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Clan Wars [Season: 3]

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Oct 24, 2013
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Dear Clans,

Someone of you are probably like, "Oh hey I remember Techaton/Ryan". Most of you are probably thinking, where have I been over the last few months. Well I can say I pretty much gave up Minecraft, I only played like four days for less 2 hours. The first day I played, you all will remember, because it is the day I created CWO or Clan Wars Organization, and the other day I remember playing is when I talked to the reband of one of my favorite clans Ascension, so Minecraft wasn't really apart of my decently busy summer.

In June, I created 'The CWO' with the purpose to try to make Clans more competitive, so we could have US Clan Leaderboards and CWO. When I first formed CWO, I whole heatedly believe this was going to be the big thing in my MCSG career, but every thing soon just fell apart, because I simply just stopped playing Minecraft, I have no idea why all of a sudden I quit playing MC/MCSG for no reason. Over the past few weeks, I have started to believe Clan Wars 3 is cursed give or take, because both JustHello and I have failed in creating this generation of Clan Wars. He failed because of issues on the very 1st rounds, I failed because of lack dedication to Minecraft.

I am basically here to apologize to this community for bailing on you guys not only once but twice. I am Sorry.

I also would like to thank KingTut for the work he put into this and event, I do not what I would have done without him. Tut and I have had are differences in the past (Cough Cough Ascension + Eternity), but I am glad we were able to make up and do this event together, because I can never stay mad at someone. Buddy, you will be missed thanks for your hardwork and I hope you enjoy yourself in your future endeavors.

Thank you to the Staff even if you may not even got the chance to help, you still did help in someway by sharing your opinion or earning my respect in that manner for even considering participating in Staff.

- FuzzyPB You helped, supported, and have been my friend since the very beginning and I am glad we were are still friends.
- ProShooterBF Thanks to you for encouraging and inspiring me to do this event.
- Zeno
- iancool
- Salamancer101
- SuckSanity Thanks for letting me use your TS
- Strrafe
- Tuct | Palkian
- Maxypie
- Beardy
- Lucidictive
- Captain | Lqzer
- UpdatinStatus
- SociallyAK
- HarborSeal
- Exodus
- cf918
- Chiller4
- ThatCoolCucumber
- TikiHutV1
- Mr_Gears
- Soul
- IPureGold
- Zoeticly
- herRomeo, Esanity, and resistantcorn12

I would also would like to thank all of the Clans that have put up with all of my problems over the past year regarding Clan Wars.

You probably have seen me around these last few days playing MCSG or on TeamSpeak talking with some of the clans. You have also probably have heard the rumors going around also. I do have plans in the near future to create Clan Wars, once again and follow through on my Commitment. I just am looking to get the gears moving and more prepared then previous times before I continue moving forward.

I am currently in the process of deciding on possible people for Co Host since I have always had someone help me (ProShooterBF S1 and KingTut S2-3). I should be deciding on this by the end of the week. Also SertifiedBlocks is working with me to get a server up and running for Clan Wars!

Thanks for Reading,

- Ryan

Edit: Title? http://prntscr.com/4p53q8
Good Luck Buddy, I'll always been here if you need me.
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