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Typical Game of MCSG Mad Lib (Lots of fun!)


Jun 21, 2013
Reaction score
Enjoy an authentic MCSG mad lib!

If you don't know how to do these, don't worry. It's simple! First, fill in the list at the top with the type of word it requires, then copy and paste the chosen words into the story in the spoiler! Here are the basic types of words.

  • Noun: A person, place, or thing. Firetruck
  • Adjective: A word that describes something. Slippery
  • Verb: An action word. Fell
  • Verb ending in 'ing': An action word that ends in 'ing'. Jumping
  • Adverb: Word that describes how something is done. Carefully
  • Exclamation: A word that is funny or silly and shows emotion. Crapcakes!
  • Plural word: A word that is more than one. Sheep
[username 1]
[capitalized adjective]
[number between 0 and 100]
[username 1]
[body part]
[verb ending in 's']
[verb ending in 'ing']

[type of weapon]
[type of metal]
[verb ending in 'ing']
[boy's name]

[plural noun]
[plural type of animal]
[verb ending in 'ing']
[type of food-singular]
[article of clothing]

[username 2]
[shiny object]
[article of clothing]

[type of body of water]
[type of combat]
[verb ending in 'ing']
[username 1]
[negative emotion]
[article of clothing]

[username 2]
[present tense verb]
[number from 5-10]

[present tense verb]
[present tense verb]

[username 1]
[username 1]
[small number seconds]
[type of insect]

[positive emotion]
[adjective with over 14 letters]
A Typical Game of MCSG
[username 1] The [capitalized adjective] met my eyes from across the arena. He was famous for a [number between 0 and 100] percent ratio and a Youtube channel with [number] subscribers. When [username 1] looks you in the [body part], you know you're gonna have a [adjective] time. As soon as the count hits zero, he [verb ending in 's'] straight to the middle and begins [verb ending in 'ing'] his opponents. Unfortunately, all you get is a [material] helmet.

Baffled by your [adjective] luck, you scan the horizon, and notice a [noun] and a [adjective] bacca with a [type of weapon]. Your nemesis already has a [type of metal] sword and is [verb ending in 'ing'] his opponents. Your chest route competition appears to be a team including a stacked [animal] and a ferocious young lad by the name of [boy's name].

You go after them, careful not to step on the [plural noun]. Because the sound of thunder and dying [plural type of animal] fills the background, your competitors do not hear you coming. After some strafing and some [verb ending in 'ing'], your enemies are reduced to [noun]. Their loot includes a(n) [type of food-singular], a chain [article of clothing], gold pants, and an iron ingot.

After wandering around some [adjective] buildings, you find someone by the name of [username 2]. Their eyes glisten like [shiny object]. They only have leather [article of clothing], so you decide to have mercy on them and leave them alone. You plunder a few more [adjective] chests, then move onto your enemies with [emotion].

You fight one person who has nearly full iron, but his skills prove to be [adjective]. Another person is found by a [type of body of water] and has exceptional [type of combat] skills. After [verb ending in 'ing'] with him for a while, he gets sandwiched between you and [username 1] and dies. He types "ez rekt get [verb]" in chat and casts his fishing rod at you once to show his [negative emotion] towards you. He now sports full iron, a diamond sword, and a diamond [article of clothing], making him by far the most [adjective] [noun] in the game.

A few minutes later, he slays [username 2], leaving only four players left. You [present tense verb] a Huahwi fan, causing death. His repeated attempts to light you on fire with his [adjective] flint and steel skills, but he misses you by [number] blocks every time, leaving you at [number from 5-10] hearts.

Now deathmatch approaches, which scares you so bad you [present tense verb] in your boots. You see a new player approach you when thirty seconds remain, who has full iron. After trading just one hit it's obvious he has hacks that allow him to [present tense verb] any [noun] within a 50 block radius. [exclamation]! Then deathmatch arrives.

