Many users have been experiencing this issue on both versions of Minecraft. This is a server-side issue and deals with our network's dual-version functionality (MCGamer supports both versions 1.6.x and 1.7.x at the same time).
Right now, our network is using an unstable version of Spigot 1.7.2, as well as performing protocol translations from 1.7 to 1.6 users. In a nutshell, if a 1.7 user connects, all the data is sent normally; but if a 1.6 user connects, the server has to alter the data so that the older version of Minecraft can read it correctly (Mojang changed a number of things with Minecraft packets in 1.7). Somewhere within this process something is not being translated properly and data that causes the Minecraft client to crash is being sent.
While this is something that is frustrating, our developers are working painlessly to fix the issue (just getting to the point we're at right now took over 1 week alone). You may experience this issue or another bug where you're kicked back to the hub and told that the server has closed unexpectedly. Both of these errors have roots in the same issue. Just be patient; the developers will find a fix soon enough!
This thread's been locked. If you have any further comments, questions or concerns please don't hesitate to contact myself or another staff member over personal message. Hopefully I'll be able to play a game with you sometime in the future! Enjoy your time on MCGamer! :]