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The Untold Story


Apr 20, 2014
Reaction score
Hi, my name is Charlie, better known as xConfuzzled or Arched10. I started getting into Minecraft about 2 years ago. My IRL friends had it and they wanted me to buy it, and I did. I always would watch youtube videos about Minecraft, but never bought it. After I bought it, I just found it so fun, and addicting. I had just watched the movie "The Hunger Games," and I thought, well, is there a Minecraft version of this, so I looked it up and low and behold, this is the first thing that popped up. Believe it or not, I did not discover these forums until a couple months after I played it in game. Once I got on these forums, I got the hang of them, and signed up. I looked at the Forum categories, and saw "Clans and Teams." I thought that it would be interesting so I looked and saw a clan name, "The Rebels." (This was during the Geanhimes leader era). I remembered someone by the name of "Geanhimes" tell about this clan. I would always fan boy over him for whatever reason, and I thought, wouldn't it be cool to be apart of an actual clan? So I tried to get accepted, and at first I did not succeed, so I tried, tried, and tried, and after several months, I finally got in. It was such a great experience for me, but during that experience something tragic happened in my IRL life. My Grandmother had a massive stroke. For a long while it looked as if she wouldn't survive, but somehow, she lived. She toughed it out in several hospitals for 2 months or so. I tried to keep it in, and I do not think I told anyone in this community. She lost tons of her smarts, and to be honest, she was the smartest person I knew. She lost tons of her abilities which stunk. The stroke happened about last year, a month ago, and right now she is still trying to recover. My family tries to help out so much, and my Grandpa, is not physically fit whatsoever. So every week, my mom, brother, and I, go there and help out as much as we can. It is a stressful schedule, as I volunteer 4 hours a day. It does not help either that my brother and me rarely get along. That was my mother's side of the family. Around Christmas time last Christmas, in my dad's side of the family, my other Grandpa passed away. I still went to school, but life sucked. I struggled for a long while with my Grandma's stroke, and my Grandpa's passing away. That wasn't the only reason I struggled either. In September of last year, I suffered a severe concussion. It lasted until December, and I still have long term effects of it today, like short term memory issues. So on my plate I had, a concussion, a grandmother who had a stroke, and a grandpa who passed away. I had a lot going on at once, and I still found time for me. This game was my stress-reliever in a sense. This was what I would come to if I was in need of just having a good time. I was very active in the clan world, and I spent probably too much time. Now I am sitting here in mid-summer, having my life catch up to me. I volunteer everyday besides weekends. I help out with my Grandma's house. I practice with sports. I do chores, like yardwork, but I still find time to come here. MCSG has been a great time for me, but I am not really having fun anymore. I try to find the right clan for me, but I just do not have time, I am too inactive. And when I do find time, I get unlucky, and no one is on, or I get ddossed. The main website I go to is this one, and I am in a sense addicted to it. My life is slowly deteriorating, and I need to find a way to fix it. That is why, I am going to be done with Clans and Teams for good, and The Forums in general. Once in a while you may see me on a TS or Skype talking to friends and stuff, or in-game you could still see me, but right now I need to start by eliminating something that I do too much, and that is go on the Forums. So this is sort of my goodbye to the community from the forums perspective, but feel free to say hi to me on skype or ts or in game if you see me. Thank you MCSG for the forums, as they were so much fun to me, but now I need to start doing what is the most important to me in life, as my wise friend SC_Swag once told me.


Jul 11, 2013
Reaction score
First! (Now time to read)
Edit: :c That is a very good read and I am on the verge of tears :c I hope things get better, I'm so sad to see another person leave today :c

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