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Taking a Break & My Apology & My MCSG Story


Apr 12, 2014
Reaction score
As you are probably wondering what the title really means. It means that I really wanted to say thanks for a lot for memories and fun times I've had in a while. But, it is time for me to go. Yes, I am about to quit for the 10th time. After all these threads I have been making is causing too much chaos and drama. Drama isn't what you really want, it can really hurt your feelings and what you are going through in life. I was missing the fact that I was wasting my time in front of the screen of cyber bullying & video games. Another thing is that I was losing my friends which makes that I have literally no friends. Yes! I did say NO friends. You guys are probably saying that how would you lose your friends? It's not like that, when you are in front of a screen playing video games and online talking to strangers that could be using "VoiceChangers", also that includes that you are losing your social life skills too. For example my "friends" that use to be my friends will no text to me anymore since I am not even talking to them or hanging out with them. Just because I am so addicted to Minecraft and I thought this game would help me feel better, since I was going through such a hard time such as divorced parents, and other stuff that I shouldn't be talking about. The best thing to recover my "old friends" and to get back on the right path is to quit Minecraft & the internet. People don't understand that Cyber Bullying can be very hurtful and it is the most leading thing to cause people to commit suicide. Towards the people that think Cyber Bullying is funny and can't hurt you. Well, in that case it can hurt you and as well you could get arrested. Take a look around the entire world, an example would be Africa. Tons of people are DYING in Africa since they don't have what we have. Seriously, take things for granted and you should be thankful that you have food & water. Please don't say Cyber Bullying solves you're problems. It really doesn't at all, it just makes it worst. In that case I did a lot of reasoning's & explaining of why I am quitting. Now shall we move on to my "Apology to MCSG Community".

Hey every person who may be reading this, I just wanted to say that I'm sorry. I, MC_Narwhal, am known for cussing at people, being extremely crude and disrespectful, and just being a Feminine Hygene Product in general. I've recently had an epiphany that I don't want to be like that anymore. I now understand that everyone doesn't take insults and rude comments so lightly, even on the internet. On one of Alex's old servers, called LavaPvP, I had a discussion with a former moderator, ISnowI. I had the same mentality on LavaPvP as I did on here. He told me that I shouldn't insult people for fun, and that it isn't the right thing to do. Naturally, with my mindset, I completely ignored it, and continued to do the same things, insulting, and making people feel bad. I now know how inconsiderate I've been this whole time. I feel guilty for doing all the terrible things I have, and I know this is probably a lot to ask, but if some of you could find a way to forgive me, I would greatly appreciate it. As previously stated, I was extremely disrespectful and mean, but I would like to apologize to some specific people. Firstly, Yozy_XD. Abusing you on Skype, and on MCSG was the wrong thing to do, and I'm sorry. I know we haven't really had a good relationship for the past year, but I don't want to be hostile anymore, and I hope you can do the same. Next, Barnaby113. Back on MCSG, I relentlessly hit you with insults :/ We're cool now, but I still felt like an apology directly to you was needed. In addition, I've disrespected most of the mods a lot. GamingSensationz, it wasn't considerate of me to make fun of you getting mod, you obviously did a lot to earn the position, and I shouldn't have disrespected you like that. I'm cognizant of my actions now, and I would like to make my way up to being known as a respectful MCSG player. So, I know this is probably even more to ask, but I would really, really appreciate it if you all could let me have a "fresh start" of sorts. Again, I'm extremely sorry for my actions. To anyone who I've been mean to, I can't blame you in the slightest for not accepting this apology, maybe this a futile attempt to be respected on the server, but I feel as if I have to make this. Thank you all for reading, I hope you can forgive and forget <3.

