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This isn't a goodbye, but pretty much is. (My Minecraft Journey)

Jun 26, 2014
Reaction score
Note: i dont know how to link people so sorry ppl

So basically in a nutshell, I probably won't be playing mcsg anymore, maybe on occasion but not really. I'm not really known on mcsg (but i hope that you may still read this and find it interesting) due to the fact that i "randy skype teamed" in the lobbys for the first 8-9 months i played. That was making the game fun for me, meeting new people, making new friends. Around may 2013 is when i got the game, and like everyone i had about a 20-25 fps computer and was awful. (I later found out that my family computer got 200-300 fps on mcsg) I had fun and from the start of me playing minecraft i found the mcsg servers, and the hive servers. I played on the hive more because the hub was easier to find games, but it was a lot laggier but at the time i couldn't tell the difference with my 25 fps :).

I started playing mcsg after about 200 games of hive and 7 wins. when i started playing mcsg I distinctly remember having exactly 25/250 which at the time i was always pumped about. I eventually had around 100/950 and thought i was so good. (I was playing on high servers most of the time xD) Then i started meeting small groups of people,
The first group of people i met was Flyingwombatxd I believe one of their names were, and a few others,
After them I started playing with three people who were Eu players: Mini_zurini, Risu1999, and one more but I forget his name
then i met a group of people which had included brandonporter11 :eek: and a few others,
After that i met 3 people who showed me more about the game and gave me tonnes of tips on which i still use today, The people were g0h4m, crazedxninja and funkgirl. They showed me what things like crits were (at the time i had above 200 wins so that was pretty sad) and chest routes.
(Most of these people don't play anymore or don't have forum accounts)

Fast forward a while and skip to when i met TheIronMinecart and he showed me something called the Canadian servers. for those of you who dont know, I do live in Canada and i get 35 ping to ca servers ;P. I never thought of playing on the Canadian servers because I didn't like how there was so few servers. (99-125 to us servers.)

A few months later in about May 2014, I learned what ping was and how it affected the game so i decided to play on ca a lot more and met a lot of cool people: JonJayMan, Flashrider31, Wb1314, Crazymat87, doy0uevenstrafe, tresion, mistychicken17, jemhabs33, snipe_man91, epic0ham, doyouevensprint, chasethebuilder2 (kinda pissed you off when i first started joining your games but we cool now), captain_sausage, dimond1646, tybh87, 19loss_jose, bleuterd, Mitchmanmc, infernohd_, and a lot more people and sorry if i missed some people if any of them read this.

Then a few months after that, I joined a clan called tigers which had all of the people in it whom i had known from playing the Canadian servers and I had a lot of fun in it. I joined before school was done and i stayed until late August. Then i applied for a clan called apollo and it disbanded before my trial ended ;-;. Then i joined outlast and i really liked the people who were in it and it was probably the most fun i'd had in a clan. After 2 weeks within it merging with Divine i left and applied for Triology, then Vortex and thats everything I've done in clans. Some really cool people i met were :_Kryptic, Sword2346, ShaShingMe, warbringer14, mfc17, r1ck4stl3y, xifinatesnipez, toxpsycho, mr_smaha, icyhd, flashrider31, jonjayman, 62cook, mitchmanmc, coscobplaymc, multicolorwolf, flqwless, regularshow421(...), bunch of other people too but I'm too lazy.

Anyways now I'm here at within the last few weeks to a month. About a month ago but most of the people I listed in the people i met in Canadian servers people stopped playing on ca and now I basically just solo all the time. despite most of the players on the Canadian servers are really nice and I rarely find hackers, there are somethings that make me mad about the ca servers. (I made a small thread about it a few days ago) The teams are unreal, I still manage to win around 30% of my games and 60%+ on a good day, but it's out of control and they are very unsportsmanlike. Not all teams but a few people are very annoying *Cough cough silent_guy33, trender56 Cough cough*.

I understand teaming is fun, hell I teamed 90% of my first 1000 games, but its just annoying to know that I can't even meet new people. Most of the time I am nice to people (unless im PO'd about something irl, not often) and no one will even skype because people already have their team, leaving me solo only to die half the time to these large teams.

I probably wouldn't be making this if I was able to make new friends or have my old ones still play on ca, but I'm at the point where I am starting to resent the game for people targeting me cause they want 200 points a kill, or they just want to say "rekt ez 12 nub" *cough silent_guy33 and his targeting 3 teams*.

Anyways enough of me complaining about not meeting new players, Thank you all for making my mcsg experience up to this point so enjoyable, the people i met, the players who were there to play against me, and the staff and dev's who made this game so damn fun to play! Thanks, I will leave some things at the bottom about me and mcsg i guess ;3

Stats: (may be off games played wise by about 10 or so.)
100/931 (931 games)
200/1450 (519 games)
300/1850 (400 games)
400/2212 (361 games)
500/2573 (361 games)
600/2871 (297 games)
700/3166 (295 games)

Rough Estimates of tactics I learned: (and when)
Fishing rod: 100 wins
Crit and routes: 200 wins
strafing: about 400-450 wins
Huahwi fns ;): 550 wins

Just some quick little tidbits of how bad I was this whole time.

I'm kinda good now
a vid if you want to see me play if your curious. keep in mind the video quality is so bad bc i get 50-80 fps now :(

If I do play again and you see me in game, say hi :3 sorry this dragged on so long and if you took the time to read my whole experience with minecraft (basically mcsg) thanks! (sorry this was so disorganized.)


Nov 23, 2013
Reaction score
This was a really interesting read! I liked the story, I've only seen you about once though in-game, never knew that you forum-ed!

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