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Trama (US & CA)

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Mar 29, 2014
Reaction score
Name?: Braedan
Minecraft IGN?: Educating_
Age?: 15
Skype Name?: braedanhickey
Do you have teamspeak?: Yes
How many wins do you have?: 308
How many games have you played?: 1302
How active are you?: 1/10: 6.9
How mature are you?: 1/10: 8.9
Past clans you've been in: Exodus, Inspiring
What are your PvP weakness?: People hitting me to the point where I die :/
Why do you exactly want to join Trama?: Cause I don't know where to go D: Also this clan seems cool.
Do you have donor?: Yeah my name is a light blue colour.
How will you help us be the best clan possible?: I can shrek.
<3 bæ


Apr 28, 2014
Reaction score
Name?: Aaron
Minecraft IGN?: GypsyJuiceFTW
Age?: 16
Skype Name?: Don't worry about it
Do you have teamspeak?: Yas
How many wins do you have?: 459
How many games have you played?: 2290
How active are you?: 1/10: 10
How mature are you?: 1/10: 8.5
Past clans you've been in: Valhalla, Clenchables, Renegades
What are your PvP weakness?: People who do combos on me
Why do you exactly want to join Trama?: Because Valhalla is stupid and this is a very good clan that has a lot of potential
Do you have donor?: Platinum
How will you help us be the best clan possible?: However you want me to
Aug 15, 2013
Reaction score
Name?: Call me Puff
Minecraft IGN?: PuffyCottonCandy
Age?: 13
Skype Name?: private
Do you have teamspeak?: Yes
How many wins do you have?: 430 approx.
How many games have you played?: 3000, tryhard account is snapchatstagram
How active are you?: 1/10: 7
How mature are you?: 1/10: 9 when needed, maybe 7 at regular since I'm sorta quiet.
Past clans you've been in: Divine, Saints, Prod, Purge, Exodus
What are your PvP weakness?: bow spammers Qyxr and good fns users
Why do you exactly want to join Trama?: I know a lot of people applying and Metro is bae, as well as this having lots of potential to become better c:
Do you have donor?: yes
How will you help us be the best clan possible?: Massages! On a more serious note, I'll bring my somewhat decent pvp skills to assist ._.


Mar 29, 2014
Reaction score
Name?: Aaron
Minecraft IGN?: GypsyJuiceFTW
Age?: 16
Skype Name?: Don't worry about it
Do you have teamspeak?: Yas
How many wins do you have?: 459
How many games have you played?: 2290
How active are you?: 1/10: 10
How mature are you?: 1/10: 8.5
Past clans you've been in: Valhalla, Clenchables, Renegades
What are your PvP weakness?: People who do combos on me
Why do you exactly want to join Trama?: Because Valhalla is stupid and this is a very good clan that has a lot of potential
Do you have donor?: Platinum
How will you help us be the best clan possible?: However you want me to
Name?: Call me Puff
Minecraft IGN?: PuffyCottonCandy
Age?: 13
Skype Name?: private
Do you have teamspeak?: Yes
How many wins do you have?: 430 approx.
How many games have you played?: 3000, tryhard account is snapchatstagram
How active are you?: 1/10: 7
How mature are you?: 1/10: 9 when needed, maybe 7 at regular since I'm sorta quiet.
Past clans you've been in: Divine, Saints, Prod, Purge, Exodus
What are your PvP weakness?: bow spammers Qyxr and good fns users
Why do you exactly want to join Trama?: I know a lot of people applying and Metro is bae, as well as this having lots of potential to become better c:
Do you have donor?: yes
How will you help us be the best clan possible?: Massages! On a more serious note, I'll bring my somewhat decent pvp skills to assist ._.
Both Accepted as trial, be active and stay as mature as possible! Congrats


Nov 18, 2013
Reaction score
I would like to thank you guys for the apportunity , but i think i should go back were i belong and thats my home.. thanks for the respect and im gonna miss the people i've been for these last couple of months i love you all ill talk to you on the skype chat thanks <3 Goodbye!


Apr 1, 2014
Reaction score
Name?: Brandon, (brad)
Minecraft IGN?: bradieum
Skype Name?: brandonisboss4
Do you have teamspeak?: Yes
How many wins do you have?: 45 (I need a exeption, me and aman are good friends and he knows shabby shark)
How many games have you played?:1190 something Sorry for bad ratio, I used to be a noob :(
How active are you?: mostly every day, but some days not
How mature are you?: 8/10
Past clans you've been in: #Merciless #Naga #Extinction
What are your PvP weakness?: Water Hackers and teams of 3 :p
Why do you exactly want to join Trama?: Because im a really good pvper and I want to help the clan get better,
Do you have donor?:No but will be getting it
How will you help us be the best clan possible?: Being a scout, winning for battles, and saving teammates or cleaning up.
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