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Tips/Guidelines to Successfully Take out Teams!


Feb 7, 2013
Reaction score
In light of ALluc's recent post, I am now going to explain how to take out teams, based on the teaming guidelines he put forth.

STEP 1- Now, teams can be pesky. But when you're on a team you don't think this, you're having fun and you are happy that you're incredibly over powered. But never be too cocky- one person with the right skills can take you down! One main way to take down teams, I find, is what I call the "choke point" strategy. This can be complex, and requires general knowledge of the map you're on, but when you do it right... well, a team is no problem. You want to find a good choke point- a choke point is an area where you can hole out, organize yourself, and take the people out as they come through. These can be as simple as tight tunnels, or, in my example, I am using SG4's Barnyard. If you climb to the top of the barnyard and break the vines, teams will have a tough time getting to you if they don't have shears. If they do have shears, they'll be trying to place vines back to get up. You now repetitively break the vines, and hold shift. Sometimes, let them come up. You can knock them down with fishing rods or hit them down with your beast sword. They'll become weaker and weaker, and if you've been holding shift, quickly sneak off down to the ground again without them noticing. They'll still think you're up there, so they'll be on the roof searching for you. Now you can come up behind them and finish them off by knocking them off the top of the barn! This will not always work, but the idea is to confuse them, and use some tactical decisions to get around them.

STEP 2- Traps. Every team's downfall is a good, well timed TRAP. In this example I am once again visiting SG4, and the famous Gravel Trap. If you've got 3 ignorant fully geared players on your back that you can't shake, you're going to try and run to the gravel trap. This can be activated with flint and steel, by placing it on the gravel in the area of the trap. Run over the trap, turn around with your flint and steel, and as they run over the gravel to get you, light the fire, and watch as all three of them slowly burn to their death. On SG4 there is also the trapped Hangar. Weave in and out of the hangar if they're following you, dipping back in to the hangar to make them follow you. When you get to the end, if timed correctly, you can pull the lever and trap them in the hangar! Find out how to use traps to your advantage, because they can save your life.

STEP 3- Try to split the enemies team up. Weave in and out of buildings, take some fall damage if you need to. Get them confused, and then you can split them up and pick them off one by one. This is extremely effective, and you can take the team out with ease.

STEP 4- Flint and Steel! The best weapon to give you equal ground with your enemy is back, and better than ever! Light them both, or at least one of them on fire to get behind them, get above them, get below them- whatever you fancy, it will help!

STEP 5- The final tip- Block Hitting. This is frowned upon generally, because if you can't do it for whatever reason you ARE giving yourself a massive advantage. Myself? Yes, I do block hit. Spam both left click and right click together extremely fast. This causes the affect of you hitting, but at the same time blocking, hence the name. You'll know you're doing it right if your sword is smoothly transitioning from the hit to the block. It halves the damage you take while dealing full damage to the enemy. Also, the block cuts the swinging animation short allowing you to swing faster than regularly. Obviously this will help take out anyone, team or not.

I HOPE you've enjoyed these nooby tips that you probably already knew, but hey. I may be helping someone.


Apr 2, 2013
Reaction score
In light of ALluc's recent post, I am now going to explain how to take out teams, based on the teaming guidelines he put forth.

STEP 1- Now, teams can be pesky. But when you're on a team you don't think this, you're having fun and you are happy that you're incredibly over powered. But never be too cocky- one person with the right skills can take you down! One main way to take down teams, I find, is what I call the "choke point" strategy. This can be complex, and requires general knowledge of the map you're on, but when you do it right... well, a team is no problem. You want to find a good choke point- a choke point is an area where you can hole out, organize yourself, and take the people out as they come through. These can be as simple as tight tunnels, or, in my example, I am using SG4's Barnyard. If you climb to the top of the barnyard and break the vines, teams will have a tough time getting to you if they don't have shears. If they do have shears, they'll be trying to place vines back to get up. You now repetitively break the vines, and hold shift. Sometimes, let them come up. You can knock them down with fishing rods or hit them down with your beast sword. They'll become weaker and weaker, and if you've been holding shift, quickly sneak off down to the ground again without them noticing. They'll still think you're up there, so they'll be on the roof searching for you. Now you can come up behind them and finish them off by knocking them off the top of the barn! This will not always work, but the idea is to confuse them, and use some tactical decisions to get around them.

STEP 2- Traps. Every team's downfall is a good, well timed TRAP. In this example I am once again visiting SG4, and the famous Gravel Trap. If you've got 3 ignorant fully geared players on your back that you can't shake, you're going to try and run to the gravel trap. This can be activated with flint and steel, by placing it on the gravel in the area of the trap. Run over the trap, turn around with your flint and steel, and as they run over the gravel to get you, light the fire, and watch as all three of them slowly burn to their death. On SG4 there is also the trapped Hangar. Weave in and out of the hangar if they're following you, dipping back in to the hangar to make them follow you. When you get to the end, if timed correctly, you can pull the lever and trap them in the hangar! Find out how to use traps to your advantage, because they can save your life.

