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This is my good bye - Chajack


Feb 9, 2014
Reaction score
I am very sad to say that after 2 years of playing MCSG, I am quitting. Bye guys. I just want to say a few thank you's before I departure from the community.


I want to thank QuickMc for being their when I needed, I was under a lot of pressure at a time in my life and QuickMc helped me through it. He also has quit due to being banned because he was to good c: Thank you Erik. I could never repay you for something like that. jordgloben


I would like to thank PhoenixYT helping me through clans and being their to back me up. Mistaken will always be remembered. We had our fallouts but hopefully out friendship will never fail. Thanks.


I thank ItsFrizzy for making the best clan that I was ever in. I know that you don't like me and all but you made the best clan and I had the best experience ever. Thank you for that. Lycaon will always be in my heart. I made a mistake to give you an account and I took it back. It was a mistake. Sorry and thank you.


I would like to thank Galqtic for being a friend. You were in Mistaken with me and by far you were the funniest and best member their. I will remember you when it comes to graphics <3 Thanks


Thanks to JustAKryt for being in so many of my clans and always being the best. You're a great friend.


Thanks to JJ for letting me join your clan and making so many friends. You quit for CS and we never spoke again because you were too addicted. I hope we can speak again one day bud :D


Ankhies, we had a great ride. I'd like to thank you and the rest of credence for making this my No.1 best clan. I left because I thought it was going to disband. I won't forget. #Hazhwi2k15 :)


and Proxiieee are the most funny people I have ever met. Full of entertainment. Remember, your both pingers :) xD I'm sorry to say goodbye.
MartinThePinger and Proxiieee


You invited me to your clan and this was my first clan (#Twerkies) We talked to each other for a while and we had really great fun. Hope we can talk one day MCGamerzism.
MCGamerzism | Gizm


AfterFX, your a great person. Eventhough I only knew you for a few days. We had so much fun :D


Thank you to MidgetHoe, you persuaded me not to quit a few times and I can't thank you enough for what you have done to help me. I will remember you!


Their are so many other people that I want to thank, Skqd NeonHD AttackzZ ZacRoi Bayerz Knutpaj and BrandonStorm1.

This has been a great ride, I will come on every once in a while. But for now, no one will be seeing much of me :(. My last thank you, I would like to thank the WHOLE ADMINISTRATION TEAM for making MCSG what it is. People hate on you because their jealous. Please keep MCSG up :(. The mods are amazing and what they do is amazing. Thank you everyone! Bye :D
~ Chajack


District 13
Feb 15, 2015
Reaction score
Bye and good luck with your future!


Mar 21, 2015
Reaction score
To much despair, I have found errors in your methods:
Also, you're talking about RevolutionReborn, aren't you? (Near the end)
What was your name when you were in the clan? <3 <3
If you manage to correct your grammatical mistakes, I applaud you, sir.
Sucks to see you leave
Good day

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