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The Story of Chez.


District 13
Apr 22, 2012
Reaction score
Hello MCSG! A lot of people have been posting their stories of how they got here and what happened to them here. Since I've got nothing better to do, I decided I'd give it a go.


April is the month Survival Games 1 was released. It was back in the 1.2 days, when jungles had just been introduced, as well as cats. I discovered the Survival Games by watching Inthelittlewood's livestream, featuring Toby, Bebopvox, Bashurverse, and if I remember correctly, there was some guy called ChadTheDJ I think. He was really bad at it :p. Anywho, I watched the livestream and though: "This is so smart. I've gotta play it!" I began to find a way to play, and I came across a magical place known as minecraftsurvivalagames.com. I get on a server, and immediately the first thing I do, thinking I'm smart, is say "Anyone want to team?" Looking back on that, I realize I was a real noob.
It wasn't until May, my favorite Month, do to the perfect weather, school getting out, and my birthday, that I played MCSG well. Back in april all I had to play was a laptop that ran at about 30 FPS on average. I had absolutely no PVP skill and I'd make it to Deathmatch only to die. However, for my birthday my parents got me an iMac. It was beautifurr, the sight of the thing. The first thing I did was download Minecraft. To my perfection, I was running with waaaaaay more frames. I was so excited! I could finally play SG well! I got my friends together and everyday after school we'd play MCSG. I loved it because we all got to work together and accomplish things, then still have the pleasure of murdering each other. The more we played, the better I became at PVP. It was so much fun! The fact that I got out of school around the 2nd week of may made things better, because this was back when there were hardly any donors, and also back before the servers restarted after each match. Anywho, I think by the end of may I had about 30 wins, which was considerably good for me.
June came around, and this was around the time I began to get more involved with the community. Although I had a forum account almost as soon as I started playing, I didn't use it too often. I decided I should get to know the people that play MCSG, so I began to post more and get on more. I never regret this decision. The MCSG forums is where I spend most of my free time nowadays. June was also was around the time I became a part of the CyanVolts. The CyanVolts,in case you didn't know, was one of the first clans/teams that emerged. It consisted of many people such as The_Great_Tito, willyrin, Zeno, anatolifisher, EvilCyanSheep, as well as a few others that are still active in the community. I was invited by willyrin, who I came in contact with through my friend that moved to his town. I had never really been in an official clan like this. It was my first of two clans. CyanVolts were also rivals against The Blamphs. A pro team created my Blamph consiting of people such as zeejayy, Pherrera, HarborSealPuP, and later even Zeno... AND SixZoSeven. This was definetely one of the most intense clan rivalies, and I think a lot of clan rules might have been made due to the two teams xD.
But CyanVolts is a different story. Lets get back on track.
July, if I remember correctly, was when the official release of MCSG took place. everyone was celebrating for the leaderboard reset, and the new lobby and plugin features. I, however, was more interested in my drawing career. back in June, I drew Tito an avatar, (which is the one he is currently using as his Youtube icon) and it was a huge hit. More and more people asked for avatars, and I think my drawing sort of raised my popularity on the forums. The one downfall with the requests was forgetting. I, being the fool that I am, forgot about people's requests and I never really wrote it down. A lor of people I promised avatars never actually got them... Sorry! My friends that I started MCSG were slowly losing interest in the game, which I thought was insane! How the heck can you NOT enjoy all the adrenaline and intensity that is MCSG? they were cray in my eyes.
August was a pretty boring month. All it really consisted of was school closing in and I think the first few community maps were released. I'm not quite sure or not, but I think as school started, my time playing MCSG shortened. it eventually shortened to no weeks at all, come September.
As September rolled in, and I became engrossed in school work. I think I took a bit of a break from MCSG, due to business. I came back though, no worries! I kinda wanna get on with October, it was MUCH more fun.
OK. so October was when map 4 was released. to celebrate, there was an amazing donor deal where you could get extra days on your donor. +10 days for iron, +20 days for gold. and +30 days for diamond. I had begun to play MCSG tekkit, and I knew you got more perks the more you donated, so I decided to spend 50 dollars on diamond donorship for TWO MONTHS! being cyan colored was awesome. Everyone awed at your name, thought you were rich, and thought you were the most idiotic person in the world for spending 50 dollars on a game. I just shrugged them off. Back in my day of cyan, diamond donators were pretty scarce. It was around this time I made my derpy avatar of my face with my derpy face and derpy eyes :p. I also got to know eshancowee. A really cool guy :). oh yeah, I also joined the rebels. best clan EVER.
November came along, and this was when started spamming on the forums xD. I basically played forum games most of the day and chat on skype. I was lazy. This was the month that Eshan hosted his first 24 hour charity livestream, which I made the banner for! It was super fun and I'm glad Eshan did it :D.
December consisted of many things:
1. I created the term "BEAUTIFURR" for you all to enjoy.
2. People were getting sick of Breeze and map 4.
3. Blamph returned.
4. I ordered a new computer!
Beautifurr was the sequel to my derp face, and it basically caused my profilw to be spammed. I think I have about 2 pages of people telling me how beautifurr I am. It was so much fun <3. I'm probably forgetting a lot more, but oh well.
January was a time of being cold, anticipating for Map 4 and Breeze to go die in a hole, and hanging out here. My love for the community grew and grew each month as time went on, and I decided that I love this place. I did my best to not look stupid, as well as come up with the most witty remarks to try to get likes ;). I can honestly say that January was one of my best months at MCSG. not because of wins or any of that, but because I became real close to the forum community.
Here we are, February, the current month as of now. This month I so far have:
1. Created "NAILED IT!" my second comeback at starting another trend.
2. Got to be a guest at Eshan's 2nd 24 hour charity livestream, which was so much fun <3
3.Surpassed over 1,400 likes! That's cray cray!
4. got to meet a bunch of awesome people that I could never have gotten this far without.
The rest, has yet to be discovered.


(btw this took like 40 mins to write)


District 13
Jun 15, 2012
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Matt_The Dreamer

Jul 31, 2012
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Dem hearts, but I must agree.

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