STEP 3- Try to split the enemies team up. Weave in and out of buildings, take some fall damage if you need to. Get them confused, and then you can split them up and pick them off one by one. This is extremely effective, and you can take the team out with ease.

STEP 4- Flint and Steel! The best weapon to give you equal ground with your enemy is back, and better than ever! Light them both, or at least one of them on fire to get behind them, get above them, get below them- whatever you fancy, it will help!

STEP 5- The final tip- Block Hitting. This is frowned upon generally, because if you can't do it for whatever reason you ARE giving yourself a massive advantage. Myself? Yes, I do block hit. Spam both left click and right click together extremely fast. This causes the affect of you hitting, but at the same time blocking, hence the name. You'll know you're doing it right if your sword is smoothly transitioning from the hit to the block. It halves the damage you take while dealing full damage to the enemy. Also, the block cuts the swinging animation short allowing you to swing faster than regularly. Obviously this will help take out anyone, team or not.

I HOPE you've enjoyed these nooby tips that you probably already knew, but hey. I may be helping someone.
Lawl, Made a thread to counter my thread XD


District 13
Jul 31, 2012
Reaction score
Or if you're having a good day, you may be able to kill them 1v2.


Oct 5, 2012
Reaction score
In light of ALluc's recent post, I am now going to explain how to take out teams, based on the teaming guidelines he put forth.

STEP 1- Now, teams can be pesky. But when you're on a team you don't think this, you're having fun and you are happy that you're incredibly over powered. But never be too cocky- one person with the right skills can take you down! One main way to take down teams, I find, is what I call the "choke point" strategy. This can be complex, and requires general knowledge of the map you're on, but when you do it right... well, a team is no problem. You want to find a good choke point- a choke point is an area where you can hole out, organize yourself, and take the people out as they come through. These can be as simple as tight tunnels, or, in my example, I am using SG4's Barnyard. If you climb to the top of the barnyard and break the vines, teams will have a tough time getting to you if they don't have shears. If they do have shears, they'll be trying to place vines back to get up. You now repetitively break the vines, and hold shift. Sometimes, let them come up. You can knock them down with fishing rods or hit them down with your beast sword. They'll become weaker and weaker, and if you've been holding shift, quickly sneak off down to the ground again without them noticing. They'll still think you're up there, so they'll be on the roof searching for you. Now you can come up behind them and finish them off by knocking them off the top of the barn! This will not always work, but the idea is to confuse them, and use some tactical decisions to get around them.

STEP 2- Traps. Every team's downfall is a good, well timed TRAP. In this example I am once again visiting SG4, and the famous Gravel Trap. If you've got 3 ignorant fully geared players on your back that you can't shake, you're going to try and run to the gravel trap. This can be activated with flint and steel, by placing it on the gravel in the area of the trap. Run over the trap, turn around with your flint and steel, and as they run over the gravel to get you, light the fire, and watch as all three of them slowly burn to their death. On SG4 there is also the trapped Hangar. Weave in and out of the hangar if they're following you, dipping back in to the hangar to make them follow you. When you get to the end, if timed correctly, you can pull the lever and trap them in the hangar! Find out how to use traps to your advantage, because they can save your life.

STEP 3- Try to split the enemies team up. Weave in and out of buildings, take some fall damage if you need to. Get them confused, and then you can split them up and pick them off one by one. This is extremely effective, and you can take the team out with ease.

STEP 4- Flint and Steel! The best weapon to give you equal ground with your enemy is back, and better than ever! Light them both, or at least one of them on fire to get behind them, get above them, get below them- whatever you fancy, it will help!

STEP 5- The final tip- Block Hitting. This is frowned upon generally, because if you can't do it for whatever reason you ARE giving yourself a massive advantage. Myself? Yes, I do block hit. Spam both left click and right click together extremely fast. This causes the affect of you hitting, but at the same time blocking, hence the name. You'll know you're doing it right if your sword is smoothly transitioning from the hit to the block. It halves the damage you take while dealing full damage to the enemy. Also, the block cuts the swinging animation short allowing you to swing faster than regularly. Obviously this will help take out anyone, team or not.

I HOPE you've enjoyed these nooby tips that you probably already knew, but hey. I may be helping someone.
There is one trap at sg4 that you don't mention. it is in the house nearest to corn (the one on the left). The first button(right)in that house would create a lava trap.

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