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Thank you all!


District 13
Dec 9, 2012
Reaction score
I haven't made a thread like this, and I have people to thank.
I've became moderator about two days ago, and I am so grateful for having awesome friends.

Thank you...

@ulthar - Being my first friend, and a nub. :p
@OnlyMathias - Being my first moderator friend, and a very supportive one at that. :)
@Denster91 - Being an awesome friend, and supportive. Keep on being awesome!
@The Arena Master - Being an awesome walrus. Keep those tusks clean, buddy!
@TeamApollo - You guys don't get enough credit. I know I was a jerk in the pass, and it was immature of me. You're all awesome people, and personally, I owe most of my friends to you guys. Thank you so much.
@Theoretical - You're an awesome and funny friend. I'm grateful you're my friend, and grateful to Team Apollo for introducing us.
@HalfSquirrel - sileh nub. :p You're an awesome guy, and a great forumer. keep bein nub k
@CaptButterToast - I remember the days, back when you were on bfrechette. At one point in time, I did dislike you because you kind of "took over" Team Apollo in a way, which for some reason I got kind of worked up on, but I'm pass that now. I'm glad we're starting to talk again. :3
@Ginger - You're an awesome, all-around funny guy. I'm glad you created Team Apollo, introducing me to a lot of cool people.
@duckluv321 - Silly duck. :p You're one of my favorite forumers, you're supportive, and funny. Thank you for being my friend. :)
@henryp909 - For being a nub. <3
@Captain - For being an awesome friend. :)
@Happyhose - Being one of my first friends, and an awesome one. :) We need to play more often.
@PikachuPro - Interview buddies. <3 Good luck!
@CAmadeusA - Being an awesome, fun guy to hang out with. When I found out you were interviewing me, I was so glad. :D
To those who also interviewed me - Thank you for allowing me to be on the staff team. I won't let you guys down! :) I remember when I was so nervous, but the interview was awesome. Did the cardinals win?

And to everyone else (and those who I probably missed - sorry :c) - Thank you!! Thank you so much for being a part of this community, and supporting me. <3
Thank you.​

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