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Team battles tactics


Dec 24, 2012
Reaction score
As promised, here is the team battle tactics thread (This applies for 2 vs 2 team battles, 4 vs 4, or even 3 vs 3 vs 3, etc.).

1. Never over-commit; don't chase someone down, even if they have something you may need. It's always better to live to fight another day, and maybe save your teammate(s). I've learned this the hard way. However, if your teammate(s) is/are with you, and OK, then pursue the guy if he has really good gear that you need.

2. Use a "Tag team" strategy. If you aren't familiar with what this means, it's pretty much an idea that (In a team of 2), by one person going in at a time, then pulling out, then the other going in, to let his teammate regain health, that you will win a 2 vs 1 (Providing that you don't have nothing while fighting a guy with full iron armor or something along those lines :p). This would also work in a 3 vs 1, with the same concept as a 2 on 1, but with the 3rd member attacking from behind, cutting off your enemy's escape.

3. Do as much damage as possible at long range. By maximizing the damage output you and your team can do at long range with arrows, it may be the difference once you go into hand to hand combat. This is an especially good idea if your team/teammate doesn't have as good gear as the opposition.

4. When fighting over spawn prior to refill, don't feel obligated to fight and die, even if it means your team might win the fight. It's a better idea to either a) Get as many other tier 2/3's as possible, or hide near spawn, then when the opposition has their noses buried in chests, attack and take them by surprise. This also applies to my next tip!

5. When getting loot at refill, try to keep one team member on guard. Many players/teams will hide near spawn for refill, and then when the teams look into chests, they attack. It's a very smart tactic, and often will work, either by a) Killing the team who was at spawn or b) Chasing them away. By keeping a teammate on "guard duty", you can prevent this. Don't be greedy!

Just to be clear, these tips are based on my opinions and personal experiences. I'm not a professional! There are many better MCSG players! If you have other tips, I would be happy to include them in this post (I will cite the author who suggested the idea). Thanks for reading!


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