Our Minecraft servers are offline but we will keep this forum online for any community communication. Site permissions for posting could change at a later date but will remain online.
Totally agree with this.1. Donors are needed to keep the server even up and running, so we basically need donors. No Donors = No MCGamer
2. It shouldn't kick you out of the whole server and take you back to the main title screen, it should only either take you back to the SG hub or the main lobby. The Devs are currently trying to fix it taking you back to the main hub as I agree, when I click a sign and it instantly says that it's in Pre-Game, when it takes me back to the main hub. It really sucks that it takes you back to the whole main MC-Gamer hub, but looks like we're going to have to wait for the Devs to fix it, I'm not a developer, but it's probably a really tedious process that we should give them time to fix up.
Hopefully this helped you. It really shouldn't take you back to the Minecraft title screen, I have no clue if the Developers know about this or not.
Thanks :3Totally agree with this.