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Tips and tricks

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Apr 21, 2012
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I'm not bragging or anything but im pretty good at the hunger games, I almost always get top 8. I'm here to give you some tips on how to survive 30+ minutes.

Some tips-

Once the game starts do NOT go for the chests in the middle, go away and find another chest.
Go to the islands and loot each one, leaving nothing behind.
If you are on the map with the boat DON'T go to it in the begining, it is a trap trying to lure you in so others can kill you.
If you have very little supplies at night DON'T go outside, sit in a tree until daybreak.
If you have a lot of supplies you can go outside at night but there is a chance you will die.
There are many little caves around the maps, don't leave any stone unturned.
DON'T SPRINT!!! You lose your food way faster if you sprint.
Make a team before the start of the game because if you do it in the middle there is a chance the person is lying and will kill you.

Everyone plays differently, I made this thread to show you guys some of the tactics I use that are successful. You don't have to follow these tactics but you can if you want.
Got any other tactics you want to share? Post them here!


Apr 22, 2012
Reaction score
Once the game starts do NOT go for the chests in the middle, go away and find another chest.
I disagree, I've won 5 times in a row and all these times I've gone for the chests in the middle. I quickly sprint to the center, grab a sword and everything I can get. And once i hear someone get hit, I take out my sword and armor and kill as many people as I can. This usually scares people away making the center empty.


Apr 22, 2012
Reaction score
These are pretty helpful, some I knew, but they are good starting tips.


Apr 22, 2012
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-I often make a sprint to the center, as it really does make a difference to grab a sword and take down the strongest competition. If you're lucky at the start you're often a strong contender to win.

-On attempting the center, I see if I'm capable of killing anyone (loves me them points), and then make a sprint for the tree to the right of the host house. Knock anyone else up there down, break the vines at the very top, raid the chest, if I'm weak I do as you say, dig in for the night. I have developed a way to carve out the tree that often makes me hard to spot. This hasn't worked recently as I'm encountering alot more people with hacked clients and radar mods, which is a shame. May have to change it up a bit.

-I find winning at the center rather than going to the outlying islands allows you to more easily make a raid on the center when it's restocked the first night. Which is really my second point. A good raid on the center when it's restocked can mean nearly a guranteed win.

-I never team up with people I don't know. I simply don't trust them. Maybe thats because if I do "team" with someone, I generally intend to kill them. I see my own evil in other players :p Teaming over Skype with people you know and trust can be really powerful.

-I'd say the boat is a viable option straight off, if you have a team you trust. If we do attempt it, we swim in under water, and use the space underneath for air. We wait for the bridge to clear and then sprint it. If we need to clear out the bottom, we give equiptment to the person doing the clearing. A well hit creeper can be useful for killing all other mobs.

-Never leave any equiptment equal to what you already have. If you have a steel chest plate, and you find a chest with 3 of them in, take them all. This means it's harder for opponents to equal your strength.

-Also it's best to try and develop a route round the map you know like the back of your hand. Running the same direction each match means you get to know how to get away from 23ish people trying to kill you, sprinting over bumps they're not used to.


-Good tip as far as getting to the chests is concerned, start your double sprint a few seconds early. Sure you'll get pulled back by the 'force field' but it means you'll be sprinting to the chests as soon as you're able to.

-Use Shift Click to move the items from your chest to your hotbar and prioritise getting a sword, even if you have to leave other items. Its surprising how much time some players take in the chests at the beginning, and if you're quick, these players will be easy pickings for you, allowing you to kill them and simply pick up the items they've spent so much time placing in their inventory.

I have more, I most post them later, but as I said, it's getting increasingly difficult to deal with people with hacked clients, so I'm changing up my tactics.
Hope this helps people


Apr 21, 2012
Reaction score
Wow really good tips. ThanksTheFuzzyFool!

If you have any other tips and tricks for noobs or long time players post them here!


Apr 21, 2012
Reaction score
Sorry for the double post but if you have a group of players the best thing to do would be to attack the parts of the map with most chests(ship, spawn). If your on your own you are best staying on the outside then working your way in getting stronger and stronger as time passes. (go to the outside to gather some needed equipment then go inside finding more players and loot)
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