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The minecraftsurvivalgames community


Jul 24, 2013
Reaction score
Let's be for real here. As of late mcsg/Mcgamer has not been what it used to be. I join a game look 4 teams of 2. Or I look in another game with a hacker. Then in another two kids flaming at everyone because they asked "Hi how are you?" Here are some key points I just want to make because I'm sick of people complaining about them.

People complaining about hackers - The thing is, hackers gunna hack! But in reality if you see a hacker just get on mcsg's teamspeak, poke a mod, and that's all. If you don't feel like that record them and report them on the forums. Let's be real as well. Let's say some guy in the mcsg community is well known for hacking (No examples I hate flame), and let's say he just so happens to get a fair amount of wins as a result of hacking. Everybody knows that that person won't be respected anyways. It's not an "mcsg problem" it's a "MINECRAFT problem". And if some 10 year old kid wants to download hacks let him.

People flaming in chat- So when I join a lobby I read chat for the most part. I normally see two people asking others to team. Chat teaming being a waste of time I like to offer my advice to them. I saw a guy with a 7/2000 ratio or so and I felt bad so I said to him “Hey dude want to learn how to do better?” He responded with “YES!” I said “Don’t chat team it’s a waste of time meeting up with a person and trying to find them”. His response is “THAT’S MEAN! I’M GOOD AT THIS GAME! YOU’RE MEAN!!!” What I said in chat was: “k have a nice day” In my head I’m thinking “-.-“. Some people in this community won’t change. I’ve seen specific people who like to be disrespectful. I saw someone who said in chat, “Yeah the donors definitely hacking.” Now since he spectated that hole game and I killed him and won the game I thought being a donor and all he meant me. So I said (Let’s call him Bob) “Bob, me?”. His response was “NO STOP BEING NOSEY” I screenshotted it and just thought about it for a second. I wanted to yell back “STOP ACTING LIKE THE WORLD REVOLVES AROUND YOU!” But he seemed like he would take everything to the heart and is butt hurt I said, “k bob”. I continued with my game and wrecked him later on and said “Nice fight”. He then proceeded to say in the next lobby, “Wow nice hacks MCOnThePCAndrew”. I just said, “k”. He then responded with “WOW YOU ADMITED TO HAX LOL GET BANNED.” I responded with, “I recall saying ‘k’”, then I left the lobby and laughed for a good 5 minutes. Lesson of the story “Don’t argue and just leave.”

Staff issues - I am about one hundred percent sick and tired with people complaining about how mcsg's team of staff not doing there job. If you see a hacker you have four options. 1.) Record them 2.) Poke a mod on mcsg's teamspeak 3.) Rage 4.) Nothing. The thing is mods DO their jobs to the best of their ability. From what I know I think mcsg has 100+ staff members. Let's think about it for a little bit. Staff members won't always be online. They don't live on mcsg like you thought your teachers lived in school in kindergarten. They're staff for a reason. Sure there are some staff members that don't do their jobs as well as some but they're staff for a reason. And as of late I've heard a lot of people complaining about life855 or Dave and how he does his job. Personally my opinion of the whole thing is that everyone makes mistakes and I think in that position other people would do a horrible job. And the best part is those are the people that give him the amount of hate he gets on a regular basis. Sure our staff isn't perfect but they are staff for a reason.

"GG" and "GF" - So I join games sometimes and I play the match any I eventually die and sometimes the person says "GG" or "GF". There are two meanings for each one. For GG it's either "Good game" or "Get good". Normally unless they follow it up with "Noob or nub" I really don't care because then I check there records and say "Get good" to their 1/100 ratio (I don't actually say this it's just an example). And for "GF" there are two meanings which are "Good fight" which I highly respect versus the meaning "Get f***ed". Now if they follow either if them up with "Nub" or "noob" I think "Get f***ed is what I thought when I killed you those 10+ times. But in reality who cares. They're normally 12 or under or just have a hard time in real life.
For more information on the topic watch a video made by cscoop on the topic at:

I made this thread because I've seen and heard so many people complaining about all of these things. I want people to link this to everyone they want to and try and fix our community to a better place to be a part of. I want to see how many people truly want to see these issue fixed. If you care please say:

I (Minecraft username), will do my best to record or contact a moderator if I see a hacker, to not flame or argue in chat, to not criticize staff, or really take the term "GG" too seriously.

And here is mine to prove that I care

I MCOnThePCAndrew, will do my best to record or contact a moderator if I see a hacker, to not flame or argue in chat, to not criticize staff, or really take the term "GG" too seriously.

Thanks for reading -Andrew


Blazerboy | Noah

District 13
Sep 5, 2012
Reaction score
thank you for posting this, now i get to remember that you tried to do something every time someone complains about hackers or staff or lag. they obviously read this post but did it anyway right? posts like this are just about as bad as the others.


District 13
Jul 23, 2013
Reaction score
Also, I have 15-20 hacker videos that I've reported. Guys, even if you don't have the best computer that only records with like 15 fps, don't worry. Any evidence is good evidence. Also, about the staff, don't judge until you actually know what they go through. I know a few mods, and they are constantly doing their jobs. Just because there's not always a mod in your game doesn't mean that there's no mods. Regarding flame and arguments, think before you act. Remember that there is a real person behind that computer with real feelings. YOu don't know what they're going through. Try your best to keep any hateful comments to yourself.

Tl;Dr: think about things before you complain about them.


Jul 24, 2013
Reaction score
Also, I have 15-20 hacker videos that I've reported. Guys, even if you don't have the best computer that only records with like 15 fps, don't worry. Any evidence is good evidence. Also, about the staff, don't judge until you actually know what they go through. I know a few mods, and they are constantly doing their jobs. Just because there's not always a mod in your game doesn't mean that there's no mods. Regarding flame and arguments, think before you act. Remember that there is a real person behind that computer with real feelings. YOu don't know what they're going through. Try your best to keep any hateful comments to yourself.

Tl;Dr: think about things before you complain about them.
Yes! wasn't there a thread on there is someone behind the other computer?


Feb 1, 2013
Reaction score
To be honest, the in-game community has never really been amazing so I don't really expect much from them. Being a VIP that isn't super well-known in the in-game community can either make people nicer around me or make them like 3 times worse, so I normally try to be friendly.


Jul 24, 2013
Reaction score
To be honest, the in-game community has never really been amazing so I don't really expect much from them. Being a VIP that isn't super well-known in the in-game community can either make people nicer around me or make them like 3 times worse, so I normally try to be friendly.
You're always my favorite forumer. You're funny :)


Jan 12, 2013
Reaction score
For some reason, I always think of GF as Gurrllfrannd.


Apr 26, 2014
Reaction score
When half the community is less than 12 years old, you can't expect a whole lot.


Jun 29, 2013
Reaction score
The problem is, since recently I no longer have the ability to record.
Whenever I fight a hacker I go on teamspeak and poke a mod, most of the moderators are "off duty" or "bizzy" sitting in a private channel with a bunch of other mods. Other mods just ignore me and afk on the teamspeak, honestly, 9/10 times no moderator responds/shows up.

Professor Nub

Jun 21, 2012
Reaction score
The problem is, since recently I no longer have the ability to record.
Whenever I fight a hacker I go on teamspeak and poke a mod, most of the moderators are "off duty" or "bizzy" sitting in a private channel with a bunch of other mods. Other mods just ignore me and afk on the teamspeak, honestly, 9/10 times no moderator responds/shows up.
That's actually true, although I think you could have worded it a bit better. There's some mods that I can consistently rely on even if they have sounds muted, but I even had one mod change his status to (US/CA Only) after I poked them for a hacker in AU.

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