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Taking a Break from MCSG.



Hi MCSG members!

My name is Mystro (not really, I mean my forum name), but if you've ever seen me in game it'd be with the IGN tonei39. I mainly play AU, or should I say mainly PLAYED AU as I am now taking a break, I'm not sure how long for. I'm not really that well known by the MCSG community, except for some reason a lot of people think that I hack.

The first time I ever played MCSG was in MCSG v1, with the very first lobby. I was pretty awful at the game then. I played for quite a while before eventually moving between a bunch of different SG servers, the one I played on the most was The Fridge, but it no longer exists. I went through a few different servers when it shut down and ended up back at MCSG, around October last year. Since then I have played 1.6k games and gotten a lot better, now being in the top 10k. I had a really fun time for quite a while, and then something happened. Around a month or 2 ago there started being hackers in nearly every 3rd game, and there started being massive teams in the games that didn't have hackers, I'm talking teams of 4+. The game stopped being fun, it was almost impossible to have a good game and the hackers kept increasing, while most mods (not mentioning any names) sat around in the lobby moderating chat instead of fixing the real issue. This is why I'm taking a break. I've got a lot on my plate at the moment and the last thing I need is people ruining one of the few things I enjoy and making it more frustrating than fun.

Anyway that's really it, you may see me on the forums time to time but it'll be a while before I start playing properly.

- Mystro

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