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The Banana's Story


May 19, 2012
Reaction score
Writing stories is totally in right now soo why not do one myself. My MCSG career started sometime in April of 2012. Being a complete nub like many other newcomers I was the one who'd walk around the forest of SG1 or explore the farthest islands, mostly surviving for a very long time half starved with leather pants and a wooden axe (and the Steve skin!!) simply because no one could find me. One day after a long streak of unsuccessful games which had started at the beginning of my SG time I was in a situation of me with a stone axe chasing someone who had no weapon, that player being Rougefox14. I stopped and asked her to team and she agreed. We played together for a while, us24 being our meeting up server and she introduced me to IEclipseIGraal, now also known as Celsur and Attention_Seeker while I got Rinaly and PuckLuck14 to join our group. Rougefox14 pretty much taught me the ways of the survival games and not long after I managed to acquire my first win (solo)! I was super exited and from then on it only went uphill. We were a great team, occasionally even managing to take out members of the Cyan Voltz who during that time dominated MCSG even if we were outnumbered and outarmed. As our team of 5 (Rougefox14, IEclipseIGraal, Attention_Seeker, PuckLuck14 and me) we went on to win many games together and by the end of December 2012 I had managed to climb to 189 wins. Then the CA servers came out and that was a blast. For the first day and a half I was mostly talking with Kerbals and during that time he rocketed to 41 wins, trying to shake off the competition of SluttyPig (@iFanyo) but after reaching that amount of wins Kerbals quit back to US servers. But SluttyPig wasn't the only one racing for the top of CA, Slam_Burger, illumina1337, ScrewYouGumby2 (and a little later on me) also had the same objective. Somehow I managed to get to 80 wins before anyone else and for a short time dominate the top of CA but then quit for about two weeks and got passed majorly. But I was still managing to keep up and then two things happened that made me shoot up to 3rd, Slam_Burger being banned for alt account and Sluttypig being banned for inappropriate name. But the battle between illumina1337 and ScrewYouGumby2 lasted on. Sadly the CA leaderboards were never released and Gumby2 went back to the US servers. But it was a great and intense time and I made a lot of friends back then, everyone mentioned above and many more like ohheyitscarly (incidents might have happened :p ), snoopyk9, InfinitySx3, kristier12, NewYorkKidd9 and others... The groups often changed but what never changed was the friendship between IEclipseIGraal, Attention_Seeker and me. Now I'm here and have my own clan and many people I love to talk to. I hope I didn't forget anyone/anything that happened during the time worth mentioning.
P.S: Love you DPinky, Illumina1337, Slagguaron, billyguy1, Str33t


Nov 16, 2012
Reaction score
Its sad seeing my little floohohohoho growing up so fast ;( hes a big boy now. Make mother proud flo


May 19, 2012
Reaction score
I might still edit it a bit, put some more details in lacking places

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