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The Rebels

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District 13
Nov 16, 2013
Reaction score
My old application was pretty crap, so I'm just gonna make a new one. Plus, I have nothing to do right now :p

Minecraft ID: I use mainly two accounts, plus an MCalt that I got a decent ratio on. The account I mostly use when playing solo is BulletJC. The account that I use for scrims, clan battles, clan FFAs, etc. is Lsccreative (Yes, that's me, if anyone was wondering) The "tryhard"-ish account is gunrocks8888.
Age: I'm currently 14 years old.
Donor: I currently have Diamond Donor on both the accounts BulletJC and Lsccreative, so I should have no problem joining full servers when scrimming, battling, FFAing, and so on. On gunrocks8888, there is no donor, but I rarely use that anyways, and certainly not for clan stuff.
Wins: I have 585 wins out of 2173 games played on BulletJC, which is roughly a 27% ratio (yeah, it's bad). On Lsccreative, I have 54 wins out of 813 games played, which, as I said, I use for clan stuff. On gunrocks8888, I have 7 wins for 12 games played. Altogether, I have over 600 wins!
Got Skype/TS: I have both Skype and TeamSpeak, and I've been quite active on the Rebels TS (in my opinion, at least).
Skype name (PM me if you don't want to post it): My Skype username is TheBulletJC, feel free to add me. I'll accept requests from clan members and friends of the clan.
Got a mic: Yes I do, but I understand that it's not the BEST of quality.
Timezone: I live in the Eastern Time Zone, in Virginia.
How often have you teamed with the Leaders/Officers: Over the couple days I've been hanging out on Rebels TeamSpeak, I've teamed with both Max and Rexxyy, but not myruhh, as I never see her on ;c. I've also participated in many, many scrims with Rebels so hopefully that counts as teaming c:
PvP Strengths: Some of my strengths are the Fishing Rod and both close and far quarters Bow Spam. I fishing rod spam as well :p For Fishing Rod, I mainly use it offensively, to get combos and extra criticals, and for bow spam... well... I use it to get my opponent extremely low so I can make the swird combat easier.
PvP Weaknesses: Some of my weaknesses would be Straight up sword to sword PvP and dodging Flint and Steel, whether obvious or not. I'm not very good with swords, unless it deals with a rod combo or a bow combo. When it's plain swords, I'll most likely lose to a skilled player, any skilled player. What I lack in plain sword PvP, I make up for in Rod and Bow combos. As for dodging Flint and Steel, I don't know why, but I just have a tendency to walk straight into fire. Imm bad at PvP when on fire :p
Past Clans (If any): In chronological order, I've been in:
1. Eternityv1 | Run by NativeTalent, this was my first ever clan. I was invited to the clan when I was still a randy (I still am ;P) and it was a great experience. At the time, we were the number two or three clan.
2. Salvation | Run by TruDairy, this was also a skilled clan. At the time, this was essentially React reborn under a different name. Very good clan, definitely in the Top 5 at the time.
3. Rivals | Run by cf918, this clan was super fun. I was in this for 1 and a half months, and I got promoted up to noble after staying active and loyal. Most fun I've had in a clan. Sadly, it disbanded recently :(
3. Eternityv2 | Run by NativeTalent, I left Eternityv2 recently under the assumption that Corey's new clan (The Beginning) would accept me as member, adter being Noble in the Rivals.
4. Finally, The Beginning Trial | Run by cf918, I was denied off trial recently for the reason being that the roster was full. A legitimate reason, but I still miss that clan nonetheless. Currently, I'm just looking for a new home, and I think I've found it in Rebels.
You cool?: I think so :p but to be honest, that's up to you to decide! Hopefully you think I'm cool ;c
Best puppy picture: Hands down: http://images4.fanpop.com/image/photos/15800000/Cute-Puppy-puppies-15813268-1024-768.jpg

Excuse any possile grammar or spelling mistakes, or lack of detail; I wrote this on my phone.
From the couple of days that I commentated with him, I recommend him completely! Very chill, and I hope you get in.


District 13
Oct 2, 2012
Reaction score
Minecraft ID: AggaliciousHD
Age: 12 (Turning 13 in July)
Donor: Platinum
Wins: Over 1000 on AggaliciousHD and ag5647 combined.
Got Skype/TS: ;) (yes)
Skype name (PM me if you don't want to post it): alex_goldman5
Got a mic: Yes.

Timezone: Eastern Standard Time
How often have you teamed with the Leaders/Officers: As of now, I haven't teamed with any leaders or officers. Obviously that will change if I want to be in this clan. I am going to be as active on the teamspeak as possible in these next few weeks as to prove myself. I have teamed with a member however. Shadow and I go way back. Like farther back than something that is really far back on a shelf in the grocery store.
PvP Strengths: I am pretty decent at everything. For the most part there isn't anything that I am completely horrible at, but there isn't much I am amazing at either. I would say my best strength is sword or bow. I try to use my fishing rod as much as possible, but I am not the best. I am very fast at placing flint and steel, I just can't place it exactly where I want it at all times.

PvP Weaknesses: Sometimes I underestimate my opponent. If I had just gotten done fighting a team of 2 with full iron and I was at 3 hearts, I would see someone with full leather and decide it would be a smart idea to fight them even though I am super low. I end up dying and then I am sad. :( Other times, I just do really dumb things like /kill when I am trying to check how many kills I have. (I guess that isn't really a pvp weakness, but it prevents me from pvping.
Past Clans (If any): Chrome and Vanguard. I was in Chrome and it's other variations for around 10 months.
You cool?: Does this answer your question?

Best puppy picture:
accept him. now.


May 18, 2014
Reaction score
I'm sorry that I was not on teamspeak this whole day, I had to do a lot of IRL stuff


Dec 23, 2012
Reaction score
Gonna be at grandparents' house till Monday, see you then baccas

Justin / Bullet

Feb 19, 2014
Reaction score
I'll be gone until sorta late tonight, perhaps even the whole day. I have an end of the year celebration :p hopefully this doesn't count against me as an applicant! :c
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