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Tiro - The Complete and Unabridged MCSG Story


May 31, 2012
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Recently, I had obtained 1000 posts on MCSG. For my 1000th post "special", I posted a picture of myself. That didn't turn out very well... xD. I guess I'd re-make it up to you guys by jumping on the MCSG Story bandwagon. I've been seeing a bunch of these threads pop up, and I've been meaning to make one of these. I never found it in my time to successfully make one, however, so I had to push it off. :/

I hope you guys enjoy the story. MCSG has, and always will be, the best community I've ever been at. It's helped me grown as an individual, connect with new people, exponentially increase my PvP ability, but most importantly...it's been there to save my horrible days. Every time I play MCSG, I light up and my day gets infinitely better.

May, 2012
It's another boring school day. The day progresses abnormally slowly. And to top it all off, I have sports practice at the end of it. I wasn't necessarily the happiest person alive. The school day ends and I'm sent off to practice with my IRL friend, yoshidude (Yoshidude3000). Luckily, it was a study day. Generally, we'd just sit around on our phones and do absolutely nothing but converse. We arrive at our location and find our way to the designated study area. Our instructor leaves to go work with another child. All of a sudden, yoshidude informs me of a Minecraft server much like The Hunger Games. (We were avid fans of the novels, so naturally, we were excited.) He gives me all I need to know; the IP, the website, YouTube videos of famous people playing on it...I was ecstatic. I asked an infinite amount of questions that pertained to the subject at hand and what our strategy would be to win the Hunger Games. Being a noob, I had nothing. No PvP background, no chest routes...nothing. Just my wits and what the YouTubers showed me. Little did I know, yoshidude was in the Top 10 during the Beta session...he was kinda a pro. It even got to the point where prominent present players such as Zeno were afraid of him. But back to the story.
Naturally, I died in the first five minutes. But the anticipation, the "sugar rush" you feel when the timer counts down...it made me crave for more. It was the best feeling I've ever gotten out of a video game.

June, 2012
I had obtained my first win. I was SOOOOO proud. yoshidude and I were crawling around the Observatory on SG2 and two decked combatants starting going at it. We double teamed the victor and both became the Full Iron + Diamond Sword pros. yoshidude gave me the win and I felt great. I won games more consistently, and eventually found myself to be developing in terms of PvP ability. By then, I had about 20 wins.

July, 2012
I hit 1000 points. I was SO proud of myself. I started playing MCSG on a regular basis (as SOON as I got home) with yoshidude. We seemed to be winning 60% of our games. By then, we found our third team member...@Atwatt. He asked for team in Lobby, and we accepted. We added him on Skype and he became our "little Canadian buddy". (@Atwatt, by the way, was another Top 10 Beta player...I had no idea about that either until recently. >.<') We formed what we called "The Monster Trio" (a reference to the Anime One Piece) because yoshidude had a Monkey D. Luffy skin, I had a Roronoa Zoro skin. Atwatt, however, didn't have a skin related to One Piece. He had a detective skin. (now he has a Sanji skin, though c=) We plagued the servers for a bit, winning 75% of the games we played. My birthday also happened, and I turned thirteen.

August, 2012
I start looking for a possible clan I could join. I consider the Cyanvolts and the Blamph's, but I felt I was too nooby to join. Just for the heck of it, however, I sent one for the SixZo's when the Blamph's went down. I never got a response.
However, I was able to witness what could've been the best thing in my MCSG experience...playing with the Cyanvolts and The Blamph's as they're going at eachother. ~12 of MCSG's greatest PvPers...all in my server. I was scared out of my mind. The only teammate I had, however, was atwatt, and he died early in the game. To my disgust, however, the only thing I noticed about BOTH sides was their cockiness. All I saw on the server was bragging attempts about how good they were (particularly from the Cyanvolts side). I told Atwatt: "We're kicking both of these cocky clans' a**."
The games started. Odds stacked against me, I only had a combination of iron + chain + leather and a Stone Sword. I had a few arrows and a bow, but that was the extent of what I had...until I saw a member of the Blamph's sorting out the loot of a dead person (I wasn't exactly able to recall who the member was, but I know it was the Blamph's). I was able to sneak attack him and obtain enough diamonds to make a Diamond Sword. I then had almost full iron. I encountered a group of two prominent players (forgot whether it was Blamphs or Cyan) and took them both on. I killed them, which made me feel great. :D
By then, there were about 6 people left. Only 3 of which were the clan members, and two other random noobs. Atwatt was telling me their locations so I could end them, and I eventually did so. I won the game.

