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Exodus | US Team

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Feb 18, 2013
Reaction score
Minecraft IGN:Mendoza510
Wins/Games Played/Ratio:1080/6943 MY ratio inst the best its like 1/7.
How long have you been in #Exodus:
Part 2:
The questions above is basic information that staff need to know. The second part consists of writing a Detailed paragraph stating why you want to join the staff. Keep in mind that, to be a staff member for this clan, you must have been a member for 3-5 weeks. This way we can get to know you guys. In your paragraph, make sure to answer the following questions (detailed).
Question 1: In what ways have you helped this clan out?:I got some of my friends in here like BacccaPlaysmc (bff), David (cueue too bad he left ;-;), MlgMajestic( Mexican Bff), TheSanBlass(Second Mexican bff). :D. They are all active and participate in Clan battles and scrims, inner clan battles.
Mention situations and events!
Question 2: Do you believe that you qualify for a staff member?Yes and No. Im Gonna be honest i fool around alot but if i get accepted i will behave mature. Most of the times i like to joke around. I consider myself foolish at most times but I would Change if i get accepted.
Why?(be descriptive!!!)
Question 3: In what ways would your presence benefit us, give examples: I Like to say im really Active and I'm a decent pvper. When you need I'll be there. I Would try to get scrims and Clan battles. Im On The forums alot because i like to see how well the clan is doing and i would like to stop flame but people beat me to it. xD . Im Reliable alot. You Can Trust me with anything. With outsdie problems as well.
Question 4: How would you describe this clan?I would like to say this clan has become a daily routine of my life.(No Life xD) We are one HUGE family. I love everyone.
Question 5: Who is your favorite member in this clan, and why?:I really don't wanna choose anyone over a other.I don't like the idea of this question to be honest. Everyone in this clan is awesome. Everyone has flaws and benefits. I find everyone funny and nice. Also i like bacon. <3 ONE LAST THING I LOVE EVERYONE NO MATTER WHAT!!! <3


Aug 30, 2013
Reaction score
Minecraft IGN:Mendoza510
Wins/Games Played/Ratio:1080/6943 MY ratio inst the best its like 1/7.
How long have you been in #Exodus:
Part 2:
The questions above is basic information that staff need to know. The second part consists of writing a Detailed paragraph stating why you want to join the staff. Keep in mind that, to be a staff member for this clan, you must have been a member for 3-5 weeks. This way we can get to know you guys. In your paragraph, make sure to answer the following questions (detailed).
Question 1: In what ways have you helped this clan out?:I got some of my friends in here like BacccaPlaysmc (bff), David (cueue too bad he left ;-;), MlgMajestic( Mexican Bff), TheSanBlass(Second Mexican bff). :D. They are all active and participate in Clan battles and scrims, inner clan battles.
Mention situations and events!
Question 2: Do you believe that you qualify for a staff member?Yes and No. Im Gonna be honest i fool around alot but if i get accepted i will behave mature. Most of the times i like to joke around. I consider myself foolish at most times but I would Change if i get accepted.
Why?(be descriptive!!!)
Question 3: In what ways would your presence benefit us, give examples: I Like to say im really Active and I'm a decent pvper. When you need I'll be there. I Would try to get scrims and Clan battles. Im On The forums alot because i like to see how well the clan is doing and i would like to stop flame but people beat me to it. xD . Im Reliable alot. You Can Trust me with anything. With outsdie problems as well.
Question 4: How would you describe this clan?I would like to say this clan has become a daily routine of my life.(No Life xD) We are one HUGE family. I love everyone.
Question 5: Who is your favorite member in this clan, and why?:I really don't wanna choose anyone over a other.I don't like the idea of this question to be honest. Everyone in this clan is awesome. Everyone has flaws and benefits. I find everyone funny and nice. Also i like bacon. <3 ONE LAST THING I LOVE EVERYONE NO MATTER WHAT!!! <3
Recommended! <333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333


District 13
Feb 21, 2013
Reaction score
On behalf of Insidious I challenge you to a battle this upcoming weekend following souls rules with the addition that Parwez cannot play. If you accept, add me on skype at SertifiedBlocks
Jan 18, 2014
Reaction score
On behalf of Insidious I challenge you to a battle this upcoming weekend following souls rules with the addition that Parwez cannot play. If you accept, add me on skype at SertifiedBlocks
Wait your saying that you dont want our owner to play? Thats like him challenging Insidious and saying i challenge you etc..... but you cant play with your clan you gotta let them play without any owner supervision
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