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The toggling on mcsg issue

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Dec 15, 2013
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Currently I am doing this on my phone I just want to get this out.

So recently a lot of people in clans and outside have been called togglers for different reasons and said to be unlegit for different reasons. I personally say there legit until there proven guilty. However everyone has there right to there own opinion. However there is some people who accuse others even though there has never been proper evidence against them for the biggest example -snip- he has so been toggling on mcsg for a long time however he has never been banned if he is so much of a toggler after one fight you would imagine the next fight they or another one of there friends would actually record there so called hacking. However recently some people have been caught this includes <snip> and other people high up there. So he is proven guilty of hacking however evermore in my mind is still legit. However people who spread rumors just because of there opinion about a person won't help cause if they find out someone thinks the toggle it will just be easier for them to kill that person cause they will be scared to fight them. For example when I find a hacker I take it in a different way instead of flipping out about a hacker I mainly think there just better at sword than me and take them in a different way with secondaries or choke points etc just to help. In my opinion people are being really imature about this toggling thing. Some people are gonna say oh your just defending them because your one or something along those lines however I have been playing mcsg since 2012 and minecraft since 2010 and some how I am not a perm banned player if I am a so called toggler how am I not banned yet. So cause of recent actions by certain players and the spread of rumors I know now I don't really enjoy this community anymore so if this community doesn't improve I might just quit clans in fact I basically have cause my rep has been ruined and I am leaving after us clan league so cause Of some peoples immaturity im just gonna play solo afterwords
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Dec 9, 2014
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You've admitted to having 4 clients and admitted to macros in desteria. Although I agree, I find it strange you are the one to write this thread


District 13
Feb 19, 2015
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This thread will be locked due to the fact that it's basically accusing a player for toggling/hacker and causing future flame. If you truly do believe they are hacking or toggling, please record them when they hack and then create a report abuse on the forums.

If you have any questions, please DM me or any other staff member for more assistance.

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