September, 2012
I had obtained about 44 wins from playing. My amount of wins were slowed down due to the resumption of school. Then, however, I noticed a new clan...The Rebels. I had it in my mind that I was going to join them, as they didn't seem to be too cocky and they didn't seem to be completely "OMG I HAS TO BE #1 PEEVEEPEE CLAN. 1948y293785y192834y". I sent an application and it was labeled pending...I waited for about 20 days, and it was accepted. I was joyous, but very nervous at the same time. I was quickly added to a Rebels Skype Chat with soggypickle. He was the more active clan member...I couldn't bring myself to speak to these guys. I was scared of every single one of them, except for maybe Zeno. I knew a lot of them were absolute MCSG Legends, and I didn't want to embarrass myself in front of them...I evaluated them for about a week or two and decided I liked them. (I do this for just about every community I join...lol). I got active in the clan.

In conjunction to joining the Rebels, however, I also sent in my Moderator Application. I had made it clear to myself; I loved the community so much that every time I see a hacker, it would push me to make a Moderator Application. Until I noticed the "16+ rule". I was disheartened until it was pointed out that there were exceptions for insanely good applications. I started working, and about a day after, I had an application that totaled 3 pages long (on Word). In detail, it explained every of the questions. I sent it in, praying to god it was "good enough".

October, 2012
Every day, I would check the forums. If I had received an alert, I would pray to god it was a response. This went on for about a month, until October 13, where I had finally obtained my result.

I didn't have to open the page. My alert simply said: "[DECLINED] Mod App - Tironas11".
The red letters stared at me. It was as if new letters had taken their place and read "You didn't try hard enough". For the remainder of the month, I had sulked around on the forums. All hope wasn't lost, however, as I had received a message on my profile that read - "Stick around! Your application was one of the best ones...ever."

November, 2012
There appears to be a misconception that I requested to have a talk with the Sr. Staff about my application...that isn't necessarily true. I'm not even sure how the entire process worked. I had posted a message on my wall saying that my Mod app was declined...mixed comments, varying from "That's a shame!" and "Are you stupid? You are 13, why would you even try?" I didn't care either way. Eventually it got to the point where it had the most comments out of any other MCSG profile post. And then it happened...they rechecked my application. It was changed to [ACCEPTED] Mod App - Tironas11
I can't even describe how happy I was.
Later that night, it was interview time. They had originally planned it for next weekend, but I wasn't able to get on except for the Mod Meeting...I was up to my knees in various things. :/ I was on the TeamSpeak and they moved me and was like "Yeah. Welcome to your interview."
There is also another misconception; my interview was amazing. The truth was, I was nervous as hell in my interview. lol
They asked me various questions that I found to be fairly simple, but I was intimidated regardless. What if I failed? All the hard work...it could be undone simply by three people's action.
They moved me back down and I was almost praying. Every second felt like 10 minutes...I just wanted my result.
In what seemed like an eternity, they moved me back up and told me I was accepted.

It still wasn't over. I had convinced myself that I would probably be watched because of my age. Every single one of my decisions was probably going to be noted and I would eventually be told if I can continue to work or if I wasn't able to. I had chosen to do a bunch of work to impress the higherups.

(cont in another message, too long to post everything)


May 31, 2012
Reaction score
December, January, February, March 2012/2013
Life had become quiet. Nothing extraordinary happened in the following months. I discovered the Creative Server and helped Moderate that. I eventually became a Creative Mod (a mod dedicated to the Creative Server) and was able to judge Player Applications. In late February, Zeno turned 15. His Moderator Application was submitted, and let me tell you - it was amazing. It was what I wanted my application to be like...if he gets accepted, I know he'll be a fantastic Moderator.

I had taken a break from playing competitive MCSG. I returned, finding my PvP skills to be extremely rusty. I had played on other servers to bring it back up, and returned once again. I had regained the feelings I had for MCSG...it is amazing. There is just so much challenge nowadays, so many new faces...

And, my experience as a MCSG Staff member has come to an end. I quit the staff on peaceful terms. I will remain apart of this community as the co-leader of Forgotten.

MCSG will always be my home. You guys crack me up and make my day all the time. If I left, I'd have no idea what to do...Every single one of you is amazing.

I hope you all enjoyed my story...I'll probably have to make edits >.<


Feb 1, 2013
Reaction score
Nice. The only thing I don't like is that you got more wins in your first month than I have in 9...
The stories always make me feel crappy about my computer.


Apr 28, 2012
Reaction score
O_O * Starts clapping, hoping for the other around me to join in due to the awesomeness of Tironas's story. Then remember this is a mcsg forum post* He deserves it though. Great story ;D


District 13
Jul 5, 2012
Reaction score
Haha i remember when you got accepted and you were sooo scared of all the other staff. I had only been staff for like 2 months and you needed advice off other mods for ages as you wanted to make sure you got it right :D A smart move for a smart mod. It was a pleasure to be able to help you become the mod you are today :D

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