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The Nomad Challenge


May 10, 2012
Reaction score
Something fun that I like to do when I start a new Singleplayer map is too do something I like to call "The Nomad Challenge". Basically, what I do is that I keep travelling the map until I find an NPC Village and see how long it takes to find one. Here are the rules:

1. You are not allowed to build a house (You may build one once you find a village)
2. You aren't allowed to carry Utility blocks, but you can use them. But to do so, you have to create them on the spot for every use, unless one of your previously made ones is nearby. This includes Crafting Tables, Furnaces, Beds, Enchantment Tables, Minecarts, etc.
3. You are allowed to go spelunking and explore Dungeons and Abandoned Mine Shafts.
4. You're allowed to mine ores.
5. You're limited to one stack of everything you carry, whatever number the item completely stacks at, you can only have that much (example: You can only have 64 pieces of dirt at a time). This also applies to tools, so one of everything.
6. You MUST play in hardcore mode.
7. No spawning in items with Creative Mode
8. I recommend playing in Survival Mode, if you choose to play in Adventure Mode... Notch have mercy on your soul...
9. No using starter chests (I don't know what they're called, those chests that help you get started on new maps).
10. No extra mods, you have to go full vanilla (don't worry, you can use Optifine)

And that's pretty much all there is to it! Feel free to record your attempts and post your times and gear that you had on this topic. I'll even throw in a Top 5 Leaderboard :> But if you should die before you get to a Village, still feel free to post how long you survived and what you had on hand when you died your horrible, painful death...

First Place:
Second Place:
Third Place:
Fourth Place:
Fifth Place:

Have fun :D


Aug 18, 2012
Reaction score
I tried this! Its pretty fun, I died a HORRIBLE death though... I was in a plains biome & i saw it a wonderful village (it was giant!) I didn't realise there was a creeper behind me. I cried so much that day :( I played for like EVER to find that village. I think I had diamond boots+helmet & a few iron tools, oh & a kitty!

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