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Your Epic Wins :)

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Apr 23, 2012
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All of us have had our epic moments we wished we had recorded playing survival games. Tell what yours was below :D
Mine goes as follows. I rushed to the pink wool house at the start of the game, and head into it's basement. Then, I see another person at the top of the ladder. He is unarmed and I got the weapons to take him out. Suddenly the piston closes. I was stuck in the basement. I wait holding shift for around 10 minutes, daring people to come. Finally I am rewarded. It is nighttime and a player enters the house. I prepare myself. The time has come to fight for my freedom from the basement. The person is upstairs, and quickly finds the switch to free me. Little did he know he was killing himself in the process. He enters the basement, with me holding shift hidden from the ladder. He opens a chest on the way down, and probably had a look of WTF on his face when he saw it was empty. The player had about full iron armor. I struck. He recovered quickly, but the damage had already been done. My full leather allowed me to beat him and live with one heart left. I really wish I could see what the spectators were saying at the time. I went on to win that round, because after what I had been through, nothing could stop me.
My epic win, whats yours? :D


May 5, 2012
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I survived 2 close deaths. 1 at the beginning with a heart left and one later on with 1/2 heart left. Went on to taking out all of my opponents and winning in deathmatch by A boss arrow shot to my opponent. I have a video of it too. :D


May 4, 2012
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I was hiding in the forest around the cornucopia, and there were 3 people in there and only 1 of them had a stone sword. I had an iron sword and bad armour. I asked them to team with me 3 times before I went in because they didn't answer. I managed to kill the guy with the sword, and forced the other 2 to flee capturing spawn for myself. 1 of them came back with the guy I killed's armour (full inv, couldn't take it and didn't get time to) but he didn't have the sword. I chased him until I caught him and I believe that was one of by best wins :D


May 17, 2012
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I am not that brave. When I go for a kill I try to make it somewhere nobody but the spectators is likely to see. Guy walks into an abandoned building? Okay! DIE! Out in the open I am a bit scared. Every time I survive to be taken to spawn by a deathmatch, I run back into the city and hide until one of them comes out to find me. Then I wait to stealthily kill them unless they stealthily kill me first which is always disappointing cuz this tactic works so well! You know how when you use a tactic so many times and it works but then you use again and it doesnt just for that round? IT FRUSTRATES YOU. You dont know if it was the enemies pure luck or if they KNOW YOUR TACTIC! D:


May 4, 2012
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I am not that brave. When I go for a kill I try to make it somewhere nobody but the spectators is likely to see. Guy walks into an abandoned building? Okay! DIE! Out in the open I am a bit scared. Every time I survive to be taken to spawn by a deathmatch, I run back into the city and hide until one of them comes out to find me. Then I wait to stealthily kill them unless they stealthily kill me first which is always disappointing cuz this tactic works so well! You know how when you use a tactic so many times and it works but then you use again and it doesnt just for that round? IT FRUSTRATES YOU. You dont know if it was the enemies pure luck or if they KNOW YOUR TACTIC! D:
It's probably just that they use that tactic too. It's quite common.


Apr 19, 2012
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Beating two teammates who attempt to backstab you is amusing.


May 11, 2012
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My most epic moment were I had no armor but i had a stone sword there were 3 people that were trying to gang up on me but I killed one and scared on away. The last one had iron sword and armor so I ran like hell He followed me until we got to a clearing were I turned around and did a LEROY JENKINS!!!!!!!!!!!!


May 17, 2012
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Most epic moment? Has to be when there was me an 2 other people left on the first map. I had leather chest/legs/helm with a stone sword and a power bow from a skeleton (LUCKY)

So I was running around the corn, wondering if anyone was ever going to come so I got bored and started to wander, I saw someone in chat and was like o_O where are they, I don't see them. To their own demise they mentioned they should stay at the "ship" a little while longer.

That was all I needed.

I walked the 30 blocks or so to the edge of the cliff overlooking the cove and waited my pulse getting quicker by the second. After about two minutes they mentioned they were going to head back to the corn. I drew back my bow and held my breath, heart pounding in my ears.

I observe them as they splash into the water, both in full leather with stone swords. I wait patiently for one to gain ground ahead of the other *THUNK* an arrow lodges into his back, he quickly turns thinking he has been betrayed, causing him to ??? in chat. *THUNK* another arrow into his front side and they cry out ambush. By then it is all too late.

After the first falls we are ported to the corn for the final showdown.

I use the initial distance put between us to luckily sink and arrow into his chest without missing, but he closes in fast leaving me no time to draw a second arrow. We go toe to toe with stone swords and he managed to get off two hits to my one. We both backed off and charged, at the last moment I edged to the side and sliced him, ending the games.

It was a triumphant victory, and one I will not soon forget.

The victory was glorious indeed.


May 2, 2012
Reaction score
I was a scrub nothing but a stone a sword and a bit of leather armor i went to the church on the second map then bam canon and iron armor diamond sword at my feet. Some guy fell off and died with this so i wore them with pride and took out my competitors including to pairs of allies.
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