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The Wilderness Network-Factions-Possible Minigames!


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Oct 3, 2013
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The Wilderness Network, A Faction Server.

Owners: xLukie, Jack, Mando

This is a faction server that is currently in alpha stage. We only released it a couple of days ago so we would love it if you came and checked us out :). As I said we are only in alpha at the moment so we are still fixing many things and any ideas are open to suggestions.

Server type:
This is a Faction server that may expanded out to many things. We are currently making a mob arena that will be added soon for a little extra fun however that won't be for a week or 2. We hope to make a UHC mini game as well and maybe expanded to a couple different mini games.

Donations are being made now and the more donations the better we can make the server. There will be a website for people to buy ranks. Example iron,gold,diamond. They could also buy in game money to buy new items. Hopefully we get enough people donating to keep the server running For the month. If the server gets lots of donations we will split the money between the server owners. Perks for donors are under discussion atm so any suggestions would be great!

There will be a protected spawn area. Spawn design will be designed bye advanced builders, and the spawn layout and design will be decided when we get the server. The spawn shouldn't be more then 200 blocks long/wide. The spawn will have a built in shop and rule signs at spawn

We are using all the basic plugins for factions and just for the server in general, we also have the silk touch plugin allowing people to take spawners and make mob farms , and the mcmmo plugin allowing ranks on the server

The map has a limit on how far you can explore 10000,10000. The map has 1.7.4 features and biomes. If minecraft releases a new biome update we will restart the map. When you hop out of spawn and in the wilderness there is a war zone area that is 200 blocks out from spawn then the wilderness takes control. From the spawn you can go to the shop map where you will be able to sell and buy many items.
We will try and spread the word around mcsg and to our friends about the server. We will try and get mcsg clans coming on the server so clans can vs each other on Something else then mcsg. I will be posting the server on websites to try and get more people. We will try and get YouTubers coming on the server to record and give them free (donor) if they make a series and advertise our sever. We will be closely listening to the community so people can have a say in what we can improve on and new features we could add. We will be hosting events like clan vs clan 1v1s and drop party's. People could win items even donor.

Feel free to record on this server, we have a VIP rank available to people over a certain amount of subs (not sure yet), you can apply for VIP on our temporary website. :). We will also be recording on our YouTube channels so feel free to check us out :0

SERVER IP: thewildernessnetwork.mymc.io

xLukie YouTube- https://www.youtube.com/user/LukesJam

Mando YouTube- https://www.youtube.com/user/MrMandoriansMayhem

Website- Very Temporary- http://thewildernessnetwork.enjin.com/home

Hope you take the time to play on this server and leave suggestions to anything!
Last edited:


Jun 27, 2012
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