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The humble hobo- my mcsg story


May 5, 2012
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Okay fine here it is.....
- As a boy Hobo liked to poke people. Hey enjoyed it when they yelled in pain. Then he moved onto hitting people , he enjoyed seeing them collapse onto the floor. He was expelled from his school after poking the teacher with a hobo stick yelling
It turned out the teacher did in fact have a pen15. As corporal punishment was allowed
in those days , hobo was beaten within an inch of his life and expelled the next
- 'Chapter 2 After school.


Hobo decided to give up trying to get into another school and once he announced
the news his parents kicked him out saying ''GEEETTT OUTTTAAA HEEERRREEE YOU
NO GOODNICK!'' (thats where the phrase comes from , commonly used by hobo).

He didn''t know where to go. He was homeless. Hobo had become a hobo. First thing
he realised was that he''d need to find shelter. He decided on living under a
bridge , beside an old abandoned castle.'
- 'He spent the next six months of his life putting up with the train that drove
over his house. He lived off scraps he found from the bins outside the air force
base. Oh and he had to put up with the sound of fighter jets too....

Then his life changed again!'

- 'Chapter 3 The war


Minecraft War 2 started while hobo was sleeping ontop of a lilly pad , counting
his hobosticks he''d collected from the nearby forest. He heard the sound of fighter
jets and he woke up.
- But he knew it was weird because the jets only flew at precisely 12:45 AM and he checked his clock he'd stolen and it was 1:43 AM! Now normally hobo's in daytime are grumpy enough , but a hobo awaken in the early ours of the morning is a recipe
for mass destruction. Infuriated he ran out of cover wielding 37 hobo sticks.
He was going to kill the people who woke him , no matter what! He spots a nearby
helicopter. He didnt care whether it was from his country''s military or the enemies
, he flung the hobostick with all his might and took down the helicopter! He screamed a
battle cry and stabbed , slashed and bonked his way through all the troops , battling
it out using powerful bows and tnt cannons! He ran through the hordes of the
soldiers , hobostick going so fast the human eye couldn't detect it. After one minecraft day (10 minutes) All of the troops where gone , including his own country's. The only living person within a 30 km radius was a blood thirsty hobo holding a stick ,
covered in blood and guts. Suddenly he heard a voice. He was not alone after
all! 'AHOY THERE MATEY!' There was a pirate ship coming up his river! Hobo
got ready to fight until he saw the figure. He had a black hat with a golden
buckle , a black eyepatch covering his right eye. A brown beard and blue eye. He was
wearing a light blue vest , with his belly poking out of it , full of rum. His
pants where brown with elaborate patterns weaved into them.

He wore no shoes.

- He would've stabbed him there and then until he glimpsed the yellow stain on the top of his trousers. A piss stain. He was a hobo!

Chapter 4 ExciteFame

===================''Ive come all the way from a land called Breeze Island!''
, The pirate said.

''I heard there was some good loot buried under this here castle!'' , he pointed
to the ruins beside his home.'
- '''My name is Excite. Excite Fame.'' He reached out with his hand. Hobo shook
it. Hobo told Excite what had happened. He ghasped when he heard he was woken
up. ''Serves them right! Nobody in their right minds would wake a hobo!'''
Hobo strokes his beard.

Excitefame was a pirate from a young age. When he was 7 he was captured by pirates when he was fishing. They took him aboard and took all his pennys. Then put him in a cell. He was sleeping
happily until the swaying ship woke him up. He stood up , steam coming out of his nose. Walked over to the bars keeping him in and with a mighty tug ripped the iron door off it's redstone hinge! He looked for the nearest weapon but all he could find was his fishing rod. But that was all he needed! He killed his prison guard with the sharp hook at the end of the rod , with such precision , it hit him right in the neck , killing him in seconds. He ran above the deck
He found he was surrounded! With a mighty roar he jumped on top of the sail. The clumsy pirates climbed up after him but where too slow. Excite used his fishing rod to knock them down , breaking every bone in their muscular bodies. He never missed.
After 10 minutes the entire crew was dead.

It was ExciteFame's ship now. He screamed ''I AINT DONE NOTHING'' when he saw a
little kid swimming in the waters near by , naked. The kid just said '' I won''t
tell anyone if you don''t tell anyone.''


-'The kid had a ginger beard. His name was flyfisher1.

''Good luck out there kid!''

Flyfisher stuck up the middle finger. Even at a young age flyfisher was a hobo
but thats a story for another day. Excite sailed off into the distance with
only a fishing rod'
.... and a crew of dead bodies.

'Chapter 5 The end for now


The two hobos continued their normal lives together , sailing the seven minecraft
seas and raiding any towns they found.

20 Minecraft Years Later

'They where chillaxing on their boat , parked in a cave located on the coast of
a dense spruce wood forest , next to a large fort they''d just looted.
Suddenly they heard a knock on the door of their captain''s quarters. It was about
10 armed men in white suits. One was wearing a stupid hat. His name was Variede. He took them captive and held them in his high tec training center. He was preparing them for the 1st Survival Games.

THE END - for now...


May 5, 2012
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k I wrote this story a while ago on a minecraft book. Thats why the formatting is all weird. The book will be available in the Rugged Lands.

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