So Where do we start...
Before I start talking about MCSG, let's talk about how I got into the server. So one day I was on youtube just searching up music videos to look at and and listen too. Then, I came across to a Bajancandian the "popular" youtuber or whatever you want to call him. Until, I was watching his videos I thought it was very cool to watch and then I saw the hunger games video which was on the fridge's servers I believe. Anyways I really did like watching BajanCandian and then I search up on the search bar on the topic of "Survival Games", since I was so interested the game and the first thing that popped up was a video by "TOXICWASTEII". Many of you know he was most famous of his Voice cracks & the fishing rod technique. I was so shocked how he was so good at the Hunger games/Survival games. Right away I got the server ip which was MCSG and I played 24/7 In that case I wasn't winning any games I sucked so bad. Yes, you do expect that you will start off nooby. Every single deathmatch I would always be full leather with wood axe, or either no armor. This was back in the MCSGv1 days, I wasn't here in the beginning of MCSG & MCGAMERv1. I had played this game I think in 7th grade or 8th grade, somewhere around there. It was the most fun game I've ever enjoyed. Although, I am bit disappointed that I didn't get achieve one of my top main goal which was to get 1,000 wins. There are several reasons why I didn't get 1,000 wins, which was clans was involved. Clans had been a big impact to me, since I had made my very first "online friend" through clans. Clans had been chaos and held so much wonderful memories. My first couple friends was "WasabiChicken2" & "Max5522", thank you guys for making me a very good PvPer, especially Max5522 did the most of the work. He would always help me get better at strafing. For example Max tells me what my weaknesses whenever we 1v1 on VastPvP and then I ask him "what is strafing" LOL. This cracked me up a lot when I was looking back the past where Minecraft had been the biggest interest to me. I do give Max the most credit, he has given me so much lessons. One day I wish I can meet him. He's a very good guy, by what I mean that is he has never swear towards me and he would always keep a good-way attitude. Thanks Max5522 means alot dude. I would still have sucked, if you hadn't been on MCSG. Moving on, There is so much to give people credit but, I am only going to include a couple that have impacted me. Not saying that I hate you guys or dislike you guys. It's just it will take a lot more effort, yes in that case that counts as me being lazy. I want to say thanks to my clan members to the clans that I have made, it was a whole alot of fun. MCSG was filled with so much fun times & memories. Here are some really good friends I have meet.


Thanks again everybody and I wish you the best of luck for the coming future.
Last edited:


Nov 28, 2014
Reaction score
Wow, That takes alot of courage to do that and I admire you for doing that. Good luck :D


District 13
Dec 8, 2013
Reaction score
It's always great to see someone realising they have done something wrong and taking full responsibility and apologizing for it c: You sir, have gained my respect.


Apr 12, 2014
Reaction score
It's always great to see someone realising they have done something wrong and taking full responsibility and apologizing for it c: You sir, have gained my respect.
Thanks! I really appreciate it, and to earn your respect even better :D
Jun 15, 2014
Reaction score
So sad to see you go dude, only been playing with you for a while now and I have enjoyed all of it. We have fought in the past, but you're a good guy.. people will be able to forgive you.

Good luck with your future, until you choose to return. <33


Sep 6, 2014
Reaction score
I'm really sorry for everything you have been through and I'm glad I had the privilege of meeting you. I hope you can reunite with your old friends maybe we could play something (any game) if you decide on coming back. And I'll be able to talk to you on Skype if you ever feel like you need a friend!
PS that was written really well, I would hire you for any job with an application that well written!
Sep 2, 2014
Reaction score
I enjoyed every moment when playing MCSG and talking to you on skype Ronan. You have changed my skills alot and probably my most closest online friend. Hopefully leaving the MCSG Community will benefit you <3

Cory <3


Dec 13, 2013
Reaction score
Allg man, if you come back maybe we would be friends ;3


Apr 12, 2014
Reaction score
I'm really sorry for everything you have been through and I'm glad I had the privilege of meeting you. I hope you can reunite with your old friends maybe we could play something (any game) if you decide on coming back. And I'll be able to talk to you on Skype if you ever feel like you need a friend!
PS that was written really well, I would hire you for any job with an application that well written!
Thanks, I really Loved meeting you You have being really supportive of a friend etc and Hahah, I spent awhile writing that, GOod you noticed ;)


Apr 12, 2014
Reaction score
I enjoyed every moment when playing MCSG and talking to you on skype Ronan. You have changed my skills alot and probably my most closest online friend. Hopefully leaving the MCSG Community will benefit you <3

Cory <3
Really? Thats really cool to hear! <3 I will miss you but we can still talk every now and then :)

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