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What makes a good forumer?


Jul 12, 2014
Reaction score
Hello there tributes!

So this thread, as you may have judged by the title, is a discussion/random structure of paragraphs about what classifies a forum member as a good forumer. This idea arose to me as I thought about how I could improve my posting and forum activity to eventually be a well regarded forumer, and well, I noticed I don't make many threads, so why not make one. So as I am writing this at 11pm, I am just going to generally discuss and talk about the things which stand out to me as forumer qualities. This may seem better than it actually is as I'm writing this relatively late in my end of year exam period (maths tomorrow, woo!), but I'll probably come and read through in the morning anyways.

The posts they make.
When you are scrolling through a thread and see a post by a popular forumer, what do you expect from them? I expect a well written and structured post with logical, mature and considered points and opinions. Of course, every post they make won't be amazing, sometimes even the opposite, but you know someone is good when you see their usernames and expect a great post. This was the more or less obvious point to identifying a good forumer, but hey, needed saying.

The positions they take on issues.
I've noticed this occurring where often a good forumer is a poster who simply disagrees against the majority. Not always, but for me, when I see a well written post against a popular opinion, they stand out. Not the others who agree, but the one who disagrees are the posters I respect, because many people aren't likely to stand against a point most others agree with, and it's pretty awesome to see a popular opinion shot down by one person, simply through a well written argument. Of course, there is exceptions to this rule, such as moderators who often cannot take a side between two parties they aren't involved in to not come across as bias.

Post to like ratio.
To me, this is a helpful, but not conclusive tool to finding who is a good forumer. Some with more posts than likes on average means that someone liked every post they've made, and when your post count gets into the thousands, that's an awesome achievement. It's something everyone should aim for as a forum poster in my opinion. However, not all people should have this applied to them. A prime example is Miner9823 who has less likes than messages, but frankly is up there with the top forumers in the community based on other factors such as post quality. Often people start to have higher quality posts after already having a couple hundred messages for example, and catching up the likes can often be hard. It's still a helpful indicator, which is also very accurate through its use of statistics.

So there's my discussion about what makes a good forumer. Here's some questions I ask you:
What things do you look for in a forum poster?
Who is your favourite forumer? (Don't spam me with Mooclan please, he's great and all but try and think of other posters you like :))
Do you consider yourself a good forumer?

Good night!



Sep 21, 2014
Reaction score
I don't consider myself a good forumer, for the reason that I don't put enough effort into my post.
I always don't finish the thread and just post it, that is something that I need to work on!


Jul 8, 2014
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Normally, I like reading post that have no grammatical errors and posts that are well structured, always relating to the topic and showing a good perspective of their idea.
I always have admired three people; OhFancy, Mooclan and Miner9823. These people post really good ideas and clearly state what they're trying to say.
I don't really consider myself as a good forumer as I don't put the effort like these people do.


May 30, 2013
Reaction score
I like posts that are funny and keep me reading them. Plain boring and long posts are pain in the ass to read
Ok? Thanx..!
Oct 31, 2013
Reaction score
I like posts that are funny and keep me reading them. Plain boring and long posts are pain in the ass to read
Ok? Thanx..!
Why does the chicken cross the road to get to the other side HAHAHA I am funny right?
But seriously I like people that make detailed threads that are fun to read and debatable.


Apr 6, 2014
Reaction score
Although I enjoy making long and detailed posts, I haven't really taken up to account of getting likes. My reason for this is because when in my time in the forums, I would much prefer providing freedom of stating my opinion, as long as it is justified and well thought of.
When it comes to likes, of course, it shows how popular you can be among the rest of the community, which reinforces the fact that people do enjoy reading your posts, it could either be funny, witty, or simply well structured, long and decently thought of. This also includes the amount of information and dedication you actually put.
To my conclusion, I would think, yes, getting likes deems the quality of my posts and how well I have structured it. However to counterpoint it, I would like to say that I did not come to the forums to hunt for likes. But to try to improve my quality of writing, due to the fact that it is pretty rusty, and to attempt my best to let people enjoy their time reading an informative post (No narcissism intended).
But yeah, I honestly enjoy being part of the incredible community, and I always enjoy taking my time to make as many decent posts and expressing my opinion more quickly, and as a clarification, it isn't about the likes, it's generally about what people would consider you and your posts. :3


Aug 20, 2012
Reaction score
I personally do not think that post to like ratio is as important in a situation like this because likes are so spontaneous and unreliably counted, however they do play a somewhat significant role, if you kind of know what I mean :p
Oct 31, 2013
Reaction score
I personally do not think that post to like ratio is as important in a situation like this because likes are so spontaneous and unreliably counted, however they do play a somewhat significant role, if you kind of know what I mean :p
liek dis if you cri everysecond


Dec 3, 2013
Reaction score
Honestly, I feel like these days people try so hard to become "The Next Mooclan" Or the next this or that.
This shouldn't be a competition, people should do "forming" for the fun. Which they do, but they take the wrong approach and they feel like they should get lots of attention, likes and messages too feel like there a popular former or "doing well".

I would like to see myself as a "casual former" someone who likes to have fun, make people laugh and generally seem like a nice person on the network. I also feel like when people see a long post written by a popular former, they just like it because it's them and not there actual argument/opinion.

Each former is different in there own ways, and for me, in my eyes it's personality.

This is my opinion, a lot will disagree since I feel like I'm the only one who is experiencing it, but yeah, there my thoughts.​


Jun 21, 2013
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I base my judgments of someone off of a lot of things, and I'm biased because I like people who think like me. (We all do.)

A post can be funny, witty, informative, authoritative, joy-bringing, positive, referencing, strongly argumentative, or elevating in order to be considered a good post. As long as it is at least one of those things, it will probably be appreciated by someone. Here's an example of each:
  • Funny: Chad will rek you with his MLG enderpearl skills
  • Witty: Congratulations! You're the first one to make an MCGv2 thread!
  • Informative: Kill aura doesn't actually aim for you, it just clicks at an infinite speed for you.
  • Joy-bringing: I made some sweet art for you!
  • Positive: Thanks! I'll be sure to remember that. I'm sure this clan will go far.
  • Referencing: The last singer at OMN last night was... interesting.
  • Strongly argumentative: The fact that the new leaderboards will not be resetting invalidates your argument.
  • Elevating: Only v1 players can really appreciate how truly short games are nowadays.
I'd like to add that your reputation adds a lot of meaning to what you post. A popular member in the community can typically expect around two or three times more attention for a quality post than someone with no reputation at all.

Likes don't matter much. Just leave a like if you like someone's post; it's really not any more complicated than that. It makes me cringe every time people mention "post-to-like" ratios, because it makes me worry that the forums are going to become as competitive as the in-game community. A like should mean nothing more than simply someone appreciating or agreeing with a post. They shouldn't be used to determine the quality of a forumer, since we all like to post in different places, and those who post in the less viewed portions of the forums will receive less likes. Likes are also often extremely dependent on a person's background, rather than their actual post.


Mar 22, 2014
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My posts vary.

If its a serious thread I'll create a long structured paragraph stating my opinion, its reasons and so forth.

However, if the thread has a light tone, I'll post a short, quick message meant for comedic value.

On some starting clan thread, I give advice on different aspects of the problems with a thread. For example I'll give advice like:
• "Fancy" text headings
• Structured Layout
• Centered Text
• Other aspects

However, I don't get many likes. I have over 1k posts, but not nearly half the likes. Although I don't really mind.

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