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The Only Mathias.


Jun 22, 2012
Reaction score
Hello Everyone one.
I'm Mathias. Lets begin introducing my-self.
  • First of I'm blue.
  • I'm 6ft something. My Doctor said 6'3" but my friends deny it.
  • I was Born in Germany. (Is German)
  • Currently Lives in Ma, USA
  • I'm 16 (at the moment this is posted)
  • Birthday is October 26th 1996.
  • Not very talkative unless I have something to say. Or you get to know me first.
  • I love Moderating the servers. Actually really Great.
  • I play Pokemon Yugioh and Magic (the games and Card Games)
  • Favorite animal is a Penguin.
  • Will Watch literally anything
  • My family fears I will get diabetes.
  • High Metabolism, relatively skinny
  • I'm German
  • I fear pointy things and Heights
  • Night Person
  • I like Sweet foods
  • Ninjas
  • Depictions
  • Digimon (was my favorite TV show)
  • I collect weird rocks.
  • If I could have a super power it would be looking into the Future.
  • Favorite Colour, Look at my skin. (MC)
  • I believe that there is other life in the universe.
  • I don't believe in ghost but if they exist I fear them.
  • If I had a million dollars I'd probably waste it on random crap after buying a house and a car.
  • My Bad Habit eat to much sugar. (about 3 times the daily limit daily)
  • I'm not an organize person in my room or School but I can be clean when i have to be.
  • I was not named after anyone
  • Favorite Sport Football (soccer for Americans)
  • Favorite Music Rap and Country...
  • my Favorite Food no idea.
  • The Best part of waking up is going to sleep.
  • I do not know where waldo is.
  • I can Fake a Deep southern accent
  • I keep everything in my pockets.
  • Lucky number is 13
  • I am right handed when I write. But normally anything else i like using my left.
  • Running out of things to put down.
  • No tattoos or Piercings
  • Favorite Flower is a Rose...
  • I am horrible at baseball. How do you even hit that ball... I can catch it but how do you even...
  • Never been arrested.
  • I love to sit in the 3 seat on a bus other wise its just weird.
  • My ego size is not as big as Arjuns
  • I put my left shoe on first.
  • The name of my autobiography would be call OnlyMathua, a Life Story.
  • OnlyMathua Because I accidentally typed way to fast and I assumed that I wrote OnlyMathias It came out OnlyMathua. By the time I Noticed I had hit Finish...
  • I get along with my Mother but Father is a completely different question.
  • I Can't live without sugar.
  • Is Dyslexic
That's all I can think of. Ask me anything you want. If you read all of these cool if not that's your choice see you guys round. I don't really know how to end this so auf wiedersehen.


Jul 15, 2012
Reaction score
There's a City called MA? Weird muricans...

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