Quietest in the clan: zero style
• Ragest in the clan: max
• Never listens in scrim in the clan: who scrims
• Closest to getting elite: officer
• Closest to getting officer: pvp
• Richest: spo15
• The No life: Nelson and his uhc
• Janitor: idk myself
• Ping abuses: dog
• Most inactive: zButtcheekKillAura
• Never makes it out of spawn: kc


Sep 7, 2013
Reaction score
Clan Name : Vortex
• Loudest in the clan: Kminer56
• Gets the most kills in scrims: GOLD_ninja14
• Cutest in the clan: Idk
• Funniest in the clan: Def me (jk ;-; )
• Makes the worst choices in the clan: Me
• Bow spammer in the clan: BacccaPlays
• Bragger in the clan: idk
• Fattest in the clan: They're all fat
• Quietest in the clan: jcruz1104
• Ragest in the clan: BacccaPlays
• Never listens in scrim in the clan: Me
• The No life: DietCoke
• Janitor: SuperKyleFTW
• Ping abuses: MelloCraftYT
• Most inactive: vnguy201
• Never makes it out of spawn: Idk


Apr 8, 2013
Reaction score
Clan Name : Rasclarts
• Loudest in the clan: Riggsy
• Gets the most kills in scrims: AryanThePanda NixGamez or me when i clean up
• Cutest in the clan: GoldenWave
• Funniest in the clan: AryanThePanda NickSharpx
• Makes the worst choices in the clan: NickSharpx -_-
• Bow spammer in the clan: me
• Bragger in the clan: me im lord
• Fattest in the clan: I_love_desk
• Quietest in the clan: GoldenWave what a qt
• Ragest in the clan: RyanTheBatiques
• Never listens in scrim in the clan: NickSharpx
• The No life: no-one really
• Janitor: me
• Ping abuses: jacksurvives
• Most inactive: Riggsy or jack atm
• Never makes it out of spawn: I_love_desk he sucks


May 1, 2014
Reaction score
Clan Name :Divine
• Loudest in the clan:proxniggles
• Gets the most kills in scrims:God
• Cutest in the clan:Me and Revolosity
• Funniest in the clan:Zmaster when he rages and Niggles
• Makes the worst choices in the clan:Finate sometimes and Sometimes imfaqe
• Bow spammer in the clan:Idk
• Bragger in the clan:Zmaster
• Fattest in the clan:
• Quietest in the clan:Zmaster
• Ragest in the clan:me
• Never listens in scrim in the clan:Me
• The No life:idk
• Janitor:Me and regularshow
• Ping abuses:Revolosity
• Most inactive:roluxe and tehsteel
• Never makes it out of spawn:imfaqe

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