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What are 10 things you're thankful for in life?


Apr 9, 2014
Reaction score
What are 10 things you're thankful for in life?

I want to start off by saying this is a little bit like this thread: http://www.minecraftsurvivalgames.com/threads/who-are-you-thankful-for.131262/, However it is about general things and not people!

So let me start this off! Ten things I am thankful for are:

1. The fact that no matter where I go in this community whether I am staff or none staff I am still a part of the community.

2. Having Parents/guardians that care for me!

3. Having amazing online friends that I could also rely on irl!

4. Having a warm bed and a roof over my head at night, as some of the population of the world doesn't have that!

5. My families wealth, I have not always been economically stable, back when I was around 10 years old I lived with my mother and brother in a small cottage and we got by through tough times on low amounts of money. My mother worked 3 jobs to ensure that we had clothes and money for school, I never went by without food on my plate - I can now gladly say since my Step-father met my mother when I was 11 my life has become normal again!

6. I am thankful for the security of my city, I can walk the streets safely without coming to harm, because our community is so strong. #Yorkshire-lads

7. My best-friend UnderSeaGirl, she has been with me since april, and dare I say that she is the best person in my life so far? Yes I dare because without you I would have left this earth, you make my days better by just being in the same Team-speak as me. I don't know where I would be without you!

8. Thanks to the #MCGamer staff team for making me feel like a part of this huge never ending family!

9. Xime Anti-Cheat, for assisting me and many other staff members in catching hackers on the servers.

10. ChadTheDJ! For creating this AMAZING community where I feel special and wanted!

So there we go, those are 10 of the things I am thankful for in life! (Its not in order of importance).

Comment below with 10 of your things you're thankful for in life, Keep them appropriate!

Thanks to PuffyCottonCandy for inspiring this thread!


May 2, 2014
Reaction score
What are 10 things you're thankful for in life?

I want to start off by saying this is a little bit like this thread: http://www.minecraftsurvivalgames.com/threads/who-are-you-thankful-for.131262/, However it is about general things and not people!

So let me start this off! Ten things I am thankful for are:

1. The fact that no matter where I go in this community whether I am staff or none staff I am still a part of the community.

2. Having Parents/guardians that care for me!

3. Having amazing online friends that I could also rely on irl!

4. Having a warm bed and a roof over my head at night, as some of the population of the world doesn't have that!

5. My families wealth, I have not always been economically stable, back when I was around 10 years old I lived with my mother and brother in a small cottage and we got by through tough times on low amounts of money. My mother worked 3 jobs to ensure that we had clothes and money for school, I never went by without food on my plate - I can now gladly say since my Step-father met my mother when I was 11 my life has become normal again!

6. I am thankful for the security of my city, I can walk the streets safely without coming to harm, because our community is so strong. #Yorkshire-lads

7. My best-friend UnderSeaGirl, she has been with me since april, and dare I say that she is the best person in my life so far? Yes I dare because without you I would have left this earth, you make my days better by just being in the same Team-speak as me. I don't know where I would be without you!

8. Thanks to the #MCGamer staff team for making me feel like a part of this huge never ending family!

9. Xime Anti-Cheat, for assisting me and many other staff members in catching hackers on the servers.

10. ChadTheDJ! For creating this AMAZING community where I feel special and wanted!

So there we go, those are 10 of the things I am thankful for in life! (Its not in order of importance).

Comment below with 10 of your things you're thankful for in life, Keep them appropriate!

Thanks to PuffyCottonCandy for inspiring this thread!
Awww, ily <3 I'll do mine in a bit :3

le quack

Jul 17, 2013
Reaction score
1) I have a right arm

2) I have a left arm

3) I have a right leg

4) I have a left leg

5) I have my right eye

6) I have my left eye

7) I have a right ear

8) I have a left ear

9) I have a middle arm

10) I have a middle leg

There are too many things I'm thankful for I can't put it all here.


District 13
Mar 15, 2014
Reaction score
1) A roof over my head-
I think this is often taken for granted, we are lucky to have what we have. Some third world country families live on the sides of roads, even when it is raining! I am just lucky I have a roof over my head and a bed to sleep in.

2) A doctor that is accessible by a simple car drive-

I am so lucky that I can simply drive down to a local practician to be checked. Some people have to walk hundreds of mikes before they get medicinal help.

3) Everyone that I have met here on MCGamer-

Everyone that I have had the slightest interaction here at MCGamer means so much to me, I honestly could say I wouldn't be where I am today if it wasn't for you guys. I love every single one of you, you know who you are too. :)

4) Sports!

I am so glad that I have been involved with sports my entire life, I have had so many opportunities that have come up with the sport I do - I am truly grateful.

I could only do four, please forgive. :(



Sep 6, 2014
Reaction score
1. Family
2. Family
3. Family
4. Family
5. Family
6. Family
7. Family
8. Family
9. Family
Oh and did I mention family?

Vanicle | Vanessa

District 13
Sep 14, 2013
Reaction score
1. My family including muffybolt and Valswee . My siblings are my best friends and my parents are the best. :)
2. Being healthy
3. Being financially stable
4. Doing what I'm passionate about. This includes both moderating MCGamer and being in medical school.
5. My friends, both irl and in-game. I have so many in-game friends that I'm not gonna name any because I'm afraid I'd forget some but you guys know who you are <3
6. My safety, even though I don't live in the most safe city, my parents have made sure that my neighborhood is one of the safest ones I could be in.
7. My dog Muffy, my life would honestly suck without her
8. The success of my parent's restaurants cause without those I wouldn't be able to do a lot of the things I do today.
9. My teachers, yeah, sometimes you don't want anything else but to hate them but without them I wouldn't be where I am today.
10. The community! Not just limited to MCGamer but also to my classmates and friends, I think I'm involved in the best communities out there with the most amazing people. :)

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