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Unfortunately All Good Things Come to an End...


District 13
Feb 19, 2015
Reaction score
This thread is dedicated to Vanicle | Vanessa Nephilim and to Niall (iVelocityGaming)

Now as all of you know, Vanessa, Nephilim, and Niall all have resigned from their current position as a staff team. Each and everyone one of them were an amazing individual and great at keeping this server safe. It's a shame that they had to resign, especially on the same day, but all we can do now is wish them the best of luck in their future.

To Nephilim - Thank you for everything you have done Neph. Your work here will not be forgotten by the community and your kindness and gentle nature will always be cherished. You have been an inspiration to this community as well as a great role model and leader. It's been a year since you first became staff and I believe that everyone can say that we are all grateful to have you here. On a personal level, you've been a great help to me as a moderator and as a community member, I've always held high respect towards you and you deserved it 24/7. As everyone would say, it's a shame you had to go, but I wish you the best of luck in your future.

To Vanicle | Vanessa - Like I said to Neph, you were a fantastic individual to many members of this community and to the staff team. You would put a bright smile on everyone's faces when you laughed, talked, or ranted, just basically anything. You've been a great leader and a role model as well as a fantastic drawer might I say. We'll be grateful to everything you have done, and we will remember you as Croe's boyfriend. Just kidding, but thank you and may you be able to have more time to study now that you're not bombarded with the amount of work MCGamer and IRL has to offer for you.

To iVelocity (Forum Banned) - It's a shame you had to leave again right after you were given another chance of becoming a Senior Moderator. You showed great maturity in your first time at the staff team and many people were happy that you reapplied. I was especially proud that you were given another chance at becoming a Sr. Mod as it shows how great of a person you were, especially at such a young age. I'm happy to say that I worked with you as a moderator and I am especially proud to say that you have been a great individual here at our servers. If you ever see this Niall, please remember that we love you for your hard work and great effort here. I'm sure many others do as well.


See that "Jojo" on his face? That's #NephiLioner for you.

Let's also not forget Niall with the legacy he left at Kithex and his contribution towards it.

Some random facts now about those three -

Nephilim had to post a thread before wondering how to change his videos to unlisted (such a nub) He and Jojo first hooked up at Valentines Day and has been in a relationship ever since. Nephilim used to kick people who had the name "I love Jojo" on teamspeak.... I went through it with personal experience.

Vanessa's and croe's ship name used to be called #Cranicle instead of #Vanicroe, personally, I prefer Vanicroe. Vanessa currently attends Medical School, was a trial Admin, and had many other more priorities as well. She is one busy lady!

Niall doesn't have any embarrassing thing I could find so RIP

Unfortunately all good things must come to an end...


District 13
Jul 8, 2012
Reaction score
It was fun while it lasted. :/


District 13
Feb 15, 2015
Reaction score
Goodbye MCGamer legends... Vanicle | Vanessa and Nephilim were the most active Admins there was ever on mcsg. They would always be changing peoples name on the forums and giving them their forum rank. Unfortunately it had to come to an end...


Team Representative ♫ Recruitment
Jan 7, 2014
Reaction score
This thread is dedicated to Vanicle | Vanessa Nephilim and to Niall (iVelocityGaming)

Now as all of you know, Vanessa, Nephilim, and Niall all have resigned from their current position as a staff team. Each and everyone one of them were an amazing individual and great at keeping this server safe. It's a shame that they had to resign, especially on the same day, but all we can do now is wish them the best of luck in their future.

To Nephilim - Thank you for everything you have done Neph. Your work here will not be forgotten by the community and your kindness and gentle nature will always be cherished. You have been an inspiration to this community as well as a great role model and leader. It's been a year since you first became staff and I believe that everyone can say that we are all grateful to have you here. On a personal level, you've been a great help to me as a moderator and as a community member, I've always held high respect towards you and you deserved it 24/7. As everyone would say, it's a shame you had to go, but I wish you the best of luck in your future.

To Vanicle | Vanessa - Like I said to Neph, you were a fantastic individual to many members of this community and to the staff team. You would put a bright smile on everyone's faces when you laughed, talked, or ranted, just basically anything. You've been a great leader and a role model as well as a fantastic drawer might I say. We'll be grateful to everything you have done, and we will remember you as Croe's boyfriend. Just kidding, but thank you and may you be able to have more time to study now that you're not bombarded with the amount of work MCGamer and IRL has to offer for you.

To iVelocity (Forum Banned) - It's a shame you had to leave again right after you were given another chance of becoming a Senior Moderator. You showed great maturity in your first time at the staff team and many people were happy that you reapplied. I was especially proud that you were given another chance at becoming a Sr. Mod as it shows how great of a person you were, especially at such a young age. I'm happy to say that I worked with you as a moderator and I am especially proud to say that you have been a great individual here at our servers. If you ever see this Niall, please remember that we love you for your hard work and great effort here. I'm sure many others do as well.


See that "Jojo" on his face? That's #NephiLioner for you.

Let's also not forget Niall with the legacy he left at Kithex and his contribution towards it.

Some random facts now about those three -

Nephilim had to post a thread before wondering how to change his videos to unlisted (such a nub) He and Jojo first hooked up at Valentines Day and has been in a relationship ever since. Nephilim used to kick people who had the name "I love Jojo" on teamspeak.... I went through it with personal experience.

Vanessa's and croe's ship name used to be called #Cranicle instead of #Vanicroe, personally, I prefer Vanicroe. Vanessa currently attends Medical School, was a trial Admin, and had many other more priorities as well. She is one busy lady!

Niall doesn't have any embarrassing thing I could find so RIP

Unfortunately all good things must come to an end...
I want to cry ;-;


Mar 11, 2014
Reaction score
I feel bad for all of them, It's a shame that chad didn't pick these 2 amazing people to be his admins. I guess he is realizing that a ton of people might start to hate him over this decision.

NickSharpx ☆

District 13
May 20, 2013
Reaction score

I actually will miss both Nephilim and Vanessa. Vanicle | Vanessa would just work way too much and do it flawlessly, while Nephilim, well what can I say. I knew he was going to get the rank ever since I was once desrespecting this one member, and he just came in and told me to moderate myself, I at first didn't really think about it but then realized that he was right and was actually not talking ****, so decided to actually stop and thanked him.
You'll sure be missed
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District 13
May 14, 2015
Reaction score
Unfortunately.. This made my day bad tho... I wish them a best of luck in their life.. ;-;

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