You have no choice but to team with your [adjective] nemesis, who appears to know what you do. Fortunately, [username 1] goes in for the kill immediately despite the [adjective] risks. Maybe [username 1] isn't such a bad [noun] after all. After only [small number seconds], your temporary ally is already reduced to a puddle of [liquid]. You have no choice but to fight this hacker while he is low. [exclamation]! After a couple of [adjective] bow shots, the hacker has to be two hits away from death. You swing your sword [adverb] and miraculously land two hits, which finishes off the [type of insect].

After this ordeal is through, your heart is beating [number] times per second and you can almost hear the sighs of [positive emotion] from the spectators. In fact, this gameplay might be just right for your next montage entitled [adjective with over 14 letters].


Mar 22, 2014
Reaction score
This is honestly very cool, and I can see how much time you put into it. Hopefully it gets popular, but I'm currently on the bus. :/


Apr 6, 2014
Reaction score
It's been a while since I've seen a thread from you, BitoBain! And this is definitely going to be exciting, here goes!

A Typical Game of MCSG
[PotatoFace666] The [Stubborn] met my eyes from across the arena. He was famous for a [0] percent ratio and a Youtube channel with [2] subscribers. When [PotatoFace666] looks you in the [gluteus maximus], you know you're gonna have an [awkward] time. As soon as the count hits zero, he [Farts] straight to the middle and begins [splashing] his opponents. Unfortunately, all you get is a [Graphene] helmet.

Baffled by your [Tasty] luck, you scan the horizon, and notice a [book] and a [fat] bacca with a [sword]. Your nemesis already has a [gold] sword and is [eating] his opponents. Your chest route competition appears to be a team including a stacked [koala bear] and a ferocious young lad by the name of [bob].

You go after them, careful not to step on the [stick]. Because the sound of thunder and dying [whale] fills the background, your competitors do not hear you coming. After some strafing and some [laughing], your enemies are reduced to [food]. Their loot includes a(n) [banana], a chain [chest-plate], gold pants, and an iron ingot.

After wandering around some [large] buildings, you find someone by the name of [KoalasAreCuuute534]. Their eyes glisten like [diamonds]. They only have leather [pants], so you decide to have mercy on them and leave them alone. You plunder a few more [terrible] chests, then move onto your enemies with [joy].

You fight one person who has nearly full iron, but his skills prove to be [awful]. Another person is found by a [river] and has exceptional [bow] skills. After [reading] with him for a while, he gets sandwiched between you and [PotatoFace666] and dies. He types "ez rekt get [eaten]" in chat and casts his fishing rod at you once to show his [hate] towards you. He now sports full iron, a diamond sword, and a diamond [helmet], making him by far the most [tasty] [potato] in the game.

A few minutes later, he slays [KoalasAreCuuute534], leaving only four players left. You [kill] a Huahwi fan, causing death. His repeated attempts to light you on fire with his [horrible] flint and steel skills, but he misses you by [20] blocks every time, leaving you at [10] hearts.

Now deathmatch approaches, which scares you so bad you [pee] in your boots. You see a new player approach you when thirty seconds remain, who has full iron. After trading just one hit it's obvious he has hacks that allow him to [lick] any [taco] within a 50 block radius. [Fudge Brownies]! Then deathmatch arrives.

You have no choice but to team with your [ugly] nemesis, who appears to know what you do. Fortunately, [PotatoFace666] goes in for the kill immediately despite the [low] risks. Maybe [PotatoFace666] isn't such a bad [potato] after all. After only [0.5] seconds, your temporary ally is already reduced to a puddle of [Mountain Dew]. You have no choice but to fight this hacker while he is low. [Potatoes]! After a couple of [absurd] bow shots, the hacker has to be two hits away from death. You swing your sword [everywhere] and miraculously land two hits, which finishes off the [ladybug].

After this ordeal is through, your heart is beating [60] times per second and you can almost hear the sighs of [joy] from the spectators. In fact, this gameplay might be just right for your next montage entitled [Ermahgerd hacking nub gets rekkt I'm so pops now].

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