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[EU] EndGamers | In Hibernation.

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District 13
Dec 30, 2012
Reaction score
What about your last account called 'Depaor01' Narwhal? The clan might want to know all your wins and all your losses. That was everything,
Teku3O I'm in Sweden, I don't have that much time to play in the middle of the summer, I think the best you could do is to dencline me :(
lol, you're an idiot. They already know. Now stop spamming and gtfo c:


Sep 30, 2013
Reaction score
1. Your age: Right in this moment I am 13 years old of age. Im born in 2000, so I am soon 14 years old.
2. Wins / Games Played: My win/loss ratio has become really bad lately, due to all the hackers and some lag. I have 850+ wins out of 4750+ games played. ( I would like an ratio exception if I have less than a 1/6 w/l ratio, even though I don't mind that much about the ratio, since I play for fun.)
3. Why are you applying for this particular clan: Well, I've got an irl friend in this clan(SenchSlash) and I see that this clan isn't taking things way too serious. Which in my opinion is good since it proves that you guys also play for the fun. I am also applying for this particular clan in the fact that I want some new friends here at this forum.
4. How will you benefit this clan: I am an pretty active player. I usually play from 1-5 hours a day. Also, I think I could be an nice teamer in the fact that I've played many clan battles in my previous clans.
5. How active are you: As I just said. More than likely am I on for 1-5 hours a day.
6. Why should we accept you: Since I think this clan seems very nice, and nevertheless cool. And I want to get accepted for this clan since I've got none and really want to play with someone who is not only playing competitively, but for fun too.
7. Do you meet the requirements and what exceptions would you like made: I do meet the requirements. Therefore its no reason for me to get any exception.
My Skype: MathernCool
Wrong application format. lol


Jan 20, 2014
Reaction score
1) Your age: 14
2) Your In-Game Name:Xyler/Collisions
3) Your Skype (PM if needed):ugsmds1
4) Wins/Games played:4/38 used to be 489 / 3500
5) Your residence (country): USA
6) How would you rate yourself PvP wise (DO NOT give yourself a mark out of 10): Pretty good/
7) a) Your playstyle, i.e Defensive, offensive, etc: start out defensive then offensive
b) Your strengths: Sword, FnS, Fishing Rod, Jitterclicking
c) Your weaknesses: "yoloing" too much on defensive plays
8) Why are you applying for this particular clan:A friend.
9) Why should we accept you: good teammate never rages.
10) How will you benefit this clan: 1 more member.
11) How much time are you willing to donate to EndGamers and be active on our teamspeak:
12) Do you consider yourself loyal and trustworthy (if you pause to think, don't apply) : Yes
13) Any additional information about yourself or the requirements: none.
Oath) I, Xyler agree on my word on the application written above and will support and assist this clan however possible.


Sep 30, 2013
Reaction score
1) Your age: 14
2) Your In-Game Name:Xyler/Collisions
3) Your Skype (PM if needed):ugsmds1
4) Wins/Games played:4/38 used to be 489 / 3500
5) Your residence (country): USA
6) How would you rate yourself PvP wise (DO NOT give yourself a mark out of 10): Pretty good/
7) a) Your playstyle, i.e Defensive, offensive, etc: start out defensive then offensive
b) Your strengths: Sword, FnS, Fishing Rod, Jitterclicking
c) Your weaknesses: "yoloing" too much on defensive plays
8) Why are you applying for this particular clan:A friend.
9) Why should we accept you: good teammate never rages.
10) How will you benefit this clan: 1 more member.
11) How much time are you willing to donate to EndGamers and be active on our teamspeak:
12) Do you consider yourself loyal and trustworthy (if you pause to think, don't apply) : Yes
13) Any additional information about yourself or the requirements: none.
Oath) I, Xyler agree on my word on the application written above and will support and assist this clan however possible.


Sep 15, 2013
Reaction score
'Longest Running EU Clan
Since Oct. 19, 2013 '

I dont wanna be the one to ruin you're party, but #NaughtyBoys was Established on Sep.22.2013
We got a new thread in November, i mean we aren't the most active clan but we are still good.

~Est. September 22nd 2013~

Last edited:


Sep 30, 2013
Reaction score
'Longest Running EU Clan
Since Oct. 19, 2013 '

I dont wanna be the one to ruin you're party, but #NaughtyBoys was Established on Sep.22.2013
We got a new thread in November, i mean we aren't the most active clan but we are still good.

~Est. September 22nd 2013~

You guys aren't even a clan
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